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Election Year Debate


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If Healthcare gets overturned by the Supreme Court, that will be the final nail in the coffin for Obama. Regarding his comments that were no doubt directed at the High Court's review of his Healthcare law shows he has little respect for the constitution, even though I am sure he is familiar with it and sees it more as a barrier in his way. The Constitution was put there for a reason, to keep future leaders just like Obama from just doing whatever the hell they want. And the high court is a separate branch of government with the very intention of making sure the constitution is upheld. If I had to bet, I'd say healthcare, or at least part of it will be deemed unconstitutional.

No legislation, no budget, no foreign policy....all that is left is divisive tactics for his base.

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My point is that it is silly to bash him for what he said on that. It is clear that he is just doing it for political gain. It isn't his actual opinion. Everything he says is just for political gain.

He may have done it for political gain, but it's also very clearly his opinion on the matter. I don't think you really have any idea how much of a diehard partisan this guy is.


It was to his political gain to fuel conspiracy theories. Easier to make the right wing look bad like that. It is kind of silly to ask the president to provide his birth certificate publicly when no one else ever has.

And this right here is positive proof of how much of a diehard partisan he is. If he's willing to make an open mockery of Article 2 JUST to try and make his opposition look bad, there's something horribly wrong with the guy.


You have to provide proof of birth to run for office. You do not have to publicly show your birth certificate.

For president, not for office in general. You don't need to meet the Article 2 qualifications for any other office in this country.


Quick challenge to you, find Bushs birth certificate. And Clintons. Not going to happen.

Dig deep enough, you'll find them. They're part of the public record somewhere, which was not the case for Obama until he was forced into it by Trump. That never would have happened had he simply compiled to begin with.


No legislation, no budget, no foreign policy....all that is left is divisive tactics for his base.

Oh, he has a foreign policy alright. Appeasement, and apologizing for all our past leaders. I doubt I need elaborate on why this is BAD.

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I would like to see the individual mandate overturned. I REALLY don't care for the precedent it sets, and lord knows, congress is ALL about precedent...


Accusing Obama of being 'partisan' though? That's pretty funny really. Considering that 90% or more of his foreign policy is a duplicate of bush jr....... When I was voting, I wasn't aware that I was voting for bush III in that regard. ALL of the politicians have become EXTREMELY partisan since roughly 2008. The mantra "my party right or wrong, but, MY PARTY" seems to be the most common theme in ALL the political discussions here. So far as the repubbies are concerned, the dems can't do anything right. The dems feel the same way about the repubbies. All that does is, ensure NOTHING gets done.


It will be rather interesting to see how things go this election cycle. The american voter is notoriously fickle, and what was in vogue last election, may not necessarily carry over to this one. In fact, I expect that america is fed up with a dem pres, so, he will prolly get replaced, and will prolly end up with control of congress as well..... two years of that, and I expect a dem landslide in the mid term elections. Once again, ensuring that nothing is ever able to be accomplished. So long as the politicians play partisan games, and the voters keep sticking to their party, simply because it IS their party, america will continue to slide into bankruptcy, and irrelevance on the international scene.


Basically, I think what I am saying here is: Politics won't offer any solutions, because politics ARE the problem.

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As MB said, burden of proof is on you.


By office I meant president, shouldn't of said that.


Obama is bad yes. What you are missing is that everyone else is also bad. Something is horribly wrong with everyone on the right currently running to beat Obama as well.

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As MB said, burden of proof is on you.


By office I meant president, shouldn't of said that.


Obama is bad yes. What you are missing is that everyone else is also bad. Something is horribly wrong with everyone on the right currently running to beat Obama as well.


And THAT is the problem. NONE of them are really interested in what's best for the COUNTRY. They are only interested in what is best for THEM. So long as the current campaign laws remain the same, and there are paid lobbyists, that is not going to change.

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As MB said, burden of proof is on you.


By office I meant president, shouldn't of said that.


Obama is bad yes. What you are missing is that everyone else is also bad. Something is horribly wrong with everyone on the right currently running to beat Obama as well.

Not when it was you who claimed he didn't need to show it when asked in the first place. Nice try though :P


No, everyone else is NOT bad, that's the part people are not quite getting. The media is trying to convince you this is the case because even they know Obama is bad, but they'd still rather he win than someone who's objectively better than he is. Getting the leftist media in this country to admit openly that Obama was a terrible choice is never going to happen though because it means they'd have to admit the right-wing was entirely correct in their assessment of him in 2008.


Those of us who watch this sort of thing knew the left was up to something when they kept talking about him in 2004 after he won the Senate race in Illinois. Red flags went up everywhere because the party, the media, and the talking heads were all in love with someone who appeared to be a nobody on the political scene. We've known about his Marxist policy stances now for 8+ years, but any time that ever got brought up it was always "you only hate him cause he's black". The left was never interested in having an honest discussion of the man, only in demonizing the majority of Americans to try and guilt them into voting for him for reasons other than policy.

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What Marxist policies? Marxism does not equal communism. It is a political theory. You can be a Marxist and hate communism. Marxism is the idea that governments start in a basic form of communism, go into a form of open trade such as capitalism, then change into a more advanced form of communism. Not nearly the same thing as being a communist.


Who is good then? Who is actually a good person running right now? Or even anyone who was running?


I said that he didn't have to post his birth certificate publicly. I did not say he didn't need to prove his birth. I said...


"The president requires to have a birth certificate to prove his birth. That doesn't mean he his required to put it on public display because a bunch of nutjobs think he is a illegal immigrant."


I did not say he didn't need to prove his birth. I said he didn't need to post all of his information publicly online. No other president has ever had to do that.

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Nice try

Hi, you said just yesterday that if someone "digs deep enough," they'll find the birth certificates of Clinton and Bush online. Then I was the one who asked you to actually prove that.


And I'll keep asking until you deliver.


Either you can find Clinton's and Bush's birth certificates and post them here – or you can't. Deliver, or admit you lied. There is no "nice try."

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As MB said, burden of proof is on you.


By office I meant president, shouldn't of said that.


Obama is bad yes. What you are missing is that everyone else is also bad. Something is horribly wrong with everyone on the right currently running to beat Obama as well.

Not when it was you who claimed he didn't need to show it when asked in the first place. Nice try though :P


No, everyone else is NOT bad, that's the part people are not quite getting. The media is trying to convince you this is the case because even they know Obama is bad, but they'd still rather he win than someone who's objectively better than he is. Getting the leftist media in this country to admit openly that Obama was a terrible choice is never going to happen though because it means they'd have to admit the right-wing was entirely correct in their assessment of him in 2008.


Those of us who watch this sort of thing knew the left was up to something when they kept talking about him in 2004 after he won the Senate race in Illinois. Red flags went up everywhere because the party, the media, and the talking heads were all in love with someone who appeared to be a nobody on the political scene. We've known about his Marxist policy stances now for 8+ years, but any time that ever got brought up it was always "you only hate him cause he's black". The left was never interested in having an honest discussion of the man, only in demonizing the majority of Americans to try and guilt them into voting for him for reasons other than policy.


Some of the media is trying to convince us that Obama is a socialist, and will destroy our country. Other parts of the media are trying to convince us that Romney is a wealthy, out-of-touch, corporate raider that will destroy america. Depending on who you listen too, determines which side they think is "bad".


Romney decries Obama-care because of the individual mandate. However, Romney also signed into law, Romney-care in Massachusetts, that has the very same individual mandate.


Yes, they are ALL bad. They tell you what they think you want to hear at the time, to get your vote, and then do as their campaign contributors, and million dollar a year lobbyists tell them to. It isn't government "by the people, of the people, for the people" anymore, it hasn't been for a decade or more.


Politicians as a group don't care about the average american. All they care about is lining their own pocket. They may not be millionaires when the go to DC, but, they sure are when they leave. This is NOT what the founding fathers had in mind. The system has been perverted by those very same people that we foolishly elect to public office thinking they will actually do what is best for AMERICA, not was it best for THEM. The partisan divide in america has been cultivated by these same 'representatives' to keep us at each others throats in an effort to continue distract us from what they are doing to undermine our rights, and line their own pockets.


In all reality, it DOESN'T MATTER who we elect, we are just going to get a continuation of the same policies. Tax breaks for corporations financed on the backs of the poor, and elderly. Wonderful country this is turning into......

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