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New Nexus Mods design launched


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IMO, the individual mod pages are in need of more changes.


The photos are resized to smaller versions.

The video thumbnails are MASSIVE now.

I dont mind that the videos are so big to be honest. That part looks great. Reminds me of a drive-in theater.


This may seem like a minor quirk but on the new version, it looks like the text is double spaced now.



Edited by mattwoodmansee
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In response to post #54676808.

skepticck wrote: Everything is so big, this seems made for mobile devices and touch screens more than PC screens, the new Nexus looks like Bethesda.net and that's not a good thing.
So much scrolling to get to the relevant information, everything is now in big blocs, big images, big text etc... the compact and smaller design of old nexus was much more efficient imo.
I don't hate it and again this is just my opinion but modern is not always better.

Agreed. Seems like there's a lot of underutilized space on the site now.
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I'm mostly OK with it. Not big on the way it looks but as long as it works I don't care.


One thing that I don't like is that the trending mods are missing a description. It's difficult to tell what a mod does from just an image. The descriptions on mods in other sections are also too short and cut off. The short descriptions that popped up when you placed the cursor over a mods image worked much better (in my opinion).

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Absolutely hideous.


Seems to follow the Apple/Google/Twitter design philosophies: make it big and blocky so that attention-deficit millennials will think it is "trending" (a totally meaningless word).


Only thing you missed was using light pastel colours.

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In response to post #54678303.

DragonTotem wrote: The mods when browsing are too large and there's not enough color contrast overall. Needs work because it's pretty clunky/ugly as of now, but it's not a bad step.

Also, the pay limit on results is not very nice.
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I really do not like the new design. At all.


I seriously prefer the old design, because it is much easier to use, access, and navigate. With the new design, you have to scroll way, Way, WAY too much in order to get to stuff.

Previously you were able to view new images, files, news, and tracked file updates on a game's page at almost the same level of scrolling, whereas now you have to scroll through almost the entire page just to get to the thing you are looking for, news and mod updates being a good example.


With the search function, you have to scroll all the way to the top of the page in order to adjust the filters, whereas before you could access the filters with, yet again, less scrolling.


Everything also feels really big, particularly the banners on mod pages, as they fill almost half of the screen. Mod descriptions are also harder to look at because of the page's width, forcing my eyes to adjust more.

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