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02-22 (0082)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


Shazz02 found the changed Suzane as she lay semiconscious in part of Central Domehaven, a new name for the very complex central domechamber, next to a set of TimeLord artifacts. They were a TARDIS shaped as a metallic golden cube, a sonic-staff being a metre long slim silvery metallic staff, a set of timespace phase armour and a timespace phase disruptor. They were meant to be used by Suzane as as she woke, as she sat up looking younger than she had done, she did not seem at all surprised.


Derra was there also, looking concerned, as were others including RedFoxie and the supersoldiers. There were many curious muties, most of them pretending not to be there because Shazz had asked that mutie numbers be kept small. Suzane smiled at them all.


Then she spoke. "There was never any real Professor Chrono. He was the Master, also known as the foolish name of the MasterLord, an insane rogue criminal of a TimeLord who was created by... there are some things I can not speak of. In agreeing to assist the TimeLords to fight the AncientOnes, he was given a false identity for the duration of the war. Being the MasterLord, he planned betrayal from the start and worked with DoctorTime in order to do so. DoctorTime knew the truth and when the betrayer struck, the betrayal should have failed but another also betrayed the 'Doctor' and that one was one that the 'Doctor' did truly trust. DoctorTime is free now."


DoctorTime Pertwee stepped into view, smiled elegantly at Suzane. "Certainly we, he, did but at a cost. We had to go through a great testing-transformation. I also will be careful of what I speak but now over twenty-one aspects of the Doctor are actively trying to deal with this timespace alternates crisis. Most of them are off, away from this SkyIsland, from this world, from this timespace alternate. Yet every aspect of the crisis has to be dealt with. Suzane, you are really the granddaughter of the Master."


Suzane frowned. "Also your great great granddaughter, Doctor." She stood up. "I assisted with my grandfather's stupidity out of ... hope that he would truly love me one day. I have always known that grandfather is, was, profoundly insane. So did you, Doctor."


"Not always so certain but we always did suspect the truth. I suppose that is why we did not wish to kill him." The Doctor sighed. "Shazz has something to say about the false Professor Chrono who replaced the other false Professor Chrono that is your grandfather, my grandson. Can you identify this one?"


Shazz showed Suzane a series of 3Dphotos of the unknown TimeLord who had pretended to be both Professor Chrono and, for a short time, the dreaded Rani. She looked surprised. "My twin brother, Sazori, in his second regeneration. He looked much more like me in his original form but there is still some resemblance." She shook her head in wonder. "There was always something very odd about him, very odd and disturbing but not in the way grandfather has always been. That is my maternal grandfather, the MasterLord. Sazori and mother were estranged from the start. We two were never close though we were twins."


"Not twins at all, really, but something else." The Doctor shook his head with a look of distaste on his face. "Truth is Sazori is only part TimeLord for at core he is of the TriOri."


Suzane looked shocked. "I thought that the 'TriOri' were only a myth, a terrible children's story. From what I know, the TriOri were created by the monstrous criminal TimeLord rogue known as AlphaOmegaOri, amongst other names. Rassilon himself expelled AlphaOmegaOri from Gallefrey... an incredibly long time ago even by our TimeLord standards. There are many vague, often contradictory stories about AlphaOmegaOri's activities before he vanished. They say he helped bring the Weeping Angels into the Multiverse from another form of existence, that he provoked the Eternals to start interfering in Multiversal affairs, that he had something to do with the vanishing of the Q Continuum, that he helped create the terrible Borg, that he..."


The Doctor shook his head. "Most of those stories are false except for the Weeping Angels and a few others. The Q Continuum vanished for its own inexplicable reasons. The Eternals simply got bored. The Borg were partly his fault but only partly. They betrayed him as the Borg betray all but the Borg are gone now. The TriOri are real. Their hybrids are but one third of the TriOri. How they managed to infiltrate into TimeLord bloodlines is a dark mystery that seems linked very much to the criminal insanity of your grandfather and how he tricked your mother into getting pregnant by two fathers. It is an old TriOri trick to create a false twin to better hide their infiltration of a species."


Suzane frowned. "Sazori failed to get into the TimeLord Academy as he did not have the special elemental ability needed to be one. He was enraged and blamed mother, even tried to attack her. The TimeGuardians arrested him, confined him and tested him. They would have done more but somebody helped Sazori escape. In the escape two TimeSublords were killed, being TimeGuards. Sazori was declared guilty of murder, and other hard crimes, in his absence after more investigations were done of him. To think he actually took over being the fake Professor Chrono. That was a clever trick that I suspected would be beyond him."


The Doctor nodded. "It was beyond him but not beyond AlphaOmegaOri. We can use my MiniTARDIS to go to the ChronoTARDIS, which will probably be the ShazzTARDIS from now on since he has TimeLord abilities. Shazz is a TimeLord AncientOne hybrid which was something considered impossible by both the AncientOnes and we TimeLords."


Shazz02 nodded. "Yes, Suzane, I am finding it hard to believe myself. There is more to me than that, though, much more. My mother was an Empress of the AncientOnes. My father was a TimeLord rogue, not a criminal but just a man seeking more freedom than the TimeLords would allow him. He went through timespace in ways that no TimeLord should and did some great but also foolish things. His name was the 'Doctor'. He ended up the prisoner of the Empress VazaToria, her short functional name, and together they had a child named ShaeGaria, a neuter at first. That was me. Later, after some terrible experiences, I regenerated as a wandering hybrid but I was quite insane. Seems I have many strange powers due to my hybrid nature but also to later experiences that had profound effects upon my nature."


He sighed. "I am already in the ShazzTARDIS as Shazz01 so I will meet you there as him. Now that I know that DoctorTime is my father, I am pleased. If nothing else he will be fun."


The Doctor smiled. "Fun, maybe, but adventurous... I suspect so. We still have some big problems to deal with such as protecting Shazz and Greenhaven from the Demoniconda Army, from the DoomHorda."


Derra spoke. "Shazz and I are going to get married and have children, though Shazz does not know it yet.


Shazz only gave a mild grin. "Of course, my dear, as you say."


At that moment everything changed for, with a sparkling shimmer, a large group of tall human like figures appeared in simple metallic robes and, almost as one, they knelt and bowed their heads towards Shazz. As one these AncientOnes spoke.


"Greetings, Emperor Shazz, from your devoted people of the AncientOnes."


Then an AncientOne woman looked up at Shazz02. "Our power is weakened, we have far less resources now to use in service to you but we have become wiser, more awake now. We are no longer the great fools of before though we hardly enlightened. We offer our lives in service to you but we also bring a grave warning of something that threatens the very fabric of the Multiverse. It has many names but we AncientOnes call it the Desolation. You have experienced it, perhaps as none others have of the Positive Multiverse."


Shazz went pale. "Yes, yes I have and I may have helped bring the threat to us."


The Doctor spoke. "No, it was not you who did so as ShaeGaria but the Emperor of the AncientOnes, at that time, and AlphaOmegaOri who both had you sent into the Negative Multiverse, which was something that was supposedly impossible to do."


Suddenly Shazz cursed softly in some very ancient language and then he spoke more clearly. "Not if our peoples, the AncientOnes, are already partly of the Negative Multiverse and it is this that gives us our strange powers. We AncientOnes are.... impossible. In our very unnatural nature is the answer to so much that has taken place, is taking place and will take place."

Edited by Maharg67
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02-23 (0083)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


DoctorTime Pertwee and Suzane used the Doctor's MiniTARDIS to travel to Greenhaven in a few seconds but only after it traveled as a hover vehicle through various tunnels until it left any AncientOne structures behind itself. Suzane took her SuzaneTARDIS with her in the shapeform of a golden bracelet around her right wrist and also took her other four special TimeLord artifacts as gifted to her by the LittleFatMan; he had not created them but had found them and then passed them onto her.


Shazz02 was trying to get used to the idea of not only being a TimeLord AncientOne hybrid, and Emperor of the surviving AncientOnes, but also a former monstrously powerful entity of the Negative Multiverse. The AncientOnes came to him had gone through testing-transformations with all surviving but all being changed. Their profound natures were changed, as were their powers, and they were slowly recovering from past horrors; they had been trapped inside the ShadowLord that had renamed himself. They had escaped into the supercity beneath the complex that had once been the WolfdoomCastle and the RedCastle. That was one of the nine AncientOne supercities of Koombrasa and, like most of the supercities of that SkyIsland, had never actually been used by the AncientOnes or their peoples. Why not? These AncientOnes did not know for their minds, their memories, were a mess, and yet they had some hints at the truth; the supercities were, like all of Koombrasan AncientOne super-mass-structures, part of the one vast, incomplete network that the new Grand Triple Network seemed to be completing.


The SkyIsland of Koombrasa was somehow profoundly different than the other Skylands of Korra, had been created for a different purpose, and a major purpose that the other Skylands had been created was to help conceal this 'importance'. All of the Skylands had been important but the SkyContinent of Skaromondas had partly been created to seem more impressive, more important, than Koombrasa and to draw attention away from it. But why? This the twenty-nine test-transformed AncientOnes did not know. They called themselves 'WayOnes' now, naming themselves after an ancient faction of more enlightened AncientOnes who had been trapped, by other AncientOnes, in the dreaded ZeroZone where the AncientOnes had no powers. Truth was that the original WayOnes, whom NullDoNull had saved and transformed, had gotten into psychic contact with them and had advised them to go to Shazz, that he was Emperor, and how to find him.


Shazz02, Derra, RedFoxie, ShivaShava the WayOne and others worked hard on trying to find ways to go to the assistance of Greenhaven. They went through the domechambers, and antechambers, of Domehaven to try to find anything that they had missed finding before that could be useful. The LittleFatMan had taken much away that was just too dangerous to leave there but many artifacts were left behind. Then they found something that had been overlooked somehow, being hidden away in such a way that even the ever canny and curious muties might easily miss.


At first it seemed like an exotic toy chest with fanciful science fiction toys on its top, front, back and sides. They were the SpaceMarines complete with aeroshuttles, aerofighters, hovertanks, hoverfighters, hovertroops, power armoured infantry, power armoured scouts, battlerobots, battleandroids and much else. Yet there was more for with them were their allies of elemental AngelChampions of AngelKnights as led by AngelPaladins with followers of AngelGuards who were not, strictly speaking, AngelKnights at all. Their ancient traditional enemies were the Doomlords and those that followed them. Shazz knew at once that inside, compressed in a transdimensional manner and in status, was a great army ready to take on the Demoniconda Army, including the DoomHorda forces with them.


There was a note fixed to the top of the chest that was written in a language that seemingly anybody, everybody, could understand but not identify the nature of. It was from the LittleFatMan and gave the following information; that the compressed armies of SpaceMarines and AngelKnights would fight and halt the Demoniconda Army for some days but then they would run out of energy, out of existence, and vanish away. Before that every time one was destroyed, another would replace it but such replacement actions would only take place three times, giving each unit 'four lives'. These temporary armies would take Emperor Shazz to be their leader and Derra as their commander.


As a secondary bit of information the note informed them that the CyberImperial Army approaching Deathcity had been taken over, 'possessed' by the Orderciconda Army of the orderci elements, the natural enemies of the chaotica as the angelici and the demonica were traditional enemies of each other. So there were actually four Conda Armies trying to get to Deathcity and not just three of them. The CyberEmpire was enraged that a large cybermanic army had been stolen from them, causing them to lose an important military campaign against their enemies on-in the SkyContinent of Skaromondas; they were in no position to do anything about it as the other four enemies had taken advantage of their situation to attack them and now the CyberEmpire was using all of its resources just to defend itself.


Shazz examined the ToyChest thoughtfully and then he gave a mild grin. "We are going to find a place where we can force the Demoniconda, the DoomHorda, to decide to turn and strike more directly for Deathcity. I want to convince them that they will lose too many valuable resources attacking Greenhaven just as the secretly Orderciconda controlled cybermanic army was convinced that they could not afford to attack Domehaven. We need to gather a large army to support the SpaceMarines and AngelKnights, to make them more effective, but also some other tricks. We need to convince the advancing army that we have more military might to use against them than we really do have. We are going to bluff them! It appears I have had many more experiences, many more lives lived, than I have previously expected."


He turned to Derra. "I will send the ToyChest to Shazz01 in Greenhaven. He will do better to carry out the plans I suggested. We can focus on finding out why the four Conda Armies are marching on Deathcity and why the Demoniconda want to take me prisoner."


ShivaShava spoke out then. "I have the answer. It was heavily restricted to who had the ability to open up any supercity once it was locked down, isolated, quarantined, and Deathcity has been so treated. The Emperor, Emperor and Empone were the only ones who could automatically enter or open up any such supercity. You have the ability to open up Deathcity for the Conda Armies otherwise they could have far more difficulty in getting into that poor, unfortunate supercity."


Shazz02 nodded as if he was surprised that he was not really surprised by this answer.


Derra frowned softly. "Then what if Shazz was to open up the city for all of the Conda Armies? The Demoniconda would no longer have a good reason for attacking Greenhaven at all."


Shazz02 shook his head as if in wonder at what he was saying. "I will give the Demoniconda an offer that if they turn away from Greenhaven, if they approach Deathcity through some other way, than I will open up Deathcity for them and the other Conda Armies. If the Demoniconda refuse this offer for any reason, I will communicate with the Orderciconda, the Angelicaconda and the Chaoticaconda to ask them to attack the Demoniconda as payment for my opening up Deathcity to them. I want the Demoniconda to know this."


Derra smiled. "Very good plan; I hope it works and avoids a whole lot of death and destruction."


Yet matters did not go so straight forwardly as Shazz hoped they would. For the Demoniconda did not believe he was the AncientOne Emperor and did not want him for this reason. No, they wanted him because they feared him and if they had him under their control, then they thought that they would have less reason to fear him. It was typical demonica type thinking. The Demoniconda refused to say why or how they had come to fear him so greatly. The Demoniconda continued to march upon Greenhaven.


When Shazz communicated, with difficulty, with the other three Conda Armies they also refused to believe that he was, even could be, the Emperor of the AncientOnes or that the AncientOnes even continued to exist in any form. So planning began for a great battle, and a great bluffing, to take place.

Edited by Maharg67
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03-10 (0084)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The RedQueen managed to gather news from around the world and to give it to the group in briefer form even as they began to meet more of the immunes in the bunker networks beneath RaccoonCity. It turned out that long before RaccoonCity had been built, way back in World War Two, that a series of large bunkers had been built there for secret government storage, research and development, training and to counter a series of Nazi German Projects in what was called the Wolfenstein Castle.


South of RaccoonCity was RaccoonTown, a settlement designed to serve the railways, highways and telecommunication lines serving the fairly isolated RaccoonCity. RaccoonTown was basically a smaller version of RaccoonCity and had been used to house refugees who had escaped from RaccoonCity but were not being allowed to go any further.


So far eighteen people there had died of various reasons only to turn into deadly zombies. Two people had been bitten, both becoming zombies in turn. All had been killed and burned.


An elderly man died in Chicago, of a heart attack, in a public park. His corpse became a zombie and caused major panic, including two deaths, before police officers shot the zombie in the head as briefed to do. The shaken constables had both admitted that they had thought the whole zombie story to be a joke before that day. Now they knew much better. Chicago became the first city to start organizing a special group to deal with possible future zombie or other unnatural threats. Soon other governments, on many levels, were doing the same thing with various degrees of cooperation with each other. Vigilantes and mercenary corporations began to form to deal with the crisis out of zeal for duty and zeal for profit.


In the RaccoonCity Green Zone eighteen zombies arose from people dying from various reasons but five perished at once because they were trapped in a burning building, the people having died of asphyxiation from the smoke. The other zombies got out to attack people but were soon being shot down by well organized patrols of security guards. The RaccoonCity people were often calmer in dealing with zombies, having experienced such horrors before, and those who were unable to deal with the new threat, left it to those who could.


It turned out that if a human, one that would become a zombie, of reasons that would kill a zombie, then the zombie never arose. When a gang fight broke out between armed thugs in a newly designated Yellow Zone, the dead were all shot in the head to make sure non arose as zombies. Morgue bodies were neatly stabbed in the brain, as they came into the morgues, in such a way that could be neatly covered up for funeral services.


A zombie can be killed instantly by being given a heavy blow, enough damage, in the head or the upper chest area, by high voltage electricity or strong enough ultraviolet light or powerful enough laser beams or by other means yet to be defined. Enough normal damage would destroy them and separated limbs, despite foolish stories stating otherwise, did not take on a 'life' of their own. Cutting off a zombie's head, separating head from chest, soon turned out to be another way to kill them.


Tazers, electric stun-weapons, did far more damage to zombies than they did to humans and so people were soon trying to get them who had not done so before. Soon production was being increased to meet increased demand and other corporations became licensed to manufacture them as the government stepped in to make sure they were available. Cattleprods were also increasing in production, including larger type ones of more old fashioned designed that could also be used as striking weapons. One of the ironies of the situation was that RaccoonCity had a fairly large, advanced manufacturing sector in the Amber Zone. Now efforts began to drive the threat out of there, to take back the ability to manufacture items there to help take back the rest of RaccoonCity.


The TallThinMan led a group of supersoldiers through the long abandoned, sealed off, World War Two bunkers. When the Nazi German Wolfdoom Project had mysteriously vanished, back when World War Two was coming to an end, then one big reason for the bunkers came to cease. Yet the bunkers were used for various reasons until the 1960s and then, for unexplained reasons, were abruptly abandoned and carefully sealed up. The codename for the bunkers, the networks linking and supporting them, was the RaccoonProject. Involved in what was going on there with its research and development was something called the Umbrella Foundation.


AliceK went with the TallThinMan, along with a few others, while AliceT supervised the taking of people from the, more modern, bunkers to the HavenHive. The trick was finding everybody, convincing them it was safer to leave there and then getting them safely to where they needed to go. Except about two thousand people refused to budge, they belonging to a religious based survivalist faction. Nor were they truly wanted in the HavenHive for these people hated all those who were no longer humans, even such as the newcons, zomans and zombors. They feared and hated just about anything outside of their tight definitions of true faith, naturalness and normality. AliceK made sure they got some resources and marked them down as being potentially troublesome in future.


The old bunkers had been fixed up, altered, after World War Two but were mainly as they had been in World War Two. AliceK walked carefully through the reinforced concrete chambers, past machinery and other equipment long stored away for long term. So far they had gone only into the bunkers that served other purposes than research and development. Administration, service support, garrison bunkers, an area designed for chosen lucky refugees if the USA had been invaded, a bunker full of transports and warmachines, a big armoury that including 105mm howitzers, 75mm recoilless rifles and such like. But this bunker was different.


Supersoldiers did not scout ahead for reasons that the TallThinMan would not explain except to say that it 'felt' right that they staid together as a larger, stronger group. They had so far gone through areas with fairly standard equipment, architecture and other features. That is it looked much like the other bunkers. Now, though, they came to a large vault like door, a great wheel of heavy armour. On it was the term of RaccoonVault. They were quite deep in the levels of the bunker, in a very large chamber and for once there were signs of something odd having taken place. There were bullets holes in the concrete walls around the great big wheel-door. There was a large burn mark in front of it as if something had exploded there of much power. It was evident that a battle had taken place and then anything that could be cleared up in a hurry, was cleared up.


The TallThinMan reached the wheel-door and touched it with his fingers. He stood there for over a minute before stepping smartly away from the metal and frowning softly. "Fools! Damned fools! There are zombies in there, far too many zombies. They are in a kind of zombie hibernation, though many have died in such a state as it is hardly a super efficient method of survival. They are waiting for fresh meat, fresh blood, to appear and to attract them. Yet there is something else in there, something far more dangerous than zombies but something that arises from them given the right conditions, the right catalyst."


He frowned hard. "In theory the catalyst should not appear on such a world as this but, in theory, neither should have the U-virus in the first place, it being more than just a virus. Clearly the superhumans brought the U-virus to this world for research to be carried out on it. Perhaps they did not want to put any of their own worlds under threat. It would be like most of the superhuman factions to think in such a cold blooded, selfish manner. So they first came here as the Umbrella Foundation but that later became the Umbrella Corporation, as it is known also on other AlternateEarths. There is also something else unusual in there; no, more than one other unusual factor."


He shook his head in wonder and returned to touching the door, closed his eyes, focused with a grimace on his face as if he did not like what he was discovering. Somehow he probed into the RaccoonVault's depths and the more he did so, the more surprised and disturbed he seemed to become. After about fifteen minutes, the others settled down to take a rest and meet some needs, Field Marshal Rear Admiral stepped away from the big door. He drank a mug of very strong coffee and then sighed. Only then did he speak.


"Now I understand what the LittleFatOne once hinted to me, wanting me to learn clearly by my own efforts. This is why this place is so important to the Umbrella Corporation, why the superhumans had first these bunkers and later RaccoonCity and the UmbrellaHive built here. I suspect strongly they were planning to return here but for some reason it never happened. The superhumans are chaotic of thinking, at their core, and can fail to keep longer term plans going smoothly; out of sight, out of mind, is a real problem with them. We are going into there but only after we make some careful preparations and carry out other plans. Its time to invade and occupy RaccoonCity even if it means that the USA declares war on us, though I hope to convince them that it is better to work with us for their sakes. For I see now that the U-virus T-virus threat is just the start of troubles on this poor world."

Edited by Maharg67
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03-11 (0085)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


The 'AliceSisters', the RedQueen and others managed to convince Field Marshal Rear Admiral that he did not have to launch an invasion of RaccoonCity. It was revealed by him, reluctantly, that he had some special military power hidden away, in a special fashion, to use to launch such an invasion and had been looking for an excuse to use them. Yet it was another who came to the TallThinMan and convinced him that he was much more needed on the SkyIsland of Koombrasa where he could unleash all of his 'special military power' to help defend Greenhaven against its enemies. Matters had changed for the worst for now all of the four Conda Armies had decided to attack Greenhaven, forming a very wary alliance with each other in order to capture or destroy Shazz. It seemed that they all had come to fear him though none would say why they feared him or how they had come to do so.


Field Marshal Rear Admiral, alias the TallThinMan, revealed his own TARDIS that was not a TimeLord type TARDIS though based loosely on such. He departed to Greenhaven of Koombrasa of the Skylands of Korra but left behind the supersoldiers along with others like them. He also left an avatar of himself who called herself the TallThinWoman or Marshal Admiral. She was well experienced as a commander and had many interesting and useful powers. The TallThinWoman began to prepare a campaign to invade the whole of the bunker network beneath RaccoonCity, which spread only beneath the Red Zone, and firmly establish her control of it.


Mean while the United States Federal Government went through a political crisis, a major scandal, as it was revealed that the Umbrella Corporation had gained extensive influence through out it; this included the public service sector, the White House, Congress and the justice system. Many bureaucrats, politicians, judges and others had vanished with out explanation until it was explained that they had undertaken the insane longevity treatments of the True Longevity Movement, often given for free or at reduced prices from the standard charge of $1,000,000 in International Dollars. The crisis went beyond the USAFG and into other levels of US Government, went beyond the borders to other governments, into corporations, through the UN and international non government agencies. From the Red Cross to the Catholic Church to the European Union and further the crisis spread. Wars broke out in the Third World and smaller governments fell.


The USA had begun to recall military forces from other areas of the world while trying to maintain a strong presence in many regions. Yet it was not the only superpower to withdraw forces in this way so it was not at much of a disadvantage in doing so. Wars came to a halt as those fighting realized that they had a bigger threat to deal with then each other. Yet a new threat was arising that a journalist half jokingly named 'zombie terrorism'. This was the increasing fear, risk, that terrorists would strike by smuggling zombies into populated areas or trying to inject people with infected-infested blood.


A steady flow of people vanished into the Maharg Towers, now found dotted in many places around the world, along with the Maharg Hotels, the Maharg Citadels in Africa and the Maharg University. With them went animals, plants and other lifeforms of many kinds. In RaccoonCity the zombies, zombers and malcons staid away from the Maharg Tower in the Amber Zone except for a minority who rushed into it to be transformed into zomans, zombors and newcons. Greymans began to appear in the Amber Zone, twisted results of the experimentations of the TLM, showing strange and terrible powers that grew steadily more so the longer the greymans survived. Again most staid away from Maharg Tower but a small minority went to it eagerly and were transformed into metamans, much as the metaclone metahumans of the SkyIsland of Koombrasa but without some enhancements but with some exotic extra abilities.


Fighting by the special forces still went on night and day, the sounds of battle echoing through the night along with the flashes; only fighting deep underground, or deep inside buildings, was taking place during the daytime.


Then the US Army sent in two AirCav Brigades, two of them, in BlackHawk helicopters escorted by Apache attack-helicopters, using a large park as the drop zone. A couple of Skycrane helicopters, taken out of mothballs, dropped off a couple of Bradley warmachines. Why they did this was more political than anything else. It was to prove that the US Federal Government was still in control of the situation and by some US Army high ranking officers who wished to make a name for themselves. There were many who recommended against the action but it continued with more helicopter flights dropping of more equipment, with the creation of sandbag bunkers and other fortifications against zombie swarms, zomber attacks with weapons and even the monstrous malcons. The campaign was launched at first light and by the time darkness began to fall, the two AirCav Brigades were entrenched. Helicopter flights were to continue through out that night.


Other military, along with paramilitary, units in the area had been given no warning of the AirCav operation and there was much anger and concern for the AirCav Soldiers who were equipped with none of the new type weapons or defenses being used the new type of threats. Apollo Park was large, was a shallow hill, and was quite defensible in nature but that area of the Amber Zone was one of the worst and was close to be designated as part of the Red Zone. Even as the sunlight dimmed, even as the night came on, zombies began to come out of the underground, many having been in the strange hibernation state that zombies could take when food was not available. A trickle became a stream and the stream became a flood.


Zombers came out with weapons, including what guns they could get ammo for. They took up positions where they could shoot at the AirCav Soldiers with scoped hunting-rifles and some weapons taken from the RaccoonCity National Guard Base. The RaccoonCity National Guard had been caught off guard, had been massacred by a swarm of zombies or had been forced to flee from the base. Many had become zombers, catching both the T-virus and U-virus. These former National Guardsmen were still a threat. The surviving National Guardsmen were based at the edge of the Red Zone whee they fought hordes of zombies, zombers and malcons almost every second night, taking turns to fight with other units that had come into the city.


Zombies swarmed towards the AirCav Soldiers, sweeping towards them. Heavy machinegun fire, heavy sniper rifle sharpshooting and mortar shells blasted down many zombies. Then came squad machinegun and assault-rifle fire, grenadeshells and the heavy gunfire of the two Bradley AFVs. Zombies kept dropping but zombies kept on coming at the soldiers. Which was when the surprise package was opened, two big fake supply crates smashing open, and out marching tow hulking metallic giants in heavy armour. Each monstrous humanoid was equipped with a large xolasergun and a great flamer, a special flamethrower designed to shoot long range jets of flaming napalm, along with a back up heavy minigun that would fire 12.7mm calibre bullets. The AirCav Soldiers move quickly out of their way, having been alerted there were experimental weapons there in the crates but were clearly shocked by what had appeared.


The monstrous creatures were like, yet unlike, AliceT and AliceK. They were Nemesis02 and Nemesis03, cloned copies of Nemesis01 that had vanished in RaccoonCity somewhere. These monsters were human once, just like the man who had been with AliceT, who had been turned into Nemesis01 by the UmbCorp. So it turned out that the Umbrella Corporation was trying to save itself by making deals with a USFG faction. UmbCorp would provide the USA with means to help destroy the strange threat in RaccoonCity and the faction, including the new US President, would make sure that the Umbrella Corporation would survive by paying into a massive compensation fund of $1,000,000,000 in International Dollars. They would also turn over special technological secrets to the USFG.


As the monsters lumbered towards the swarming zombies, they unleashed great bursts of the napalm flames causing the undead creatures to burst into flames, to burn away into nothingness in seconds as they were killed. The xolaser pulsebeams swept across the zombies, burning them away, dropping them by the dozens as they swept across the oncoming swarms.


Things were not going as well as the AirCav Marshal there had expected, had been told would happen. The zombers began sniping at the AirCav Soldiers, being cunning snipers. They were hard to pick up with infrared scopes, even when the scopes were adjusted, and they kept on moving after each shot for they had been trained, some had been human veterans. The zombies kept swarming from all directions and the Nemeses were only in one area.


Then came the first swarms of malcons. The two Nemeses fired at these with the heavy miniguns, hurling heavy machinegun bullets at the creatures. The malcons moved very quick, the Nemeses aimed just as quick and blasted monster after monster with special designed large bullets. Which was when the two monstrous super weapons began to march steadily away from the fortified encampment and towards the city. They moved steadily away and the AirCav Marshal, along with the two UmbCorp science officers there, were taken completely by surprise. One of the UmbCorp people, a techie, tried to trigger the self destruct mechanisms to the Nemeses but they were duds. The Umbrella Corporation had betrayed the USFG faction and some of its own people but that was far from something new, or unusual, for them. The AirCav had delivered the two super weapons to Amber Zone of RaccoonCity and now they were moving off to do what the Umbrella Corporation really wanted them to do.


The AirCav Soldiers could do nothing because they were busy defending themselves. When it was discovered that a device in one of the fake supply crates, where Nemesis02 had been, was attracting the zombies deliberately, the AirCav Marshal realized that he, his people, even the two UmbCorp people, had been drawn into a deathtrap. As the fighting continued it seemed that the two AirCav Brigades were doomed.


The Apache attack-helicopters came into hover above the encampment, to pour autocannon shells into the zombie hordes even as a SEAL team wiped out the zomber snipers on the rooftop. Green Berets, STAR Troopers and other special forces came, including British SAS Soldiers sent to gain valuable fighting experience. Yes, foreign troops were fighting on US soil because the USA knew it needed the rest of the world to fight the new menace just as they needed the USA.


It was at that very moment, in the Middle East, in the troubled city of Jerusalem, that terrorists struck by unleashing a horde of zombies from two vans and a truck. At about the same time the same happened in North Africa, in France, in Mexico, in India and in other places around the world. It was only later that it was to be proven that the so called terrorists were fanatical followers of a bizarre undeath cult of necromancers and other followers and that this, the True Life Faith, was linked with the True Longevity Movement and was backed by the resources of the Umbrella Corporation. When it was discovered that the U-virus had been infiltrated into blood banks around the world, it was far too late for many people. Hospitals were amongst the first places to turn into hell holes as many people gaining blood transfusions turned into zombies.


Not everything went the way for the Umbrella Corporation. Disgusted, enraged, by what their employers had done, high ranking UmbCorp members went AWOL from UmbCorp secret facilities and revealed the location of many of them. There were far more of them than had ever been guessed at by the world at large; it was a shock to find out how amazingly well the Umbrella Corporation was organized, was spread, was resourced and the shocks were only just starting.

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02-24 (0086)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


"A very very long time ago something strange happened to many elementals of our plains of existence." The angelic leader spoke from a angelic-human as angelics moved amongst freefolk who were busy making more preparations for the coming attack by the four Conda Armies. "Many angelici, chaotica, demonica and orderci were attracted to an intruding energy pulse of great power. It was linked to the same chain of events including the ending of the AncientOne Empire and the Super Explosion here on Koombrasa. It changed many elementals and created the Conda Armies who at once decided that they would try to dominate the Multiverse. It was insane, it was destructive, it was.... futile but the Condo Elementals would not heed others, could no longer heed others, were transformed. Something ancient, dark and malignant took control over them. We think it was an opportunistic crime, that the TwistedOne did not create the changes but took advantage of them."


The angelic leader was clearly reluctant to speak of such matters as if the elementals found it shameful. She was in the form of a transformed normie woman in work power armour.


Shazz01 frowned softly. "Was not your fault any more than what happened to the wondrous muties was their fault. All elementals are one elemental, I understand that now, for I am a TimeLord AncientOne hybrid, am the Emperor of the AncientOnes returning now all transformed and more enlightened. Only recently have I come to understand that more than one dark, powerful, subtle force is at play but that only one is causing the long term evil. The irony is that the others are fighting this one for they would not disturb the greater balance of the Multiverse or see it disturbed for their own purposes; they are doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Then there are the forces of the Light, the forces of Order, the forces of Chaos, along with those forces of the Shadow. The TwistedOne was created by the very forces, the timespace alternates event, that the TwistedOne is creating so that it will continue to exist."


The TallThinMan had arrived, along with his WonderTARDIS that was based loosely on a TimeLord TARDIS, and Shazz had given over the wondrous ToyChest because Field Marshal Rear Admiral could use the powers of it much more efficiently than he could himself. Shazz01 was wondering what he should do next. For the moment it seemed that he was not really needed. Everybody knew what they had to do, were doing it. Refugees had gone down into the Grand Triple Labyrinth where elementals could not go except if inside a living body; this last made the great maze of networks less safe but even inside living bodies the elementals could exist there only with some loss of special abilities. Hybrids could go into the Grand Triple Labyrinth. Shazz01, Shazz, had been working out just what could be done about this.


He was pleased that the Maharg Sanctuary had popped up over a dozen places through out Koombrasa, always deep inside the ground and yet easily accessible. All the Maharg Sanctuaries were part of the great Mahargia. Millions of muties, normies, former slave and others had found safety in the Maharg Sanctuaries including flora and fauna, the flora often vanishing to be taken to safety.


Another new development was that the transformed glowshooms were turning out to be an amazing resource for healing life of all sorts, as a clean efficient power source, as a form of basic nutrition and much else. The transformed glowshooms, or neoglowshooms, were being cultivated across Greenhaven and were being processed in Hopehaven. Yet the same was starting to happen even where the claytol was still toxic for the neoglowshooms helped transform the toxic claytol into neoclaytol.


The Conda Armies were going to attack at once primarily from the north, the west, the south and the east. They would not focus on the north-west, north-east, south-west or south-east. They were still moving into position and it would take many days before they were ready to attack as one. The Angelicaconda were already in position, having had less distance to go for they had simply turned about and returned to Greenhaven except this time to attack instead of to defend. The Demoniconda were arriving, were taking up position, including the DoomHorda. The Chaoticaconda would arrive next and then the Orderciconda who were now revealed for their true nature though they still appeared as cybermanic forces.


Shazz01 had a bad feeling that the Conda Elementals were up to something else also, that they had more unpleasant surprises to spring upon Greenhaven.


He spoke to the angelic leader as they stood on top of a wide, flat topped, fortified hill that had been toxic not so long ago. Around them xolasergun batteries were being put into place. "Were there any other elementals caught up in the event that created the Conda Armies, who became Conda Elementals?"


The angelic leader was obviously reluctant to answer the question but did so. "Yes there were life, solar, phase, physical, mental and spirit...... like the elementals that come from the testing-transformations but also different from them. It is very hard to put such concepts into words. There were also others... just a few of the more exotic elementals. Normally we do not even speak of them, we do not even think about them. Generally we call them the deeper elementals, the higher elementals, the outer elementals, the eternal elementals. Some call the eternal elementals the Eternals but the Eternals are only one form of eternal elementals. The Q Continuum were a form of Eternals. There are yet others that I can not, will not, speak of unless I really have to do so."


Shazz sighed. "I have been to the Negative Multiverse and back. Please tell me what you can."


The angelic leader nodded. "Yes, Shazz has done the seemingly impossible. There are the ever elementals, the oblivion elementals, the death elementals and others that even we can not name though we might wish to." The angelic seemed shaken by what she had said but Shazz was reassuring. "I have the feeling you know this already, Shazz."


He shrugged, failed to look nonchalant about the matter. "I knew such things with out knowing I knew them, if that makes sense."


"Of course it does." The angelic-human smiled. "I must return to my duties and you having more thinking to do, more knowing again what you actually know already."


The angelic-human teleported away with a soft shimmering effect. A big mecha strode past carrying a heavy xolasergun. Shazz01 began to reflect on everything that had happened since he was, seemingly, just a metaclone metahuman slave of the Grand Thirteens living a miserable existence amongst claytol working fields of the slowly dying SkyIsland of Koombrasa.

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02-25 (0087)

MultipleEarth Saga: Defending Freedom and a New Home


As Shazz01 sought to gain a greater understanding of Shazz's nature, in Greenhaven, and sought to gain knowledge, to regain knowledge that somehow he already had buried deep inside, Shazz02 had all ancient artifacts found in Domehaven gathered and taken to where he and Derra could study them. The most dangerous, most powerful, items had been taken away by the LittleFatMan but there were some less powerful, less dangerous to use, items of usefulness left. Being actually a superhuman, Derra was able to activate a superhuman designed and mattercated teleportboat, basically a fairly clumsy squat metallic saucer. Shazz helped tune it into a more efficient and useful mode of operation. Many elite superhuman technologies were crude copies of AncientOnes' technologies that the superhumans poorly understood and so Shazz was able to improve the functioning of the teleportboat.


The teleportboat was only nine metres wide and six metres high but it was soon making regular, three hourly trips between Domehaven and Greenhaven. It needed time between trips for safe retuning of its navigational systems to take place for the next 'jump' and for the batterypacks to recharge for teleporting of this nature took much energy. Artifacts were sent from Greenhaven, from the growing and changing structures there had once been a TransGlobe and part of a TimeLord TARDIS. Shazz02 and Derra studied these also. Goods, people, robots and much else made the teleport trips between Greenhaven and Domehaven.


DoctorTime Pertwee and his TimeLordite companions, they had not always been TimeLordites, began trying to work out how to better defend Greenhaven against elemental attacks by elementals, elementals in other lifeforms and by hybrids. As they studied the nature of the four Conda Armies, they began to note some odd discrepancies in the data they had, some gaps, some contradictions and some poorly explained statements. It was becoming clear that few knew much about the Conda Elementals, even the elemental populations that they had once been part of. This was because the Conda Elementals had been changing over the long ages since they became Conda nature.


Muties came and reported that muties who had willingly become infused with Conda Angelics were now being controlled puppet like when they fought against the idea of attacking Greenhaven. Such muties were being forced to breed more and more angelic hybrids, angelicozi, who were breeding more of their kind though with only some success as many angelicozi were born sterile or of low levels of fertility. More angelicozi began to arrive, popping out of seemingly nowhere, being soldiers and specialists. They brought with them exotic technologies including transformer mecha and energy weapons. They worshiped the Conda Angelics in a fanatical fashion that no normal angelics would have asked from any others.


"We had always hoped that the Conda Angelics would remain at core true angelici, that they would not become too evil, but the Conda Angelics have seemingly done just that. They demand to be worshiped, they trick mortals into being enslaved, they break deep promises and they deceive in other ways." The angelics leader was obviously deeply disturbed by what the Conda Angelics had been doing. "Now it appears they are no longer really angelics at all. We fear what other evil deeds the Conda Angelici may have carried out that we do no know of."


"The TwistedOne was to blame for what they did." Shazz02 stood in the big new War Room that had replaced an older one. It was bigger, more sophisticated and was fitted with many new technologies. Yet Shazz wondered what good it would do Greenhaven and the freefolk with four great armies moving to attack. "The TwistedOne being an avatar of the TwistedLord. Yes, knowledge is returning to me though not as quickly as I would like it to but then again this may be for the best for it is difficult to customize to so much information that is flowing into my awareness. In an odd way I am having to relearn what I already know."


The Conda Armies were coming into position more quickly than had been anticipated for they were getting unexpected assistance from a mysterious source. The moving Conda Armies, the two still moving towards Greenhaven, gained liftercraft and supercrawlers. The Chaoticaconda and Orderciconda were soon on the surface of Koombrasa again and moving rapidly to take their positions. No traditional enemies were next to each other but cut off from them by those who were not traditional enemies. Thus the Angelicaconda were going to attack from the west while the Demoniconda would attack from the east, the Chaoticaconda from the north and the Orderciconda from the south.


When Shazz realized what must be done to protect Greenhaven, that it was essential that Greenhaven be protected from the Conda Armies, he was astonished by the seeming madness of the idea. Shazzo01 took his idea to the Doctor, to Suzane and others. The TallThinMan was most impressed with the concept. The TimeLords were bemused by it. The angelici were amazed. Everybody got to work at once to see if it could be done.


Yet the general work of making Greenhaven a great fortress continued.


Shazz03 arose into existence and began to move across the toxic claytol plains of much of Koombrasa. Why he had emerged, another aspect of Shazz, he did not know but 'sensed' it was very important that he had emerged when, and where, he had. Shazz knew nothing specific but somehow he knew he was seeking answers to his own exotic nature, to his mysterious past.


Here Ends the Story 'Defending Freedom and a New Home'

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00-12 (0088)

MultipleEarth Saga: The Greater Story


The LittleFatMan focused on making sure that Mahargia was taking in as many refugees as it could from at least three AlternateEarths, including those of Koombrasa and those of RaccoonCity. On the AlternateEarth where the U-virus had broken out all over the world, thanks to the cultist terrorists and the Umbrella Corporation, people found safety not only in the Maharg Towers, the Maharg Hotels and the sprawling Maharg University, but up to three kilometres out from it. When malcons, zombies and zombers were drawn into Mahargia, people somehow knew not to try to harm them or obstruct them. In turn these creatures made no aggressive moves towards refugees or others.


Some cities, and other areas, were designated Green Zones at first. Since zombies, zombers and malcons had difficulty with deep water, especially salt water, islands quickly became places of safety. Chaos fell upon large areas of human territories and Red, Amber and Yellow Zones soon arose but were soon being adjusted. There were many heavily armed local warlords in North Africa and they joined in a wary alliance to take on the new threat. National Guardsmen often took the brunt of the outbreaks at first, the police being needed to try to control the panicky public. Fighting soon became heavy in many areas around the world.


People were soon learning that guns were not always the best to take on the zombies. All sorts of body-armours were devised and weapons used from spiked baseball bats to crowbars to hunting bows. Archery was soon becoming popular as arrows could be retrieved and reused, repaired more easily and made more easily than bullets. Crossbows were popular for much the same reasons though they were slower to reload. Military historians, and others with the right knowledge, were soon being consulted in the making of hand weapons of many kinds and the best use of them.


Dogs could sniff out carrier immunes, of both kinds, trying to sneak through quarantine security boundaries and across borders. They could not detect rare non carrier immunes of both who neither carried either the T-virus or the U-virus and would never become zombies upon death.


Then the Umbrella Corporation released the K-virus in London that turned people in ragers and ravers, crazed berserker cannibalistic killers. Ragers kept enough intelligence to use guns, to have a cunning intelligence, to do other more human tricks. Ravers were insane attackers. Both became changed, gained enhanced strength, enhanced endurance to damage and other abilities but they hated sunlight and had many of the weaknesses of the U-virus, T-virus, monsters. This was no coincidence since the K-virus was based on genetically altered T-virus entities. The only good things about ravers, and ragers, was that they were immune non carriers of the U-virus and T-virus along with the fact that they hated zombies, zombers and malcons. So battles raged between many kinds of monsters through out London as the city fell into chaos.


The LittleFatWoman, seemingly in more place at once, rescued groups of people and led them to Mahargia. Monsters fled from her or were transformed, even the K-virus monsters, into serving her and helping to protect the people and what ever life or things they took with them. Ragers and ravers both often became berserkers, soldiers with far greater control of the rage factor, but many were not suitable to do this and in general former ragers and ravers were known as faters for reasons quickly lost.


The LittleFatOne focused on helping people to create Green Pocket Zones, GPZs, including some based in sealed of Tube Stations.


The situation was generally a mess and many areas turned into not just Red Zones but Black Zones which were abandoned as being beyond assistance, beyond any spending of resources to save the peoples still trapped there.


Panic, profiteering, brutal criminality, hoarding, vigilantism, extreme survivalism, these and other problems were soon adding to those of the monsters themselves. Then the K-virus began to break out in other areas of the world, sometimes in designated Green Zones but, thankfully, only a couple of them.


The Umbrella Corporation gained what it really wanted as it began to use the vast diversion of enemies, of that world, to begin a massive exodus from that AlternateEarth, stripping clean its primary facilities, taking its elite and special people, leaving most to fend for themselves in the numerous secondary facilities and fake corporations and other institutions. Through two well hidden AlternateGates they moved, being very well concealed AncientOne artifacts in two very deeply buried supercities.


Which was when the Maharg University, the Maharg Corporation and the Maharg Foundation all began, in a joint project, to bring out a new range of technologies and began to manufacture them as well as to sell, give or trade them from big stockpiles.

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03-12 (0089)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Marshal Admiral found a secondary, safer way into the RaccoonVault, through a smaller heavy armoured wheel-door. With supersoldiers, and some others, the group sealed the big wheel-door behind them and went through another such wheel-door. Security quarantine chambers were upgraded since World War Two, that was clear, but with technologies brought from another AlternateEarth, a world of power armour, atomic motorized hovercars, rocketships, strange robots, the Brotherhood of Steel, the dreaded Enclaven and much else of the kind. There stood two deactivated protectron robots, clumsy graceful humanoid robots armed with pulselasers and pulseblasters. Marshal Admiral touched the robots, reprogramming and activating them but also enhancing them.


The protectrons had some surviving databanks, datafiles, showing audio-visual glimpses of what had happened inside the RaccoonVault. Glimpses of horror as zombies had come swarming through the great complex of the RaccoonVault, along with gun bearing zombers. Security guards in body-armour, blue fatigues, and with automatic weapons or energy weapons, attempted to drive them back but something seemed to be guiding the zombies and zombers. There was also something else quite strange for the majority of zombies, and zombers, seemed to be wearing gear and the zombers were using weapons not of that world. Just where had they come from?


They went through an area of savage battle but it was of oddly scattered effect. While many areas were damaged, showed signs of conflict such as bullet holes and spent casings, others were simply abandoned. They made their way through entrance areas, a security station where long dead MPs had died fighting, the place showing an odd mixture of human technologies. Often older type machines had simply been pushed into corners of large chambers and left there. It was almost a collectors' paradise of historical collectables. The layout, the structure, of the complex was odd, was a little messy, thanks to all the changes that had been made while other areas had simply been abandoned. Everything was seemingly done as quickly as possible and with the minimum expenditure of resources.


At first they encountered no zombies and when they did, the TallThinWoman transformed them into zomans. She was quick to point out that this was a trick that she could not use against hordes of attacking zombies but only against smaller numbers, especially the more passive kind of zombies that were also to be found in the great complex. They halted in a large concrete chamber half given over to a collection of desks, filing-cabinets, various office machines and some odd items from typewriters to a big computer mainframe to an exotic device like a plastic dentist chair with some extras.


Marshal Admiral studied the strange chair and she grimaced with distaste. "A mind conditioning chair or MCC. I suspect that many of the humans here were mostly controlled by these pleasure giving chairs that would have become very addictive and would have boosted their mind control conditioning. I have no doubt we will find other MCCs through out parts of this complex. These MCCs are of twisted zetan technological design and make. They use them to control their enslaved zoton workers. The MCC control conditioning makes people passive and unable to defend themselves. When the zombies came, any mind conditioned humans would have been totally unable to protect themselves."


The zomans had poor quality memories of being human but one of them, a former clerk, spoke. "I was one of those mind enslaved victims. We wanted to leave the RaccoonVault, to go home, but the conditioning and the addiction to the 'pleasure chairs' stopped us along with security and the big armoured doors. When the zombies came, when something opened the doors for them to come through, we could do nothing but die screaming. The security guards were taken by surprise, they and the protectrons. Then there was the malignant one in grey hooded robes. He touched people with his staff and they became zombies, just like that. It was terrible. Being just near him was like having one's life sucked away from one. The security guards tried to kill him, as did the protectrons, but only the pulselasers seemed to have any real success but not enough."


"A TwistedOne!" The tall, attractive woman knelt in her special power armour to examine a splash of long dried blood. "He fed on people and turned them into zombies that he then controlled. His very soul would be cursed for his doing of such a trick. Yet the TwistedOne was only an avatar of the TwistedLord who has been behind much of the dark events that have been happening. The TwistedLord who was created by the timespace alternates cataclysm linked to the ending of the AncientOnes, the Super Explosion and many other events of differing impact."


So answers were arising into place as information from different sources came together. Yet the greater pattern had too many gaps in it and too much guesswork, even if much of it was well founded guesswork. There were more immediate problems to deal with.


So the TwistedOne had attacked a site linked to the Umbrella Corporation and thus to its Senior Partners of superhuman factions who were, in turn, being manipulated by a more ancient, darker force. Yet it seemed to be a force opposed to the TwistedLord or was that just a false guess?


With increased numbers of zomans, protectrons, zombors, newcons and supersoldiers, they continued to move on through the crazy networks of chambers and tunnels. Twice more zombies came out of their unnatural hibernation state to attack or just to stand passively as peaceful zombies. It turned out that nearly all the zombies that came from mind control conditioned humans had become passive zombies while the others had become very aggressive zombies or so the TallThinWoman came to believe.


Then they came to a metallic stone chamber of the AncientOnes where rose great garish statues and statue-machines partly infused into the walls, where stood the disk shaped platform and half circle archway of an AlternateGate. There were also teleport-chambers, a duplicator machine, a dispensing device and much else of the more general kinds of such things, in AncientOne terms. Stacks of crates, canisters and other items showed that the people had been using the AncientOnes' devices as much as they could.


Marshal Admiral spoke to the others with a half smile. "We need to take this place over, to secure it for our own uses, and use this AlternateGate to travel from Domehaven and back since there is an AlternateGate there. Fixing an AlternateGateway between the two will be tricky but I can do it, with a little messing around." She clearly liked the idea of achieving some kind of victory, conquest. Marshal Admiral was almost as militaristic as was Field Marshal Rear Admiral though both saw such things as being necessary only to work against evil. Then she was obviously thoughtful. "Unless I call in special assistance to deal with the opening of an AlternateGateway while I focus on conquering this wonderful set of challenges."


It was then that the first zombie horde attacked, swarming towards the newcomers with mindless aggression and greed for a feed.

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03-13 (0090)

MultipleEarth Saga: HavenHive Hopes, Efforts and Threats


Zomans, zombors and newcons were being transformed from zombies, zombers and malcons in places through out the world while in the United Kingdom both ragers and ravers were being transformed into faters. Where humans took them on as allies, the situations improved but too many times humans attacked these new entities out of fear, out of prejudice or just out of stupidity; in these cases the newcons, zombors, zomans and faters would join forces with allied humans so as to defend themselves. Fanatical religious movements, of many kinds, would not tolerate any of the entities be they Middle East Islamic Factions or United States Christian Factions or Indian Hindu Factions or others, newer or more traditional. Ultra extreme right NeoNazi groups added the nonhuman entities to their extensive hate lists as did the new ultra extreme left wing NeoCommunists. Yet mostly it was 'normal general people' who attacked without thinking, with out trying to be fair, reacting with fear and the need to strike out at scapegoats.


The only domed undersea city, Deeptropolis, was soon considered to be a special sanctuary of humanity and other untouched life. Protected by an ocean of salt water, it was soon doing many medical sweeps of its population and of any entering or even leaving. The same was happening with the Low Orbitals of spacestations, spaceplatforms and other orbital sites along with the Lunar and L5 Colonies. Spaceports, railgun launcher sites, tracking stations and other such sites on the Earth came under high priority protection. Many people were complaining, often with good justification, that powerful governments, corporations and other bodies were abandoning most of the people of the world to their own resources, to their own fate. Exceptions were some United Nations organizations, some big international non profit organizations and even two big transnational corporations, one being the Maharg Corporation. The Maharg Corporation, Foundation and University continued to support peoples around the world including the transformed peoples.


AliceS, as she was come to be known, stepped out of a vertical shimmering energy gateway along with other Sliders being Rembrandt, Wade, Arturo, Quin, Maggie, Diana, Colin, QuexoTu, Rodge and Smalter. All were human except Rodge the android, QuexoTu the shapeshifting alien who looked human and the genetically engineered enhanced Alsatian dog, Smalter. They had met AliceS, 'S' standing for 'Slider', on a world where zombies, zombers, malcons, ragers, ravers and other monsters had conquered over two thirds of the human world and the other third was struggling to survive, to hold back the menace. She had gone sliding with the newcomers partly to escape from a whole lot of danger but also to seek answers for her home AlternateEarth.


It was semidarkness with heavy cloud cover overhead threatening snow. It was coming strongly into winter. Zombies were not immune from extreme cold but it did them far less harm than it did to humans and other lifeforms.


AliceS heard the gunfire from the top of the building, the strange howling moans of attacking zombies and then noted the flashing pulsebeams of xolaserguns burning away hundreds of zombies. The first two she knew about but not the latter and right then she decided she would take such technologies back to her own AlternateEarth, if she could do so. They were standing on the roof of the huge RaccoonCity Central Police Station of the RaccoonCity Police Department, the RPD. They were close to a helipad. AliceS shook her head in wonder for this version of RaccoonCity was at least ten times bigger than the small metropolis that was the RaccoonCity that she had lived in for many years. This city was also still surviving and seemed to be fighting hard for its survival. Yet did they know about the other threats of the U-virus, the K-virus and the T-virus that would arise after time? AliceS had gained other information that she figured she could trade with the locals. She was puzzled for not only could she 'sense' another 'Alice' but two of them along with some that seemed almost to be 'Alices'. As she looked out over the city it became clear that this bigger version of RaccoonCity was also more sophisticated and technologically advanced than was her own poor city long overrun by the antinaturals.


Wade spoke, shaking her head doubtfully as a flight of supersonic jumpjets passed overhead, being multirole fighters known Hawker Vipers. The only bad thing about them was their expense, complexity and small numbers. As the three machines shot overhead, they released dozens of new type stunflash bombs. Zombies screamed in bizarre agony howls as the flashes took place across RaccoonCity Park, a very large park across a main street from the big central police station.


"Reminds me of your city, Alice, but much bigger and more modern. Those zombies scared the hell out of me. I hope we run into no more of them."


Oddly enough zombies could be stunned but it was much harder to stun them than it was unprotected humans but a stunned zombie took precious minutes to come out of that condition. The 'flash' of each stunflash bomb would burn away some zombies and damage others to various degrees. Zombies were more immune to such weapons but did still suffer. This was true also for malcons. AliceS spoke. "I suggest we get into cover. There are people in this building but none close to us."


They made their way across the rooftop, making it as far as the nearest structure sticking up above the main roof level. As they reached it, AliceS halted and looked around in puzzlement for she was 'sensing' danger of a kind new to her. After she had left her home world with the Sliders, she had gone to five AlternateEarths with them but none had held zombies or anything like that. Only one of them had even had a RaccoonCity and that had nothing to do with any Umbrella Corporation and there had been no UmbrellaHive hidden beneath that city, as far as the Sliders had learned.


Maggie stepped forward to join AliceS, an enhanced augmented cyborg soldier from a very troubled world, and looked around. "I also can 'sense' something is wrong here and not just the obvious wrongness of all that is happening here already. No, something else is coming here." Maggie had undergone some odd changes since becoming a Slider as if the process of 'sliding' had had some odd influences on her but it seemed to have such on all Sliders. For the others, all experienced Sliders, also 'sensed' something was about to happen that was not good.


The electronic lock on the armoured door was quite sophisticated but the android easily bypassed it, opened it. Even as the door opened through it came stomping a tall, armoured figure, fairly quickly and fairly impressively. It was a Robocop and it had a large weapon in its metallic hands along with a very big pistol holstered on each hip, being of different kinds of weapons. There was also a big sword across its back with the hilt showing over one shoulder. The big dome headed humanoid halted and faced them. Then it spoke. "I am Cybernetic Police Officer FiveA05. You are trespassing. Please show proper authorization or be arrested."


The professor suddenly spoke. "Authorization Alpha Arrest Security One Four One Four Arturo."


The Robocop turned and looked at Arturo. "That is an old but acceptable authorization. Are you here to test me, professor?"


"No, just to warn you that something very bad is coming. We are Sliders. I doubt that you know of us. We come from an AlternateEarth. I came from one where I did some mathematics for a cyborg police officer program but it failed." Arturo shook his head in wonder. "I see it was successful on this world."


"Only after special cloned part humans were used and not human volunteers." The Robocop turned its head, sweeping its view across the rooftop. "My sensors are picking up unusual patterns of disturbance as electromagnetic fields. I know of the Sliding Project and of AlternateEarths. The Robocop Project was failing until the Maharg Corporation bought it out and then continued so as to save the lives of all of the prototype cybernetic police officers. We now serve the Maharg Detective Security Agency, the MDSA. I am operating here to gain valuable experience dealing with the new threats against the world. The Maharg Corporation greatly improved us in many ways and gave us extended independence as citizens. Previously we were the property of the Umbrella Corporation who abandoned the project as non profitable and would have terminated us."


Suddenly there was an appearance of another Slider wild gateway, a so called rift-gate, and through it stepped a tall, disturbing version of Alice for she was a hulking Nemesis. Then a tall, slim Alice stepped through who radiated aggression, who scowled around her, as she stood there in power armour. Yet it was the male figure that came through, the tall pale skinned man in a hooded robe, a man with coldest of staring eyes, who was most troublesome. The TwistedOne grinned as he saw the other group on another part of the roof, doing so with great sharp teeth. Then he took his dark blood red staff, of some kind of strange metal, and slammed its end down against the roof. At once he, and his two companions, vanished with a sparkling shimmer. Even as they teleported away, the rift-gate closed instantly.


"Those two Alices I did not like at all." AliceS frowned hard. "Not at all. The other thing, pretending to be a distorted man, is far worse. We must warn the people of this city of what just arrived here."

Edited by Maharg67
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