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And voter fraud.... Ya, we know that Obama was the first to use some dishonest practices in getting elected..........


Quite frankly, I am not going to vote for him either. I did last time around, but, I did NOT get the president that I voted for. I got Bush III. Of course, I really shouldn't be surprised, not like there is any difference any more in any event. The same foreign policy, the same economic policy. I think the only real differences are their views on gun control, and abortion. Real possibility I will simply forgo voting in november. There won't be anyone on the ballot that I would be will to say " I voted for him/her"........ and "none of the above" isn't a valid choice. (though I think it should be)

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And voter fraud.... Ya, we know that Obama was the first to use some dishonest practices in getting elected..........


Quite frankly, I am not going to vote for him either. I did last time around, but, I did NOT get the president that I voted for. I got Bush III. Of course, I really shouldn't be surprised, not like there is any difference any more in any event. The same foreign policy, the same economic policy. I think the only real differences are their views on gun control, and abortion. Real possibility I will simply forgo voting in november. There won't be anyone on the ballot that I would be will to say " I voted for him/her"........ and "none of the above" isn't a valid choice. (though I think it should be)

This is pretty much how I feel as well.

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Lisnpuppy and Granywills insisted on evidence, so I provided it being one of the circling sharks they forgot about when they made the blanket denial and demanded proof. But never said that it was the sole province of the Democrats.... just they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar (again and again which infers pattern of behavior to the offense). :whistling:


Edited by Aurielius
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Have to admit I don't see how you guys can put down Obama or compare him to Bush....


1) Bush never responded with aid when disasters hit his citizens and so those poor sods had to cope for months sorting out their disaster hit homes.


- Obama has always responded fast with aid when disaster hits


- my opinion : If I lived in the lands of tornado's or hurricanes I sure as anything would be wanting Obama as pressy knowing that if I required aid I would get it promptly.

No no no. Just no. See this post: http://forums.nexusm...ost__p__3577566


These poor sods are still having to deal with the ashes of their homes and pets, months after the fires have been put out with very little assistance from the feds. The primary source of assistance has come from businesses, individuals and NPOs.


As for no aid. Katrina victims received a considerable amount of aid. Ike victims were more or less screwed. Much like the fire victims. IDK a lot about what happened in Galveston, only that the feds dropped the ball hard. But here, Obama stonewalled perry for six days before finally granting Bastrop federal assistance. Of course, by then the worst damage had already been done and the weather turned in favor of the fire fighters. It still took longer for what little federal aid to be offered.


I dare you to come down here, look into the face of the victims and tell them that Obama responded quickly to the disaster. Moreover, I dare you to compare his response here to that of Bush's response to Katrina.

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Have to admit I don't see how you guys can put down Obama or compare him to Bush....


1) Bush never responded with aid when disasters hit his citizens and so those poor sods had to cope for months sorting out their disaster hit homes.


- Obama has always responded fast with aid when disaster hits


- my opinion : If I lived in the lands of tornado's or hurricanes I sure as anything would be wanting Obama as pressy knowing that if I required aid I would get it promptly.

No no no. Just no. See this post: http://forums.nexusm...ost__p__3577566


These poor sods are still having to deal with the ashes of their homes and pets, months after the fires have been put out with very little assistance from the feds. The primary source of assistance has come from businesses, individuals and NPOs.


As for no aid. Katrina victims received a considerable amount of aid. Ike victims were more or less screwed. Much like the fire victims. IDK a lot about what happened in Galveston, only that the feds dropped the ball hard. But here, Obama stonewalled perry for six days before finally granting Bastrop federal assistance. Of course, by then the worst damage had already been done and the weather turned in favor of the fire fighters. It still took longer for what little federal aid to be offered.


I dare you to come down here, look into the face of the victims and tell them that Obama responded quickly to the disaster. Moreover, I dare you to compare his response here to that of Bush's response to Katrina.


I would if you provide the airfare and renewing my passport costs. I live in NZ, quite some distince away, from what I have read on msn world news Obama seemed a lot better than Bush. Ether NZ world news is full of BS or someone made a honest mistake reporting. I still think he is a good president. I like him far more than Bush.


Seems better than the current Prime Minister here. Just be thankful you don't have Key's.

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@Aurielius: Thank you for this post, quoted here:

Lisnpuppy and Granywills insisted on evidence, so I provided it being one of the circling sharks they forgot about when they made the blanket denial and demanded proof. But never said that it was the sole province of the Democrats.... just they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar (again and again which infers pattern of behavior to the offense). :whistling:


Yes, Jaws, I agree that voter fraud is not the sole province of the Democrats or of the Republicans. However, if you will reread my post and that of SubjectProphet, he specifically stated that "Mr. Obama" had used the names of dead people. I did not deny anything. What I did was to disagree with the rest of his post and ask him to justifiy that particular accusation; not to point out every instance of voter fraud that has ever been alleged or proven in any election to have taken place in the last millenia. I was under the impression that he was suggesting that Mr. Obama himself had somehow engaged in the practice.


And, trust me, I had not forgotten about you for a moment. In fact I was joyously awaiting your response my friend :biggrin:. Actually, whom did you think I had in mind, hmmm????:whistling:


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MSN is a left leaning news outlet. They're about as reliable as Faux News when it comes to certain subjects. Republicans vs Democrats being one of them.


If I flew you out here and you told people that, someone would probably clock you. So in that regard, it's probably best you can't.:tongue:


Fact of the matter is that we got very little to no aid, and Obama not only delayed (several times!) relief aid and fire fighting assistance, but he flatout ignored Perry's calls for a freaking week while the fire was at it's 'hottest.'


I can't stand Obama for many reasons, but when someone says that he has done a good job responding to disasters, that just sets my blood on fire. He's no better than Bush, I'd go so far as to say that he's worse than Bush. As I've already stated, he repeatedly ignored the Texas wildfires, several times delayed aid and assistance then finally sent **Filtered** all and only after the media started to wonder why it was taking so long.


I don't think Bush was good. Neither president deserves any credit for the actions during disasters, both used those disasters for political posturing and many, many people suffered because of it.

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... from what I have read on msn world news Obama seemed a lot better than Bush.

Well, I think that's the problem right there. That "news" source is as biased as they come, and are well known liars here back at home. Chris "I got a thrill up my leg" Matthews being the worst of the bunch.

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... from what I have read on msn world news Obama seemed a lot better than Bush.

Well, I think that's the problem right there. That "news" source is as biased as they come, and are well known liars here back at home. Chris "I got a thrill up my leg" Matthews being the worst of the bunch.


Well, begs to ask now, where is the real news webbys then?

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