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Most anticlimactic Skyrim moment?


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I was watching Jesse Cox's (OMFG:Cata) Sklyrim videos, and at one point he said, "It would be very anticlimactic if after killing a dragon, I got killed by a mudcrab." Has anyone had moments like this? I mean, where you did something epic only to have a ridiculously anticlimactic moment almost immediately afterwards?


I haven't yet in Skyrim, but once in Oblivion I finished off some tough bandits in a cave and turned to leave...only to blunder into a trap and die.

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I defeated legions of Potema's minions, watched her be resurrected, defeated more minions, went into special catacombs, saw her ghostly visage, had her hyped up by basically everyone to be an unstoppable force of wrath and necromancy, and thought, 'Wow, this is awesome'.


I thought I was reaching the climax when...

I picked up a skull. The end.

Edited by Rennn
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Getting my DVD opening night, taking it home with great hope and interest only to find I needed STEAMypile and a 2.5 hours download to play the game. The anti-climax continues if you want or need to reload your game. Oh, let me rephrase that. Its not your game. It never was. Its a lease and you can be terminated from it at any time they deem you an undesireable.
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Getting my DVD opening night, taking it home with great hope and interest only to find I needed STEAMypile and a 2.5 hours download to play the game. The anti-climax continues if you want or need to reload your game. Oh, let me rephrase that. Its not your game. It never was. Its a lease and you can be terminated from it at any time they deem you an undesireable.


This. Oh god, this. The worst part is that since I was annoyed with having to download it I looked on the disk. There's 5GB of stuff on the disk! Why the hell do I have to download the game if it's already on the disk? Did the developers decide to put 5GB of cat pictures on the DVD instead?

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Getting my DVD opening night, taking it home with great hope and interest only to find I needed STEAMypile and a 2.5 hours download to play the game. The anti-climax continues if you want or need to reload your game. Oh, let me rephrase that. Its not your game. It never was. Its a lease and you can be terminated from it at any time they deem you an undesireable.


You are aware it is possible to install skyrim off the disk?

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If I was aware I could install a working copy from the disk, My dislike for STEAMypile would not be so freely distributed here. As far as I know, what you have on and as your disk constitutes the make up for a coaster for a cup of tea. Edited by Brandy_123
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The ending was anti-climactic. Hell, the whole main plot was. I found the Dark Brotherhood story much more fun.




Nothing is more anticlimactic than finishing this game. That said, you can smell the crappy ending a mile away. I mean, it's not like this level of writing is good enough to even be in a daytime soap opera.

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The Forsworn quest mini-series. What feels like the start of a proper quest line involving being a part of a collection of displaced Bretons ends with you either getting a ring or an enchanted armor set and being told "Oh, and the Forsworn hate you again. Bhai!". Though I did get a kick out of rescuing the girl who normally gets killed at the start.
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