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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Sorry for me but i'll follow what i need on the nexus from another way than consulting the site. I'm using this site since oblivion days and i'm well known used of new web design (part of my job) . Really, i'm not good enough in English to describe all wrong décisions i see in this choosen Template.


With old site, the design was showing all the information without too much scroll for example. Here you take 5 more spaces to display the same quantity.


the lonely reason for this desing seems the fact that you can use 1/3 of the first screen to display advertisements.


Flat design is considered in my job as the worst choice. It was a mode a few years ago and never met the result expected. Many sites (even big world commercial one) that took that way for a Template lost so many users that they had to reconstruct a new one quickly.


So, if old site disappear, i'll automate the consultation feed of the new mod page but i will preserve my eyes and my time.


Nexus admin are doing a wonderfull job since so many years but, this time, sorry this is a mistake.


EDIT : One last sample : on some page the first line of real information start 2 centimeters before the low limit of the screen and a title is displayed on 1/3 of the screen like if everyone was bllind. This post page is a good example !




Edited by Mandala01
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In response to post #55480003.

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Yea, I agree.

I know Nexus team is trying to make the best experience for us, but I'm afraid this new layout is not very functional. Also browsing mods is just confusing now. I can't seem to find how to chose a specific category, you can't see the short description anymore by hovering mouse over a mod... and I barely started using this new layout and I already want to switch back to the old one, which I will for as long as I can.
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In response to post #55478623. #55478653, #55478708, #55478878 are all replies on the same post.

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What did we lose? - Well, mod browsing functionality which is the main reason why most people go to this site.

Before you could easily choose a category and even type in keywords, to find selected mods. Also when you hovered with your cursor over a mod it displayed the short description. Now if the description doesn't fit in the window you have to open the mod's page to see it. Fewer mods per page as well; and lastly for some reason this orange color scheme is straining my eyes a lot. I'm not kidding... I can hardly look at the screen after writing this.
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I agree with the opinion of no one who does not like the new design! I find it less convenient. (And there are bugs on the search kind I type: "water" I have good research but if I click page 2, I find myself on the homepage)


In short, sorry for my English (google trad). If it's possible, let us choose between the old and the new design! ^^


Je rejoins l’opinion de personne n'aimant pas le nouveau désign ! Je le trouve moins pratique. (Et il y a des bugs sur la recherche genre je tape : "water" j'ai bien la bonne recherche mais si je clique page 2, je me retrouve sur la page d'accueil)


Bref, désoler de mon anglais (google trad). Si c'est possible laissez nous le choix entre l'ancien et le nouveau désign ! ^^

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In response to post #55478623. #55478653, #55478708, #55478878, #55481343 are all replies on the same post.

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dont get your hope up for greysemonkey. firefox is doing absolutely everything tey can to try to annihilate all form of plugin. anf greysemonkey is still not compatible with v57 and it will never be because it need to be recoded from scratch and itll probably have a diferent name when it will be done.
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I dunno, i wish they kept the classic as an option, it's just...so clunky now, or at the very least, kept it ''similar'' in the layout, it feels very alien, and again, clunky also keeping in the theme of aliens, i feel like it alienate older users a lot, we've been using that layout for a long time, and to completly change everything, stuff that we knew by heart, i mean, i could navigate to the place i wanted with my eyes closed, kinda feels like a ''get on with the times old man, f*#@ you''. It just feels less efficient really, its pretty, but clunkier.
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