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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Now that it seems to be permanent, I've got one immediate question: where's the Changelog tab for mods? I can't find one, the 'Logs' thing is just a list of things done to the mod. Uploaded a file, changed attributes, some people endorsed, etc. Not only does the full changelog appear to be missing, but I haven't seen anything about individual file logs.

I don't know about anyone else, but I sure like to read up about changes to mods before installing them. I mean, what if an incompatibility or change I don't agree with has been introduced? I'd like to know in advance so I can avoid updating or ask about it.


For something less pressing, why can we no longer read the short description of featured mods? It was a quick and convenient way to get some info about the mod, because the name and image are insufficient to make a proper judgement about whether I'm interested in something, while that short description gave a good overview of what the mod's about.

Also, the fact that it's featured rarely means anything besides I'll check it out sooner; for example, I had no interest in the recent 'Armed to the Teeth' mod for New Vegas, because I play exclusively in first person and I would never see its effects. With this new system, I wouldn't have been able to see the short description and would have to waste bandwidth loading the page and few of its images (At least one in exceptionally high quality for that banner) for something I wouldn't use in the end.

There's also the strange inconsistency with the 'Latest' tab on game pages. I mean, it's present for things like New Vegas and Fallout 3, but then missing on Skyrim and up. Huh?

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In response to post #55574204.

jackcolliss wrote: Why tho? I know y'all trying to make it better so thx but you could've just ask us if we like it or not, I liked those days but now it's forcing you to see the new design... really disappointed.

One does not invest hundreds of hours and a lot of money for a new design, and then let it blown to pieces by a few users. One has tu choose what to do, and then do it.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thats the way it works. Everytime something changes, some people like it, some disagree, and the majority has no opinion.
Yeah, you may loose some users, but thats a normal process. You may loose even more, while sticking to an old, no longer useful design.
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In response to post #55574204. #55575564 is also a reply to the same post.

jackcolliss wrote: Why tho? I know y'all trying to make it better so thx but you could've just ask us if we like it or not, I liked those days but now it's forcing you to see the new design... really disappointed.
SharraShimada wrote: One does not invest hundreds of hours and a lot of money for a new design, and then let it blown to pieces by a few users. One has tu choose what to do, and then do it.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thats the way it works. Everytime something changes, some people like it, some disagree, and the majority has no opinion.
Yeah, you may loose some users, but thats a normal process. You may loose even more, while sticking to an old, no longer useful design.

The old one does have use, though. It's not as if any of the features no longer work or it's in need of any more (As far as I know). In fact, the new one seems to be kinda broken and is even missing some features from the old site, though I'm hoping that's because it's still in development and they haven't decided to axe things like the changelog tab or file changelogs.
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The new site is now permanent. If I was the owner of this site or one of the owners, I would not revert it to the old just because some people did not like the new design. Sorry if this sound nasty or rude, but put yourself in their shoes and you also would not change it after investing a lot of money just because some did not like it. It does not work that way and you should know better !


I completely disagree with those that criticize the new site, stating that it was made for cell phones and tablets and that it does not work properly for PC'S. I do not see any problem navigating it using my PC. It is bigger, with bigger icons and yes, you have to scroll down and click and what is the f""" problem with that anyway ? Go to any site of your preference and you would have to scroll down and click a lot. Go to Amazon and let me know if you are able to see everything in one page.


That you have the right to express your opinion? Yes, but if you are a mature and serious adult, you would suggest and recommend changes in order to improve the functionality of the site, you would provide your feedback saying for example : this is not working, can you fix it, etc, etc ? with the intention ( as I said before ) to make it work better, but when some people start saying : don't like the color, don't like the fonts, it is horrible, etc, etc, etc, ... you are just like focusing on aesthetic which is something that it is about personal taste and I am sorry but, it would be impossible to have a site with a design ( color, fonts, etc ) that will satisfy 100% of the crowd.


My favor color is black and it may not be the preferable color for a lot of you. I do not like pink at all but some that color is acceptable, my point is that we would have thousands of different opinions about what color and design to use and simply like this, it is impossible to please every single one of us, so talking about changing that is a waste of time.


And regarding functionality, the site is working properly now. Personally I have been testing my two concerns ( already posted in this thread ) and they are working as they should. I've never asked to change the design or colors because IMHO, they looks great and I like it better than the old site. You do not like it, well, you have two choices : stay and embrace it or leave and find something that you like it better. Sounded very rude ? It's called reality, you either accept it or not and if you do not like the way I am talking, let me ask you : assuming that you like the color blue on the top of everything, would you change your taste / opinion just because one thousand criticize your color preference ? You won't and if you do, then you do not have character and personality and I am pretty sure the owners of this site have plenty of that.

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In response to post #55574204. #55575564, #55576194 are all replies on the same post.

jackcolliss wrote: Why tho? I know y'all trying to make it better so thx but you could've just ask us if we like it or not, I liked those days but now it's forcing you to see the new design... really disappointed.
SharraShimada wrote: One does not invest hundreds of hours and a lot of money for a new design, and then let it blown to pieces by a few users. One has tu choose what to do, and then do it.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thats the way it works. Everytime something changes, some people like it, some disagree, and the majority has no opinion.
Yeah, you may loose some users, but thats a normal process. You may loose even more, while sticking to an old, no longer useful design.
DarianStephens wrote: The old one does have use, though. It's not as if any of the features no longer work or it's in need of any more (As far as I know). In fact, the new one seems to be kinda broken and is even missing some features from the old site, though I'm hoping that's because it's still in development and they haven't decided to axe things like the changelog tab or file changelogs.

They did ask. Barely anyone bothered to offer any feedback until it was simply put into effect and users had no choice but to deal with it.
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In response to post #55573174.

Battlestar1965 wrote: Please do some changes to the "Mod Tracking" page. With the new design it's not as easy to have an overview as with the old design. In my opinon the two columns "Last Upload" and "Last download" should be displayed almost directly next to the mod name. The pictures are totally unnecessary and are only disturbing. The colums "Game", "Author" and "Category" are unnecessary as well, since it's "my" tracking page and i already know for which game the mod is and what category it belongs to. The authors name i will see on the actual mod page if and when i am downloading the update.

Last but not least, but almost the biggest fault with the tracking page is the log column. Please, please PLEASE show the CHANGE LOG and not the ACTIVITY LOG. I do so not care about when some user added a new picture to some mod or some other user endorsed a mod.

Needless to say, i am not happy with the new design.

Those details are there because the Tracking Center can display the tracked mods for ALL games you follow. The thumbnail is a thumbnail, how does that disturb you?

They should show the activity log because of what tracking center is for.
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In response to post #55573844.

Vorrr wrote: All these new recent designs seem to be aimed at tablet users and are inconvenient for pc.
And yes, to quote Sheldon Cooper, I don't like when things change, but that doesn't make my previous point any less truthful.
All this being said, I'd probably finally consider a paid subscription, if it offered an option to revert back to the classic layout.

All these designs *now include a functional website for mobile visitors* too.
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In response to post #55574504.

DarianStephens wrote: Now that it seems to be permanent, I've got one immediate question: where's the Changelog tab for mods? I can't find one, the 'Logs' thing is just a list of things done to the mod. Uploaded a file, changed attributes, some people endorsed, etc. Not only does the full changelog appear to be missing, but I haven't seen anything about individual file logs.
I don't know about anyone else, but I sure like to read up about changes to mods before installing them. I mean, what if an incompatibility or change I don't agree with has been introduced? I'd like to know in advance so I can avoid updating or ask about it.

For something less pressing, why can we no longer read the short description of featured mods? It was a quick and convenient way to get some info about the mod, because the name and image are insufficient to make a proper judgement about whether I'm interested in something, while that short description gave a good overview of what the mod's about.
Also, the fact that it's featured rarely means anything besides I'll check it out sooner; for example, I had no interest in the recent 'Armed to the Teeth' mod for New Vegas, because I play exclusively in first person and I would never see its effects. With this new system, I wouldn't have been able to see the short description and would have to waste bandwidth loading the page and few of its images (At least one in exceptionally high quality for that banner) for something I wouldn't use in the end.
There's also the strange inconsistency with the 'Latest' tab on game pages. I mean, it's present for things like New Vegas and Fallout 3, but then missing on Skyrim and up. Huh?

Under tags, the Logs tab. It contains both mod changes and updates, as well as the changelogs as collapsible menus.
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