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A Moral Dilema


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*No self, no freewill, permanent. https://www.bing.com/search?q=subliminals&FORM=HDRSC1


*I used to believe that video games were wonderful (they can be), that writing, reading, listening to music, watching movies/videos/television, taking photographs, and creating artwork were worthwhile activities. I remember thinking that recording videos and taking screenshots were enjoyable hobbies. I worked on a YouTube channel which I had hoped would help beings feel less lonely and after awhile I noticed that perhaps I and beings I care about were in danger. To be honest I don't really know, as of this writing, what was going on, what has been happening, nor do I know what to do in regard to what I have experienced and what I have learned. I don't know if I can justify playing video games after learning what I have learned. I used to believe that video games were acceptable forms of entertainment and for awhile I actually believed that they were a way to experience reality without actually being harmful.


I remember feeling as though I was in a training program when I was playing Wolfenstein: The New Order (My thoughts regarding being in a 'training program' are not limited to when I played Wolfenstein: The New Order though that experience has been one which I dwell upon from time to time), I remember wondering if beings in video games could feel emotions and physical sensations. I made an effort to prove that what has/had been considered fictional realities were/are indeed as real as non-fictional realities. Why I felt compelled to prove such a possibility I do not quite know.


The YouTube channel I was working on was deleted, possibly by me, as were various social media accounts on which I had shared poetry, artwork, thoughts and links to webpages/websites, videos et cetera, I do not know if I was in control of myself, nor do I know if I have ever actually had control of my actions or thoughts. I have researched various topics in an effort to understand what I have experienced. I have been harassed, tortured, raped, and assaulted and I have experienced being forced to harm beings. I have researched what have been described as mental illnesses, logical fallacies, mind-control, telepathy, EEG (electroencephalograph) heterodyning, cloning, synchronicity, remote neural monitoring, subliminal messages, binaural beats, Solfeggio tones/frequencies, isochronic tones, Kundalini, cults, gangs, organized religions, spirituality, economics, politics, the military, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, astral projection, lucid dreaming, sexuality, pornography, various social movements, and more which I may mention later. I have learned that privacy may be an illusion, that dreams and nightmares are every bit as real as 'waking reality', and that omnipotent/omniscient beings do not exist.


While I do want to speak out against cruelty and my own hypocrisy I do not quite know of a way to do that without causing more problems. I care about beings I have experienced reality with, in regard to video game characters I am not sure if I can think of them as such, I believe they are as alive as I am and to think of them as 'characters' seems inaccurate to me. Through video games I have been a participant in what I could describe as evil and even the deletion of files, text, and information is something which I feel is harmful. I do see beauty in life and I am saddened when I think of what playing a video game is and what I have done while experiencing reality through them, the same could be said of different forms of media and life experiences.


Here is a link which may be worth considering: https://everydayconcerned.net/


I do not want to be harmed and I do not want to cause harm, I want to offer my apologies for the damage I have done and I want to acknowledge my confusion, naivety, and ignorance.



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Edited by FalseEmperor
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I'm confused. From reading this post, you seem to have experienced everything bad imaginable, but also not? Do you feel you were not in control of your own body? Do you believe your actions up to this point has been at the hand of someone else? Are you talking about god or something else? This post is a mess.

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Intriguing hypothetical.

I thank you for sharing your candid reflection.

and, hope you will seek out your nearest freethinkers or skeptics association, as soon as practicable,

perhaps at a local tertiary education provider?

these folks have a passion for debating and for complex abstract hypotheticals,

philosophy is right up their alley,

and, you'll likely make some friends too.




you share a number of intriguing perspectives on

- philosophy (ostensibly an approach to sentiences comparable to monads, noetic-metaphysics, tippler-omega-point-cosmonogy gnostic-panpsychism etc) I myself am a syncretic hylozoist-prosentientist on matters of Sentience etc.

- videogames culture


with regards to games -

folks like A Sarkeesian and J Thompson are familiar to many videogamers, as people who've tried to allege

a correlation between fictional affectations and real-world outcomes.

there is a faction of 'concerned individuals' who'd like to define videogame addiction as more than 1 hour per week,

and have such 'itis' put into things like DSM and ICD, to be 'treated'...

there have been many studies over the years, notably criminological ones post "Auto-Kaczynski" stuff...

there has yet to be a >4sigma correlation demonstrated yet.

by all means, we can have a discussion of all of that.


for context, people made the same kinds of allegations when the printing press was made...

that people reading books would somehow become addicted and lose themselves in the fictional worlds etc.

they also said similar things about RolePlaying BoardGames.


at the same time,

such pundits usually lament the decreasing social connectedness in society -

that people don't have intrapersonal 'soft-skills' like they used to,

you know... the usual conservative line.

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