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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.

You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.
Eolhin wrote: You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.

@Eolhin Seems we had two different ways of doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll fix it so you'll still be able to do it using search.
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In response to post #55626551. #55630901 is also a reply to the same post.

Eolhin wrote: The new layout is cluttered, and hard to find things on, but hopefully it can be refined with time. Thank you for putting the red outlines back around the sticky posts, so it is easy to see when you get to the end of them. It is a terrible color of pale red, the dark red from before was much better, but at least the functionality is back. When I look at my "Updates" (took me the longest time to figure out that is where all the alerts/notifications are hiding, many of which are not updates at all), the number of new ones does not clear, like it did before. So, for instance, it shows "8" for 8 new notifications, I look at the list, and close it. That used to clear the number of new notifications, but it no longer does so. Please don't tell me I have to actually open the page of ever one of those links, in order to clear the number of "new" notifications? At the very least, have the option to mark them as seen, so that you can get back to them later, but they don't hinder seeing actually NEW new notifications. There are many things I want to save for later when I do my next wave up updates (for instance), but don't want to deal with right away.

Edit: Okay, the Skyrim SE sight has slightly different coloring then vanilla Skyrim, that is good (more difference would be better, still a bit close). And it is a really lovely shade of periwinkle-purple, a beautiful color... but it really just does not feel appropriate for Skyrim SE. *wry smile*

Edit2: So in an effort to clear some of the "New" items from my list of notifications ("Updates", which most aren't), I went and viewed the pages that the links lead to... and that still does not clear the "New" items from my count of New under "Updates", nor does it grey out the link as it should once it has been seen.

Edit3: How come there is no description on mouse-over for the mods on the hot list under the top two giant ones? That is really necessary, in order to see what those mods are about.
Eolhin wrote: Perhaps add the option to minimize certain elements of the page for a mod, like the Tags section, and the thumbnails (things a returning user likely won't be so interested in, after using them once), in order to actually have the text visible without excessive scrolling? That would give people the option to reduce the clutter somewhat on their own view of a page.

The Mods of the Month no longer seem to appear on the front page of the game at all, even scrolling all the way down. What is the point of having mods of the month, if the list isn't somewhere visible on the front page?
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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441, #55633476 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.
Eolhin wrote: You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
Kalell wrote: @Eolhin Seems we had two different ways of doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll fix it so you'll still be able to do it using search.

@Eolhin: Yes, choose game, in this example Fallout 4. Use mods drop down menu. That gives you "most endorsed - trending" (the old hot files for past 7 days) and "most endorsed- all time", which massively over-weights files released in late 2015, and under-weights anything released since. There is no "most endorsed - past two weeks" option. I'm in the Central time zone of USA if that helps. Maybe we're getting different results depending on from where we're accessing the site.
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In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596 are all replies on the same post.

Eolhin wrote: The new layout is cluttered, and hard to find things on, but hopefully it can be refined with time. Thank you for putting the red outlines back around the sticky posts, so it is easy to see when you get to the end of them. It is a terrible color of pale red, the dark red from before was much better, but at least the functionality is back. When I look at my "Updates" (took me the longest time to figure out that is where all the alerts/notifications are hiding, many of which are not updates at all), the number of new ones does not clear, like it did before. So, for instance, it shows "8" for 8 new notifications, I look at the list, and close it. That used to clear the number of new notifications, but it no longer does so. Please don't tell me I have to actually open the page of ever one of those links, in order to clear the number of "new" notifications? At the very least, have the option to mark them as seen, so that you can get back to them later, but they don't hinder seeing actually NEW new notifications. There are many things I want to save for later when I do my next wave up updates (for instance), but don't want to deal with right away.

Edit: Okay, the Skyrim SE sight has slightly different coloring then vanilla Skyrim, that is good (more difference would be better, still a bit close). And it is a really lovely shade of periwinkle-purple, a beautiful color... but it really just does not feel appropriate for Skyrim SE. *wry smile*

Edit2: So in an effort to clear some of the "New" items from my list of notifications ("Updates", which most aren't), I went and viewed the pages that the links lead to... and that still does not clear the "New" items from my count of New under "Updates", nor does it grey out the link as it should once it has been seen.

Edit3: How come there is no description on mouse-over for the mods on the hot list under the top two giant ones? That is really necessary, in order to see what those mods are about.
Eolhin wrote: Perhaps add the option to minimize certain elements of the page for a mod, like the Tags section, and the thumbnails (things a returning user likely won't be so interested in, after using them once), in order to actually have the text visible without excessive scrolling? That would give people the option to reduce the clutter somewhat on their own view of a page.
Eolhin wrote: The Mods of the Month no longer seem to appear on the front page of the game at all, even scrolling all the way down. What is the point of having mods of the month, if the list isn't somewhere visible on the front page?

I had marked "Hide Adult Content", and I am still seeing mods that are very much not safe for work. I had found the hidden link to the Mods of the month, and both September and October have explicit pictures as the image for mods from those months. When I say "Hide Adult Content", I expect it to be hidden, no matter whether it was chosen as a mod of the month or not! The adult content filter is something that really needs to work correctly! (Specifically, the image for the mod 'Harem - 18 followers'.) Edited by Eolhin
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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441, #55633476, #55633746 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.
Eolhin wrote: You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
Kalell wrote: @Eolhin Seems we had two different ways of doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll fix it so you'll still be able to do it using search.
Thuggysmurf wrote: @Eolhin: Yes, choose game, in this example Fallout 4. Use mods drop down menu. That gives you "most endorsed - trending" (the old hot files for past 7 days) and "most endorsed- all time", which massively over-weights files released in late 2015, and under-weights anything released since. There is no "most endorsed - past two weeks" option. I'm in the Central time zone of USA if that helps. Maybe we're getting different results depending on from where we're accessing the site.

Choose "Top Files" instead. That will take you to the "Most endorsed files in the last two weeks" list.
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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441, #55633476, #55633746, #55633951 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.
Eolhin wrote: You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
Kalell wrote: @Eolhin Seems we had two different ways of doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll fix it so you'll still be able to do it using search.
Thuggysmurf wrote: @Eolhin: Yes, choose game, in this example Fallout 4. Use mods drop down menu. That gives you "most endorsed - trending" (the old hot files for past 7 days) and "most endorsed- all time", which massively over-weights files released in late 2015, and under-weights anything released since. There is no "most endorsed - past two weeks" option. I'm in the Central time zone of USA if that helps. Maybe we're getting different results depending on from where we're accessing the site.
Kalell wrote: Choose "Top Files" instead. That will take you to the "Most endorsed files in the last two weeks" list.

Yes, sorry, when I said 'Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks', I meant select Top Files under Mods, then under Top Files, on that page, is the option for 'Most endorsed files in the last two weeks'. They hid it well. Edited by Eolhin
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In response to post #55631881. #55632376, #55632471, #55633181, #55633236, #55633441, #55633476, #55633746, #55633951, #55634141 are all replies on the same post.

Thuggysmurf wrote: On the old layout, the top/popular mods list would show, by default, which files received the most endorsements over the past 2 weeks. There was another link that would let you view files with the most endorsements of all time. It was simple and easy to use.

I can't find that functionality on the new site (which is now being forced on me when I log in).

The new layout filters the top files only by most downloaded of all time, and I don't see the filter to sort results by most endorsed in the past 2 weeks (regardless of when the file was released). I can filter by time range, say 14 days, but that only shows me mods released in the past 14 days. It doesn't show me a mod released 5 months ago that has received lots of endorsements in the past 2 weeks.

The old method of showing most endorsed files in the last 2 weeks was extremely helpful because games drop off in popularity over time. Fallout 4, for example, has less than 1/10th the users compared to late 2015. A broken/abandoned mod that was popular in late 2015 will show up near the top on your list. A superior replacement for that mod released in say, February 2017, that currently receives more endorsements per week, will show up much lower.

When installing mods for a new play-through, I don't care about crafting mod A that was popular in late 2015, and therefore has more all-time downloads. I care about the superior crafting mod B that came out in (for example) February 2017 and has more endorsements over the past 2 weeks than Crafting Mod A, but that is still way behind on all-time downloads and endorsements.

Let's take an example. Sim Settlements is rated #31 on the all-time downloads list. If you sort mods using the old method (most endorsed over the past 2 weeks), it should be in the top 5 (or it was, I can't verify that anymore because Nexus removed the functionality).

There are abandoned, arguably broken (depending on who you ask) mods that rate higher than Sim Settlements using the "most downloaded of all-time" sorting. That's a huge disservice to anyone doing a new play-through, who just wants to know, "What mods should I install if I'm starting over?".

The goal of any default popularity sorting algorithm should be to push the mods which users currently are finding most useful, to the top.

I hope this isn't too major of a fix. I understand that the old site format isn't coming back, that dissatisfied users will just have to wait until the busy/flat-design fad passes, but it would be wonderful in the meantime if we could get the same search and sorting functionality the old site had, working on the new site. Thank you for listening.
Eolhin wrote: *pokes at it* Hmm, you are right, when set to show mods by most endorsements, and the last 14 days, it only shows ones that were POSTED in the last 14 days, rather then ones that received the most endorsements in the last 14 days. That is a serious detriment to mods posted further back (say, a year ago) that have recently received spectacular updates, etc.
Kalell wrote: When I use the Mods drop down box and click on Top Mods it takes me to the page you are referring to. It seems to be working now. I think this may be a change they just made because it wasn't like that before. I'm glad it's back to the way it was now.
Eolhin wrote: Ah, I wasn't using the Mods drop-down list, I was using the categories and search options on the game front page. Good to know that option is still there, if rather hidden.
Thuggysmurf wrote: Between my post 45 minutes ago and now, it's sorting by all-time endorsements instead of all-time downloads now (as default). But it's still the same problem (e.g. on the Fallout 4 site, can't get list of most endorsed mods over the past 2 weeks, regardless of release date).

Here's another example to illustrate the problem: Mod Configuration Menu for Fallout 4. It is top 10 using the old sorting method, but not even top 200 using the new sorting method. How are new users supposed to find this wonderful mod?

Over time, if this doesn't get fixed, the site will make older, possibility abandoned or broken mods, even more popular, at the expense of newer and better functioning ones. This is the opposite of how it should work, if the goals are 1) help users easily find the best mods that work with the most recent version of the game, and 2) incentivize mod authors to keep making new and better mods.

I was going to start a modded Witcher 3 play-through, but think I'll hold off because a lot of the mods on the top list over there aren't even compatible with the latest version of Witcher 3.
Eolhin wrote: You tried the Mods drop-down right next to the name of the game then Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks? That worked for me.
Kalell wrote: @Eolhin Seems we had two different ways of doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll fix it so you'll still be able to do it using search.
Thuggysmurf wrote: @Eolhin: Yes, choose game, in this example Fallout 4. Use mods drop down menu. That gives you "most endorsed - trending" (the old hot files for past 7 days) and "most endorsed- all time", which massively over-weights files released in late 2015, and under-weights anything released since. There is no "most endorsed - past two weeks" option. I'm in the Central time zone of USA if that helps. Maybe we're getting different results depending on from where we're accessing the site.
Kalell wrote: Choose "Top Files" instead. That will take you to the "Most endorsed files in the last two weeks" list.
Eolhin wrote: Yes, sorry, when I said 'Top Files/Most endorsed files in the last two weeks', I meant select Top Files under Mods, then under Top Files, on that page, is the option for 'Most endorsed files in the last two weeks'. They hid it well.

Thanks, that pulls it up on my end now. The drop-down menus could be clearer though. Instead of:

"Top Files"
"Most Endorsed (Trending)"
"Most Endorsed (All-Time)"

It should be something like:

"Most Endorsed (Past Two Weeks)"
"Most Endorsed (Recently Released)"
"Most Endorsed (All-Time)"

Starting from the main page (using Fallout 4 as an example):

Go to main mods section. There are tabs for "Popular 30 days" (mods released in past 30 days) and "Popular (All Time)", but there isn't a tab showing the most endorsed files over the past 2 weeks, which is arguably the most useful filter for someone starting from scratch.

It's unnecessarily complicated, but hopefully easily fixed with better descriptions and an extra tab.
Edited by Thuggysmurf
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