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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55252368. #55253008, #55253103 are all replies on the same post.

Balgin Stondraeg wrote: Personally I can't stand the new site layout. I hope to be able to keep using the old version for as long as it's humanly possible. It's easier to sue, more intuitive and less of an eyesore.
Darnexx wrote: Same.
PziCrow wrote: I agree. This new design is BAD.

I agree. It's ridiculously bad.
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In response to post #57103751. #57106871, #57180531 are all replies on the same post.

ElleGrayston wrote:

YUCK!!!!!!!!!!! TERRIBLE!!!!!! AWFUL!!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!! Please go back to the former layout this new one sucks. So much so I may stop going to the website. YES, it's that bad...it gives me a headache.


Please go back to the drawing board.

Ethreon wrote: Change is irreversible. Deal with it.
[email protected] wrote: I dunno, the old one was just so...ugly though, and I find this new design more aesthetically pleasing and more functional than the old one I can't think of one thing I liked about the old design over this new design.

gonna deal with it by going to other sites, las time I actually tried to use the new site I stop logging on for a long time subsconsciously. I normally checked nexus regularly but after trying I lost interest for a long time.
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Yeah wow. Surely these amassed responses warrant some consideration.. Especially considering the quantity of the sites monthly traffic who are interacting with mods compared with this comment section. The new layout isn't only less aesthetically appealing (in my opinion + about a thousand others) But also lacks key aspects of the old layout- specifically on the action bar, atleast in an obvious or apparent manner, I assume/hope they still exist elsewhere... Surely this large plea/protest/petition can't simply be ignored...

Seriously, why not have both?


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So, on the 12th, old.nexus.com will be taken down and we will all be forced to use the new layout. Which is a broken, untidy mess. I have tried and tried, repeatedly to like it. But, I can't. Especially on my 4k monitor. It's horrid. Anyway, when it goes down on the 12th, I'll no longer be coming here. Guess it's time to break down and start using Bugthesda's mod site.

Thanks again for many long years of a great site. It sucks to say good bye. But, 12th February will be my final so long and farewell.

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The 12th is going to be a sad day.


I really hope we get some formatting options with the new site. If we are going to be stuck with it, some options to reduce the clutter; change the font/sizings, or hide specific options on it will make things easier.


Otherwise, I really can't see how I am going to handle this new look :pinch:

Edited by Asakti
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I am not going to complain about the new layout, reading the last few pages shows that is a dead horse in no need of beating. That said, and forgive me if it has been addressed before, but is there a way on the new site design to view your download history by game like on the old site? I see no good reason why on for instance nexus/skyrim I should have to shovel through Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 download histories looking for a specific mod again.


Other than that, i see no reason why not to use the site, as it is just about the only place to get older game mods, sadly.

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I am not going to complain about the new layout, reading the last few pages shows that is a dead horse in no need of beating. That said, and forgive me if it has been addressed before, but is there a way on the new site design to view your download history by game like on the old site? I see no good reason why on for instance nexus/skyrim I should have to shovel through Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 download histories looking for a specific mod again.


Other than that, i see no reason why not to use the site, as it is just about the only place to get older game mods, sadly.

On the main site itself? No. Not that I've found and I've played with it, trying to like it. But, if you setup your fav Nexus pages, ie Skyrim, FO3 and so on, just click on the one you want, then click mods and download history.

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On the main site itself? No. Not that I've found and I've played with it, trying to like it. But, if you setup your fav Nexus pages, ie Skyrim, FO3 and so on, just click on the one you want, then click mods and download history.


Thank you so much for that info. I have no idea how I missed that (had been looking at history the same way I had always done, through my profile (the gear icon now, versus the old user area -> download history)).

Edited by sheldonking
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