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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54682203. #54682233 is also a reply to the same post.

oscardaguy wrote: Ignore the pure negative comments dev team, this new layout looks slick and is intuitive to boot. Handles well and is a vast improvement upon the old design. That being said, it would be worth reading over some of the more critical comments, the deeper critique is worth noting. Lotta whining babies commenting on here.
DragonTotem wrote: It's hardly intuitive. Right now it's a step back from the old design.

By "whining babies" i suppose you mean anyone that dares have a different opinion than yours.
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In response to post #54682203. #54682233, #54683083 are all replies on the same post.

oscardaguy wrote: Ignore the pure negative comments dev team, this new layout looks slick and is intuitive to boot. Handles well and is a vast improvement upon the old design. That being said, it would be worth reading over some of the more critical comments, the deeper critique is worth noting. Lotta whining babies commenting on here.
DragonTotem wrote: It's hardly intuitive. Right now it's a step back from the old design.
skepticck wrote: By "whining babies" i suppose you mean anyone that dares have a different opinion than yours.

I like it. Runs great at the moment as well, especially pics on mod pages load fast and are easy to navigate.
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can confirm no mod downloads

can confirm all broken bookmarks


can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?


Ah, I thought I was the only one.


The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me.


But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:


I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?



I agree with that sentiment.


It seems like the design itself was based off of trendy practices in digital design now-a-days as well.


One of my favorite characteristics from the 'old site' was how game visuals were implemented in the background for each game page.


Even Skyrim Standard and Special Edition had their own unique backgrounds.


And they fit perfectly outside of the main content area within the page itself so you would see them on the 'side bar' of the page.


And all of that was removed, along with the main content having an increased width, which isn't really needed on PCs I believe.

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In response to post #54682423.

CaporegimeMarcus wrote: The main thing I suggest you get fixed is the links for all the mods. I lot of mod links have been posted on reddit and youtube and plenty of people will get annoyed that they no longer work. Now I know that the redesign is essentially still in testing, so the address isn't the same as the old site, so this might not actually be an issue. Aside from that, good job!

The rd is just a subdomain. When the redesign replaces the old site, the rd won't be added to the urls. All of those will be the same.
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In response to post #54683213.

marieruth wrote:



can confirm no mod downloads

can confirm all broken bookmarks


can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?


Ah, I thought I was the only one.


The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me.


But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:


I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?



I agree with that sentiment.


It seems like the design itself was based off of trendy practices in digital design now-a-days as well.


One of my favorite characteristics from the 'old site' was how game visuals were implemented in the background for each game page.


Even Skyrim Standard and Special Edition had their own unique backgrounds.


And they fit perfectly outside of the main content area within the page itself so you would see them on the 'side bar' of the page.


And all of that was removed, along with the main content having an increased width, which isn't really needed on PCs I believe.

Actually, PCs are the only devices that benefit from increased content width on a webpage.
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In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053, #54681883 are all replies on the same post.

Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
And thats, what this design is made for.
Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed
Jokerine wrote: I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:
kn1ghtfall wrote: Once again I have agree with Jokerine.

HEAR, HEAR!!! I must agree with Jokerine myself. Death it will be as well for myself.
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Just came to mention the mods weren't downloading (for Fallout 4 atleast), but I see others already mentioned it, so I figured i'll add what i think of the new site:

Looks good! I finally feel like I'm in 2017 now when on this website :) ; only thing missing so far I noticed is removing tracked items. (before you had the option to select a bunch at a time and remove them, now it's 2 clicks and 2 loading periods per mod no matter what (unless I'm missing something), but the loading after clicking "stop tracking" definately seems quicker!) I like the new picture scrolling feature! what i instantly started missing though is the large preview of top mods or w.e. on the home page, but that's being nitpicky.


Also wanted to mention to the site creators and to the complainers disliking change: the reason to change is to display information better, and more efficiently. A lot of things have gained efficiency, but some things take more eye/mouse travel to find on the webpage when they were highlighted before. things like amount of downloads/endorsements, and even the titles for mod downloads. could probably be easily fixed with a bolder font or something though! (also closing an open picture preview is more work since you have to move the mouse so far away to either click on the next arrow or out of the border of the pic to close it. Atleast make it so that after you click on an open picture preview, it takes you to the next picture in the album.) hope a designer gets to read this!


plz try to fix mod downloads ASAP most importantly! <3 Thanks for the great website

Edited by gbdub2
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