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feels like your the only living person? (MODDER ?)


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It's an enormous game. It's why I overlook the enormous amount of bugs in it. The vampire thing still gets on my nerves though... *shakes fist*.

yer it really is, and not that buggy considering this in my oppinion.

the vampire part there are some AWESOME mods already made which makes this aspect a lot better (you actually feel like a really powerful vampire) if you search vampire and sort by endurse its really easy to find em ^^.





Personal attacks on other members of this site are not acceptable. Had this been included in the rest of a post perhaps I would have let you off with a warning. Since this is the ONLY things you had to say...a Strike for you. I suggest you review the rules of this site before posting again....and check the attitude at the door.~Lisnpuppy

wow i am impressed at the moderators on this forum :D awesome to see such fast reactions. thumps up! :D


I have every sympathy with the OPs position, its as if the world and player are two completely seperate things. Nothing I do makes the slightest bit of difference to anything or anybody, the zombie like player character doesn't help, the player character just stares blankly ahead no matter what is going on around him/her, the character looks disconnected, bored and disinterested, much like I do when playing.

i thank you for your sympathy :)

as one of the nice people said i should i am now looking a bit on some idea's of how you could improve this thing, it would need to be something which touch every npc of type x,b,a depending on different factor x,o,d.

but it takes a little time to lure :P will link.

and then hope that some one can mod/script this, since i got no idea how to do this (never tried and it seems like a giant project to scribt all that ^^)

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Two Worlds wasn't a very impressive game, but it had a lot more depth in the NPCs. If your level was significantly higher than a bandit, and you had high enough fame (or infamy) the bandits would try to reason with you.


There are a few examples in Skyrim, but not many. I have had followers refuse to pick a lock or attack a non-aggresive NPC. Some followers might even turn you in for crimes. Also, I do like the fact that sometimes dragons will not attack you. If you could extend that AI to other animals it would be a lot more immersive. Imagine a Sabre Cat who just decides to leave because they aren't hungry for Ebony?

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I would have to agree that more natural behaviors from animals would be better. Most animals will normally attack only if threatened, protecting their young, or starving/sick. They'll make threat displays more often than not before attacking. Most bears/wolves/and by extension sabre cats don't prefer humanoids as a possible food source.


Morrowind had a really good mod called Passive Healthy Wildlife. Skyrim could benefit from something similar.

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Always surprised that people who don't like the game take the time and trouble to seek out a forum to air their grievances instead of just shrugging walking away, and finding a game they like better...


As to the OPs point though: This isn't really a Sim type game, where people you meet in caves and dungeons interact like the average Man on the Street, or wild animals behave as they do in the real world. It's an adventure type game, and adventure means conflict. Given this fact, I think the NPC behavior is pretty darn good-- If you play it a bit longer and do favors for people, you'll see that they DO remember you and enjoy having you around. If you hurt or betray them, they remember that, too-- and respond accordingly.


I've played this series since Daggerfall, and enjoyed each installment for what it had to offer. I think vanilla Skyrim is more enjoyable than the unmodded versions of Morrowind or Oblivion. Yeah, there are things I'd change-- the return of custom spell making, at least one or two more slots for armor, better inventory and smoother scrolling pointer-- but when I look at the hours I've played, I've certainly got my moneys worth!

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Always surprised that people who don't like the game take the time and trouble to seek out a forum to air their grievances instead of just shrugging walking away, and finding a game they like better...


As to the OPs point though: This isn't really a Sim type game, where people you meet in caves and dungeons interact like the average Man on the Street, or wild animals behave as they do in the real world. It's an adventure type game, and adventure means conflict. Given this fact, I think the NPC behavior is pretty darn good-- If you play it a bit longer and do favors for people, you'll see that they DO remember you and enjoy having you around. If you hurt or betray them, they remember that, too-- and respond accordingly.


I've played this series since Daggerfall, and enjoyed each installment for what it had to offer. I think vanilla Skyrim is more enjoyable than the unmodded versions of Morrowind or Oblivion. Yeah, there are things I'd change-- the return of custom spell making, at least one or two more slots for armor, better inventory and smoother scrolling pointer-- but when I look at the hours I've played, I've certainly got my moneys worth!

i am still surpriced at the idiocy and disrespect some people shows.(you see what i did here?)


first of if you read the thread and not just scimmed the the title you would know that the sims argument have already been shot to the ground: go read the post before you post.

it's NOT a adventure game and judging from you even calling it that show you absolutely got no idea what a "adventure" game actually is or what criteriars brings it in that catagori. saying something that is completely wrong then calling it facts is just insulting to the intellect of the commen people -_-


actually with that in mind i don't think there is anything more to say to you, if you don't get why people would add their thought to what they think would be a mod that improve stuff in a elder scroll game then you clearly do not understand the nature of the serie or how it developes.

let me sum up.


1. you are rude from the start and contecenting, which is just insulting considering your wrong and really you shouldn't try to sound better or knowing when you clearly got no idea about the subject you are talking about.

2. you got no idea about game genres AT ALL!!! and you should really go check on this before arguing anything about the "facts" of what is normal for that "game genre".

3. you played all games in the serie but still doesnt understand that the games are made for community developement more then a finished and polished game project.

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erebus2075, I agree with your point, plus you deserve a kudos for your last post ;-)



Well I completely disagree with his last post and saw no justification for flying off the handle like that. There's something to be said for making your point in a civil manner and not just ripping another poster because you think he's wrong. You don't have to agree but lets stay calm here. To suddenly go with the "you know nothing about genres" and all... I mean, what? How did you get so mad at such a mild comment, that by the way actually made some good points?


edit: and erebus didn't you congratulate the moderator for warning the guy way back on the first page? You talk about being rude and disrespectful and so far that last post of yours is the most rude and disrespectful one in this thread.

Edited by thompsonar
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In his first post OP simply expressed an opinion (skyrim feels a bit empty, that's true) and suggested that it would be great if modders "could give the world some more personality". And it's true that in TES npc's got the depth of a puddle in charecter personality.


The old argument "TES vs Sims" is... well, old and boring. And "Moron" as an answer seems to me a bit far more off the handle, rude and disrespectful than anything said by any other person in this thread.


BTW yes, people who don't like the game and paid for it are entitled to air their grievances on a forum and suggest improvements like the OP did. Unless the forum is called "Bethsoft forums" that is.

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i thank you for your sympathy :)

as one of the nice people said i should i am now looking a bit on some idea's of how you could improve this thing, it would need to be something which touch every npc of type x,b,a depending on different factor x,o,d.

but it takes a little time to lure :P will link.

and then hope that some one can mod/script this, since i got no idea how to do this (never tried and it seems like a giant project to scribt all that ^^)


It would be one hell of an undertaking, there's nothing much there to begin with, it's Oblivion all over again which is a shame because they seemed to be heading in the right direction with Fallout 3. I've been playing the hell out of New Vegas, I decided to have a break from it and give Skyrim another go, I saw just how huge the gulf in depth really is. Compare the companions in New Vegas and to a lesser extent those in Fallout 3 to the empty shells in Skyrim, that's just one area, compare the factions, characters and just about everything else bar the gameworld. As I said in another thread I'd love to see a game where Bethesda built the gameworld and Obsidian filled it.


I don't know what this talk of Sims is all about, I wanted an immersive RPG, what I got was a hiking simulator with some dodgy combat tacked on. At least it's moddable, hours of enjoyment can be gained from messing around with mods.

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As I said in another thread I'd love to see a game where Bethesda built the gameworld and Obsidian filled it.

Agreed. The people and mechanics of NV are great. However the world they exist in is lacking character. I love the Capital Wasteland, but love the gameplay and npcs of NV more.

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