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Can Someone Please Make Mod for Me for Fallout 4 on PS4?


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Wrong section, old boy. You need to post mod requests here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3515-fallout-4-mod-requests/.


Even so, even if you could find someone to make this for you Bethesda would probably not permit such a mod on their site and that is where it would have to be uploaded. If you want questionable material in your game you will need a computer and probably learn to mod it for yourself.



The Rabbit

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As you were informed in your previous thread, Sony wont allow external assets on PS4.

This means, if it doesn't exist in the vanilla (unmodded) game, or can't be made with the CK and the CK alone, the PS4 can't have it.

If you want new things (like new weapons, new hairstyles, new settlement objects etc.) you need to play on XB1 or PC. If you want every possible mod without limitations, you need to play on PC.

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I have an Idea Ok instead of regular underware How bout for the Females Skimpy Bikinis as undies and for The Men have G-String or Thongs for undies and have them have big Manhood :smile: That way no one would get in trouble with Bethesda!

im not and Old Boy Im a Female.Also im not a modder I know nothing bout modding all I was asking Originally is if someone could do the modding?

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I have an Idea Ok instead of regular underware How bout for the Females Skimpy Bikinis as undies and for The Men have G-String or Thongs for undies and have them have big Manhood :smile: That way no one would get in trouble with Bethesda!

im not and Old Boy Im a Female.Also im not a modder I know nothing bout modding all I was asking Originally is if someone could do the modding?


Switch to PC. Problem solved. You will thank yourself later. What you want to do is simple and only the tip of the iceberg of what can be done through mods on a decent pc rig. Stop being a console slave! Tell your friends. :dry:

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I have an Idea Ok instead of regular underware How bout for the Females Skimpy Bikinis as undies and for The Men have G-String or Thongs for undies and have them have big Manhood :smile: That way no one would get in trouble with Bethesda!Â

im not and Old Boy Im a Female.Also im not a modder I know nothing bout modding all I was asking Originally is if someone could do the modding?

Not possible. Theres no bikini mesh in game and the PS4 doesn't support external assets.

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