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Election Year Debate


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What did Obama do that was racist?


He's certainly pretty anti-British, until he needs to go creeping around our Prime Minister and senior politicians in an election year.

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I said he was certainly anti-British, and therefore disposed to dislike people on the grounds of what country they inhabit or come from, which is just as bad. He is visiting the sins of the fathers as it were, surely a ridiculous attitude. He even removed the bust of poor old Winnie (who was of course, half American) from the White House. Pretty pathetic. But of course he wants to look like the big guy on the international stage now election year is here, and is cosying up to the Boy David, no doubt realising that Sarkozy isn't really his best mate in Europe after all.
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So Romney is wealthy..thats a disqualification? So were these...


1. George Washington, 1789-1797


2. John F. Kennedy, 1961-1963


3. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837


4. Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1969


5. Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933


-Source: Forbes

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Replacing Winston Churchill's bust with Abraham Lincoln's does not make him anti- anything. It does speak to his devotion to Lincoln. I can relate to that, being an avid Lincoln fan myself.


As to these others: I would not have (and could not have) voted for GW. (I am a woman after all.)


Andrew Jackson was a pretty terrible president and exterminated native Americans. LBJ botched Nam. I asked my Grandmother, (the one who literally idolized George W. Bush), one time whether she liked Herbert Hoover and she sneered at the idea in a way I had never seen her react to anything before. Most historians seem to believe he botched the recovery from the great depression do they not? Kennedy may have been young and idealistic but he also had some real issues. I don't understand why it wasn't nepotism to have Robert Attorney General, no matter how brilliant Robert was, John was a philanderer and that always screams "entitlement" to me.


Hmmm not a good track record from the wealthy side. I admit I'm picky, and also that I would have voted for JFK over Nixon anyway.




So Romney is wealthy..thats a disqualification? So were these...


1. George Washington, 1789-1797


2. John F. Kennedy, 1961-1963


3. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837


4. Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1969


5. Herbert Hoover, 1929-1933


-Source: Forbes

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Obama is anti British though - note the bit I said about "visiting the sins of the fathers", due to what happened to his grandfather in colonial days in Kenya. Not to excuse that happening, but the Kenyan independence movement were hardly peaceful themselves. It has been widely suggested, and it is certainly the way it is perceived over here, that he therefore evicted Winston more because of his association with the old days of Empire than anything to do with his admiration for Abraham Lincoln.


He might admire Lincoln - unfortunately, he is not the inspirational figure that Lincoln was and is.

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He might admire Lincoln - unfortunately, he is not the inspirational figure that Lincoln was and is.


I think that can be said of nearly everyone who admires Lincoln. We can only aspire to be as great. Unfortunately Obama has proven he will be mediocre as the last dozen.

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Oddly enough, my name is Brian........ :D



I think it would absolutely hilarious to be a fly on the wall when the results were announced..... "No one won the election this cycle, so, they all get to go home.".... I suspect you would be able to hear jaws hitting the floor for miles around.


Also, Politicians may Start Out as smart people, most of them are lawyers after all, gotta have some smarts to get thru school.... but, when elected to public office? I believe their IQ drops 50%, and if re-elected, it drops yet another 50...... (points.....)


Brian for President as a write in candidate! :D

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Wow, I did change my typo. :verymad:


I believe all the runners in the presidential race have been terrible, I just vote for someone to replace the president already in the White House. I want Obama out, period, so I'll vote for Romney. America will die with another 4 years of Obama.




I agree. Politician's brains just like.... rot over time. They get stupider and stupider until they're just flat out brain dead.

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Wow, I did change my typo. :verymad:


I believe all the runners in the presidential race have been terrible, I just vote for someone to replace the president already in the White House. I want Obama out, period, so I'll vote for Romney. America will die with another 4 years of Obama.




I agree. Politician's brains just like.... rot over time. They get stupider and stupider until they're just flat out brain dead.


I really don't know which one would be worse...... of course, I can turn that around just as easily..... I don't know which would be better...... But, Romney (mr. platinum spoon) got mis money breaking up corporations, and selling them off, putting folks out of work...... I don't really see how that gives him the qualifications to turn this country around, and get our economy going again. Considering that a fair part of his platform is right from the George Bush Jr. play book...... I don't hold out a lot of hope there.... Of course, for Obama, jobs and the economy are only important in election years. It makes a really good talking point, and you might even persuade some swing voters into believing that you will actually try to SOLVE some problems, rather than treating symptoms, and creating yet MORE problems...... Which is exactly what I have seen him do. (and many others before him.)


I am sick to death of BOTH parties. Neither one has a friggin' clue of how to get america back on it's feet. Will, either they don't know, or, are UNWILLING to take the necessary steps.... given that I have seen young folks on here, and a LARGE selection of adults, that actually DO have a clue, (and some good ideas at that....) I suspect that the latter scenario is what is actually happening. They know, but, won't do it, 'cause that would upset their corporate masters, and they wouldn't get re-elected.......


And that all works it's way back around to CAMPAIGN FINANCE. Fix that part of the equation, and ban paid lobbyists, and maybe washington could get back to doing what's best for America, and not what puts the most money in THEIR pockets, RIGHT NOW.<br><br><br>Edit: Side note: Being wealthy in and of itself does not disqualify a candidate in my view, it's HOW they got the money that brings up red flags.<br>

Edited by HeyYou
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