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Massive Hidden Western Landscape Waiting To Be Developed


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Great now we'll never finsh this game. :thumbsup:


I can't wait to see what creation our modders come up with. How big is this game anyways? The land mass or digital landscape must be huge.

the actual land mass of the entire digital landscape would be around 4-5x the skyrim land mass but without the props(trees, NPCS, buildings ect)

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"“The reason they are there – and I will not say if we are or are not using them in the future – is when we first built the landmass for Skyrim we knew we were going to have these tall mountains.


And what can you see see? We have views early in the project where you can see into the [neighbouring] province from the other game. We needed to have something [there].


It’s not high detail. If you walk there, from a distance it’s…yeah, the stuff is there. And the thinking is, maybe we’ll use it one day, but our larger worry was, I’m going to climb up on top of a mountain and look that way. What will I be able to see there? We try to cover all those angles as much as we can."





Could they use it for DLC? Maybe. but their main design was so people had something to look at if they climbed on to of the mountain.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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Skyrim is filled with unused landmasses to the west, to the east to the south (Even a little in the north), all free to use its for this reason thet i love the people that add new landmasses :) Edited by yota71
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Well I´m working on a mod set in morrowind but when I tried to make stuff in the actuall morrowind the game crashes so I have to create a new worldspace and even that is bugged full of invisible landmass -.- and dragons flying through the ground. Edited by scot
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If it was BSG's intention to add in some landscape past the mountains for players to see that there is at least something there, then they could have just made a small bit of land that tapers off into the ocean or fades out into haze. With this, they went all out and made a giant area that you can't even see most of it unless you literally explore the area. Plus, it is too detailed with all the mountains, hills, valleys and a lake. Due to the border region programmer's wall blocking the way to the mountain tops, and in most case the lower portions of them (unless you have a mod that turns the wall off), you would never even know that this huge location even exists. So BSG's comment about putting it there for visuals doesn't make a lot of sense. Same for the big mountain landscape south of Riften. At the gate where the border zone wall is at, you can hardly see the large hidden location in the distance. You would never know there is so much land available for expansion out there unless you went there to look.
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Out of interest, have you guys actually managed to go past the borders? I haven't, even though I have tweaked my ini? I still get the "Turn back" message at that gate you mention.

If you have, could you possibly tell me what lines you put in your ini in case I did it wrong. I'd like to go and explore these areas!

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Massive Hidden Southern Landscape Waiting To Be Developed


Past the southern mountains of Skyrim, there lies another huge landscape waiting to be developed, hidden beneath a layer of clouds on the map so you wouldn't know it is there. The terrain is already laid out with mountains, valleys, hills and a coastline with an ocean inlet. BSG even went so far as to make half of the White-Gold Tower from Oblivion. The ground is solid for quite a ways out before it becomes phased, causing your character to drop into the hidden ocean below the graphics. At that point, you have to use the no-clip "tcl" console command to air walk to the coast. With this massive area of land available, Bethesada has made it easy to expand the world of Skyrim. Like the western location, this area is also bigger than the hidden mountain area south of Riften.









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I'm going to clear this up as it has been before:


The land was used for a testing zone when the game was being made, OR they were going to include land in High Rock and Hammerfell, but decided not too on a last minute decision. The highest chance is that this land will be left unused.

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Being that no normal player would ever see them, the areas should have been deleted to cut down on load times for the game, if this was the case. Now that the game has been out for awhile, the land areas can be filled out with solid ground, cities, details, creatures and characters for more Skyrim experience, which is needed anyway. I've already completed all the quests and nearly all of the side quests. I'm left just exploring for places I haven't been and taking in the locations. Planning to do a walking tour around the whole edge of the map, within the border zone, to see how long it would take.
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