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Fallout 4 not launching with f4se.


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Crap, I don't know what then. I use the installer on Skyrim, FNV and F4, all are on separate pages at the SE site. It loads all the files for me. f4se_1_10_26.dll , f4se_loader, f4se_steamloader.dll , f4se uninstall and a couple of readmes. I am running W10 PRO, don't think that makes a difference. You might download manually and copy the files to your Fallout install. I send the f4se_loader to desktop and then make a new icon for it. That is what loads the game with f4se, not your steam f4 icon. Had to find a old f4se thread, tried to copy the link but it didn't work. It's about six pages back on Fallout Mod Talk, Activating F4SE on Steam is the thread title. It's about manually installing.


I need to stop editing now, I am confusing myself.

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Man idk what to do...I've done manual and auto but it still tells me that F4 don't work. I've already verified F4 on steam and reinstalled it and I had disabled all of my mods and the game ran.

I have 200+ mods, but when I get around I'll check my F4SE dependent mods for updates.

Edited by Roondog
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Sorry it just won't work for you. I just spent a month trying to get F4 to run right. Stutters, small and massive, long load screens, you name it. I would unload all mods, delete saves, start over with just the unofficial patch but the thing that finally got it running right for was deleting everything in fallout 4 install folder after uninstalling F4 and then reinstalling. It leaves a lot of stuff in there when I uninstalled the game. That wasn't the only thing that fixed F4 just the last thing. It fixed the stutters.

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I loaded it into FO4Edit and this is what it told me.

[00:11] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.
The system cannot find the file specified>
[00:22] Background Loader: finished

edit: i fixed that but my game doesn't launch still. I can copy and paste everything it told me into here if needed
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I loaded it into FO4Edit and this is what it told me.

[00:11] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.
The system cannot find the file specified>
[00:22] Background Loader: finished


The last mod before the fatal error is the problem. Remove it from your mod load order and try to finish loading the rest of your mods.

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