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Force new settlers? Recruitment beacons nonfunctional.


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Commonwealth settlers: player.placeatme 20593

Far Harbor settlers: player.placeatme 101054d (the first "1" depends on your load order, could be "201054f" "301054d" etc)


Spawns a single settler. For more, add space and how many you want, eg "player.placeatme 20593 6" spawns 6 Commonwealth settlers.


Once you spawn them you have to command them in workshop mode and move them to your settlement (even if that's where you are).

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Settlers don't keep coming ad-infinitum. The amount of settlers per settlement is tied to happiness at individual settlements and the amount of charisma of your character. Want a fair bit more settlers, then use a mod that allows a higher amount, like one of the Increased Settler Population possibilities...

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Settlers don't keep coming ad-infinitum. The amount of settlers per settlement is tied to happiness at individual settlements and the amount of charisma of your character. Want a fair bit more settlers, then use a mod that allows a higher amount, like one of the Increased Settler Population possibilities...

I have 3 settlements that are mostly unsettled besides a beacon, every now and then I go there and send some settlers to other places, then slaughter all the ugly ones.

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You're probably not getting any more settlers because the word is out that you slaughter them. :smile:


The console command method is the best way to get specific settlers. Make a save, use the command, and if you get a settler you do not want just reload the save and try again. This lets you stock a settlement with only the settlers that you like.


No settlers get hurt in the making of this video.

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