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Most anticlimactic Skyrim moment?


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The game is full of them. I preffer to think of most of them as ... built in mod opportunities... maybe that's being overly optimistic though...


This, the world looks lovely and some of the art direction is great but the rest of it feels half arsed and phoned in.

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I've had quite a few of these moments, cleared out some tower on mountain, finger slips and I whirlwind sprint off the top and die. Those spinning blade traps in dwemer ruins have gotten me many times as well. Doing so many of the thieves guild quests only to still be insulted by other members. I've had more (and better) ones but they're not coming to mind right now. Thankfully I can reload because the dragonborn in my game can be a real dumbass sometimes.




Side note: Is it possible that this will not turn into another steam bashing thread. I think the op is talking about in game random events, from the example he gave. Not the fact that you didn't read the part on the box that said steam is required, or that you agreed to the same user-end agreement as countless non-steam games (developers are the only ones who ever "own" a game). I don't care for steam but it just gets old reading the same rants over and over.

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I'll share three.


1) After 2 weeks of playing Skyrim on PS3, I went out and bought it on PC (lol don't ask why). I get home and discover I need to download steam for Skyrim. :mad:


2) After killing FIVE GIANTS a bandit with fur armour runs at me with a steel longsword and shield. Despite having full daedric, I still die.


3) Pointing toward the fact that people are bashing the main storyline, the only bad part of it was when I used my firebreath shout on the greybeards.

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Pretty much all of the story lines. I get the feeling that Bethesda just released a good basic framework on which to allow the public to build a truly awesome game. There are a lot of things I like about the game but the writing leaves a lot to be desired.
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The game is full of them. I preffer to think of most of them as ... built in mod opportunities... maybe that's being overly optimistic though...


This, the world looks lovely and some of the art direction is great but the rest of it feels half arsed and phoned in.



alas, this is par for the course with the TES games since oblivion :(

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Mages Guild without a doubt, crawling through long ass dungeons on fetch quests time and time again just to have a boss fight that consists of shooting an innanimate object with a staff a couple of times then to be rewarded with an ugly ass poncho. Hoorah?
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I always felt the running battle with the previous boss meant that they made the last fight easier.


My own most disappointing moment was having a dragon land for me to complete the epic fight and then have giant walk up and kill it with a single shot. And it wasn't even a vanilla dragon, it was one of those mighty super Deadly Dragons Dragons. I think it was a snow dragon. Yeah, deadly...


Oh, and the end of the last thieves guild quest. By rights we should have had to out run a boulder or something.

Edited by Triaxx2
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Honestly, countless moments. Being dissed after completing the Thieves Guild was a shocker, since they dissed you in the beginning too. There's too much meanness in this game between strangers, and it never relents, no matter what you do.


There are good moments, too, but even some of those fall flat....like after you kill a dragon then absorb the soul and the people stand around and "I've never seen anything like THAT before," etc., and then....nothing. No reputation change. Then, you go back to Whiterun and get the sweetroll line from some MF guard. I'll cut off your damn sweetrolls, moron.


A hug from my wife would be nice, but no. Not even that. Just words, and who needs more words from a spouse? :) Just sayin.

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Honestly, countless moments. Being dissed after completing the Thieves Guild was a shocker, since they dissed you in the beginning too. There's too much meanness in this game between strangers, and it never relents, no matter what you do.


There are good moments, too, but even some of those fall flat....like after you kill a dragon then absorb the soul and the people stand around and "I've never seen anything like THAT before," etc., and then....nothing. No reputation change. Then, you go back to Whiterun and get the sweetroll line from some MF guard. I'll cut off your damn sweetrolls, moron.


A hug from my wife would be nice, but no. Not even that. Just words, and who needs more words from a spouse? :) Just sayin.


All of what this man said.


I've enjoyed the game anyway, but there is something truly disappointing about how static the reactions you get from people are. Take Whiterun, for example. I warn them of the dragons, help (if not almost single handedly) kill the first dragon slain in living memory, get named Thane, buy a house, help out every single person in town I can help, prove instrumental in saving the city from being overrun by the Stormcloaks... and the guards still all give me lip every time they see me and Irileth continues to treat me like a stranger worthy only of scorn and suspicious.


No matter what you do, where you go, or the titles you hold, everyone still acts like you're just some nobody adventurer they can boss around and treat like any other murder-hobo out there. Even if the world is never physically changed by your actions, you'd at least think the people would care, but... nope. At best, you'll randomly get a line from someone you've helped about how they like you.


Of course, another thing I that disappointed me was how many assumptions the game makes about your character. You're often informed of traits about your character that you might not want to be true (see: The Taste of Death) or that are just blatantly untrue. After having my character work his butt off chopping wood, hunting, and crafting goods to afford or handcraft every last thing he owned, walking into Riften and having Brynjolf tell my character that he hadn't earned any of it WITHOUT the option of "Punch this smug bastard" in the dialog ticked me off and disappointed me to no end.

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Honestly, countless moments. Being dissed after completing the Thieves Guild was a shocker, since they dissed you in the beginning too. There's too much meanness in this game between strangers, and it never relents, no matter what you do.
This. When i was playing it i was thinking "They'll stop annoying me any moment now... just after this quest" After being declared guild master, they still treat me like the most useless thing in the place.


I thought it was painfully obvious that the first thing Beth would change after being declared GM was changing Dirge's dialogue, its like the first thing that comes to mind "Im going to talk to dirge to hear what he has to say now" but no, no change at all.

Mages Guild without a doubt, crawling through long ass dungeons on fetch quests time and time again just to have a boss fight that consists of shooting an innanimate object with a staff a couple of times then to be rewarded with an ugly ass poncho. Hoorah?

This. That quest had the potential of being Main Quest material, the Eye felt like finding a second heart of Lorkhan but the quest pacing was horrible and many things were left unanswered, like the Psijic, where they came from, if they're returning, how Ysgramor found the Eye, what he planned to do with it, what the f. was the Eye in the first place, and so on.


I played the whole quest with this face :psyduck: i just never knew what was going on, what was at stake, what the Psijic wanted, etc. I was just fetching stuff and suddenly everything was solved and im the Arch Mage now :confused:


I think that Beth thought the whole thing as the means to get to be Archmage, instead of the quest being the means and the ends of itself.

Edited by eltucu
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