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Help with Thepal 1.5 Nude Mod


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HI all,

Please excuse my newb status; but I cannot get the Thepal Nude 1.5 to work. I used NMM to install the mod, it did its thing wihtout error and I can see the new files for the female actors in my Skrim Data directory Meshes and Textures folders. Is there some other mod I need or a trigger inside the game that removes the clothes?


The readme says you need the "main mod" but I do not know what that is or where to find it. All I DL was Nude_Females_v1-5.7z.


When I continue my game, all the women are stil dressed.


thanks for helping

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It works as I use this mod too :)


Another way to remove female clothing would be to have a high enough pickpocket skill to remove equipped items and of course sneak up and steal the clothes off their backs so to speak.


Of course if it happens to be a Female Bandit that you have killed then by taking all items they will also be nude.

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Hi Rabbit,

Thanks for the party time spell suggestion. I have since confirmed that the nude worked, but only when I pickpocket or kill. The party time loaded through NMM okay, but when I use the prompt to activate it the reply is that the "script cannot be compiled". I am using player.addspell 01000D64. I use 01, because that is the number next to the mod in NMM. I even tried using my player name instead of player, and it had a different error (about the value attribute not recognized). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Wait...are you trying to remove other NPC's clothes or your own? You can open console, click on target NPC, type ~unequipall or ~removeallitems (not sure which is the one that works) then enter, close console. All items should be removed from that one NPC you clicked on. To remove your own just unequip the items.
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