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Will Beth remove the 255 Mod limit on SkyrimSE


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Development copies of Wrye Bash are here: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4966-wrye-bash-all-games/ Second post.


Development copies of xEdit are here: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3750-wipz-tes5edit/ Link at the bottom of the OP.


Pretty sure LOOT also has a dev version that supports sorting with ESL files.


The SSE CK has been updated and will support creating ESL files.


Thanks! While 250 odd mods is plenty enough for me currently, it's nice to have options if I ever get ambitious.



Thank you so much, I will upgrade instantly.


However, I got everything to work (including SkyUI), except for the SKSE Translation text. It was all Dollars & wordsID. That beyond my pay grade, & will need the SKSE team.


Just being a Kid with a new Toy, didn't take me long to work out that (IMHO) it's better to use xEdit Renumber Form ID, than CK Compact Form ID, for Scripted Frag reason(s). I am only attempting this on my mods, to get my head around it.




  • I used CK64 to generate a SEQ file, for my dialogue to work
  • I had to manually Edit plugin txt, load order & active mods
  • I used xEdit cause I didn't want to recompile (90+ customize frags) into 300+ new ones, (I do see the potential when source codes aren't included)




Unfortunately for average user, breaking the old limit, just got hell a lot harder than just merging mods, considering all the possible dynamics of load order. So the rich will get richer & the poorer will stay the same. ATM you need to be Super Advance User, so that the required tools, just make it easier for you.


I don't recommend this. I am NOT attempting any playthru what so ever. Let me make that clear.


Yeah, English is not my 1st either, deal with it.


Yeah, I hear you. It's way, WAY above my skills. (Which, to be honest, ends at a simple bashed patch.)


Your English is just fine.

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I can't imagine playing with that many mods, I usually top out around 100, 120 TOPS. I start to have problems after that with things not working right. I try to stay away from too many scripted mods and textures. My graphics card, mother board and chip are really good.

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