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Will Beth remove the 255 Mod limit on SkyrimSE


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Current version on SSE is using the ESL files. From the Creation Club if you're into that kinda thing.

256 is limit that can't change. Yes, 256 - Total esm and esp limit. Skyrim.esm is zero and the save file is number 255. 00 and FF in hexadecimal. So with all DLC (update+DG+HF+DB) you only get to add in 249 other esm/esp files. Then there is the must have mods like Unofficial patch, Alt-Start ... etc, etc.

ESL files allow you to have more though.

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Current version on SSE is using the ESL files. From the Creation Club if you're into that kinda thing.

256 is limit that can't change. Yes, 256 - Total esm and esp limit. Skyrim.esm is zero and the save file is number 255. 00 and FF in hexadecimal. So with all DLC (update+DG+HF+DB) you only get to add in 249 other esm/esp files. Then there is the must have mods like Unofficial patch, Alt-Start ... etc, etc.

ESL files allow you to have more though.


Agreed no argument there, the header was simply in layman terms, that you could have more than 255 registered plugins. 99% of nexus members don't understand 0xFF & 0xFFF is 255 & 4095


The questions was more Bethesda can do it now, do you want this. If you read the article, the implications are pretty clear at what going to happen to those who ADD or REMOVE mods..




And those most likely to excess the limit, are also most likely to add & remove mods, just sayin. And I am more into CK64 making esl.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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For SSE the actual limit is 248 mods. 5 are occupied by official ESM files, 1 is taken by the save, and 1 slot is effectively reserved for ESL form mapping.


ESL files allow you to partly get around this limitation but they have their own limits as specified in the OP's link. Though even with as few as ~300 more mod slots opening up, that ought to be more than enough to satisfy even the biggest diehards.

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All the Mod Gates, Paid Gates & Club Gates bored me to tears, but this has me totally fascinated, there a new lite master data file in town. Well, til CK64 or SSEEdit support it, not much can be done about it.


But crap, 255 mods is no longer the limit, in lays mans terms.



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Is Merging Mods is Dead, when you convert them to ESL?

Edited by PeterMartyr
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OMG I convert one of mine Mod to ESL user esp style format, it was a Ghost

  • LOOT couldn't see it
  • Wrye couldn't see it

But compacting the FormID took forever........... I thought CK64 froze, it took so long.


Booting up the game to see if I can load it.



Everything worked has normal.


Edit 2

  • Wrye treated it has a missing file & removed from the load order.
  • xEdit works fine has long has it active, else it a Ghost too.,

I am so done playing with this, it has a lot of potential for diehards, but ATM only Manual Modding is supported. It too much F##king around for mine liking.


Edit 3 Last Observation

Compacting the FormID on the surface appears similar to xEdit Renumber FormID

Edited by PeterMartyr
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Current development versions of Wrye Bash can recognize .esl files; however you have to use the Python version. There is no available build of Wrye Bash Standalone that supports them yet -- or if there is, it is well-hidden.

Here's the commits from the branch where esl support was added.


Likewise for LOOT and several other tools. Development builds have support code; but it's not yet available in official, stable release builds.

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Development copies of Wrye Bash are here: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/ Second post.


Development copies of xEdit are here: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/ Link at the bottom of the OP.


Pretty sure LOOT also has a dev version that supports sorting with ESL files.


The SSE CK has been updated and will support creating ESL files.

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Thank you so much, I will upgrade instantly.


However, I got everything to work (including SkyUI), except for the SKSE Translation text. It was all Dollars & wordsID. That beyond my pay grade, & will need the SKSE team.


Just being a Kid with a new Toy, didn't take me long to work out that (IMHO) it's better to use xEdit Renumber Form ID, than CK Compact Form ID, for Scripted Frag reason(s). I am only attempting this on my mods, to get my head around it.




  • I used CK64 to generate a SEQ file, for my dialogue to work
  • I had to manually Edit plugin txt, load order & active mods
  • I used xEdit cause I didn't want to recompile (90+ customize frags) into 300+ new ones, (I do see the potential when source codes aren't included)




Unfortunately for average user, breaking the old limit, just got hell a lot harder than just merging mods, considering all the possible dynamics of load order. So the rich will get richer & the poorer will stay the same. ATM you need to be Super Advance User, so that the required tools, just make it easier for you.


I don't recommend this. I am NOT attempting any playthru what so ever. Let me make that clear.


Yeah, English is not my 1st either, deal with it.

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