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MW3: Should I buy Elite?


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COD Elite is a service in COD that provides the buyer free map packs, winter camo, and a few other stupid things that are available through the website. Now, other companies (Bungie, eg) have a service like this too, BUT FREE. So why does IW CHARGE MONEY for it when they don't NEED the money?


I'm here to tell you why you shouldn't buy elite.


It's a rip off. Take this for eg, you buy the game, $60, and elite, $50, and if you're on xbox, whatever that costs, or PS3, you're PS Plus price. Now already that's a high price for something that you'll BARELY use. One more COD game and the series is going to end (Activision only has room for one more COD game) and chances are, Elite won't have anything to do with the next COD. Now, content season was also with Elite, which releases a new map pack every month. So far, every map sucks. Stick to the original maps.


TL;DR You'll only get Elite once and not use the full time on it, and everything with it sucks.


So yes, don't buy elite.

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