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need a creation club category


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title, love it or hate it the nexus does need a category for mods that require creation club, only reason I say this is I was looking for mods to improve the CC items a bit and well its a bit hard to do that at the moment.



note: no clue if this topic is in the right section, and please leave creation club debate out of this.

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Why would they need category for it? Any mod that needs it should say so in the required tab and information tab. For the record, I know nothing about the creation club so I am not trying to debate it one way or the other.

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more so that when some one is looking for something for ruins edge form CC they can go to that category instead of searching and having to shift through the mod versions. (least likely to happen, the arrow mod one is the biggest, trying to find a bug fix for that cause while the elemental explosives are nice the two big ones are bugged)

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I doubt the Nexus can add such forum section. Most likely because of legal reasons. What the specifics would be I honestly don't know. After all, the whole Skyrim and Fallout forums are based on Bethesda games, so why not a section on the CC? Just for some reason I can't put my finger on, I'm confident that it would have to do with legalities. Maybe someone trained in business law concerning this could comment?

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