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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55474428.

PresidentMendes wrote: I hated this new design. It was better to keep the old look, a lot easier to navigate, instead of this new. Now I can't open the mods images in new tab and the homepage seems like a 'mobile trash', as someone already said. Bad job.

Rclick image>Open in a new tab.
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In response to post #55474428. #55474588 is also a reply to the same post.

PresidentMendes wrote: I hated this new design. It was better to keep the old look, a lot easier to navigate, instead of this new. Now I can't open the mods images in new tab and the homepage seems like a 'mobile trash', as someone already said. Bad job.
Ethreon wrote: Rclick image>Open in a new tab.

It opens the same page in a new tab with a '#' in the end. Before I could click with the middle button in main page. Now I must open the image and then right click on it.

Another thing is user options. Before I had a drop list when I click 'username account'. Now I need to click on the gear icon and wait a new page loads to see my download history.

The download history page now it's like the search box. It shows mods for all games, not just the one I want. Edited by PresidentMendes
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Could you guys please unclutter the new design and make it less wide? it looks like some shitty mobile site.

while some parts are definetely easier to navigate now. the mod browsing list.. just oh my f*#@ing god how did you manage to screw this up.

now the filter and search options arent even available while you are browsing the modlists, and the icons are wayyy too wide and there really isnt any need to include descriptions under the thumbnails.

imagine if even youtube did that, you'd burn your bloody eyes out trying to watch videos. not to mention the colors really just dont fit with the new "clean" redesign. and the "plus" signs in the top rights of the mod thumbnails? absolutely useless and only clutter the layout and makes it annoying for you to even view the mod in the first place.


honestly i see this redesign not as something that makes the site look cleaner. if anything they just tried to cram as much useless bullshit information that you really do not need into a gigantic space. leaving no room for the actual content you want and instead you get a f*#@load of confusing links all going to the exact same thing.

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sorry but I do not like the new design. the old design was easy to glance through, this new one feels like I need new glasses. very cluttered and too wide. at least should have kept an option button to use the old design. maybe I am too old school but why fix something if it is not broken ?
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