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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55659651.

theavernus wrote:

I just wanted to add some feedback to the new site design. I actually use my PC on a TV and when I was reading it was going to be more mobile friendly I was worried. I have given the new design a good honest try over the last 3 days and am really happy with it. I have had a few where the heck is this or that but slowing down taking my time I have found everything with relative ease. I think the team did a very nice job overall and in no time for me wont even be a noticeable difference it will just be thenexus now.


The only real glaring difference is I do not see the mod authors name behind the name of the mod like before. I actually do not see the mod authors name anywhere on the mod description page. Maybe my resolution is chopping it off somehow or it has been relocated.

It's in itty bitty text under the pictures when you click on the mod. I too, struggled to find it. It's before the virus scan, about middle of the screen when you're fully scrolled up, little to the right and down.

That's something I think they should change, because this site would be nothing without the mod authors. It feels like they're hiding them away or something, not cool. Overall though, I really like the design. The mod author thing needs to be fixed ASAP so people don't get the feeling Nexus is trying to take credit for something they didn't create, but other things are pretty good. I like the colors, especially for fallout. It really works with the green they chose. I enjoy that the text seems larger, and that buttons and things are highlighted instead of just text. I enjoy that I can see lots of mods on the home page. It may overwhelm some but for me, I check back every week to see what new mods are becoming popular so it's good to have it all in one place.
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Seriously bring back advanced search and description options, because right now nexus has become really crappy when it comes to looking for mods. I can get used to the new site look but the loss of search options is a massive no-no. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to strip away those features really need to ask themselves what made nexus great in the first place, as opposed to asking themselves what looks "good" to newcomers.
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Seriously, I haven't been on Nexus for a while, and when I come back there is this stupid new format? I haven't even used it for a whole day now and I'm already sick of it. The search function sucks, it only sorts everything by most endorsed, which for me is bad because3 I always want to check out newly released mods. This wouldn't be that bad if I could click back a page and be on the page I was before. I switched it to date published, found a mod, and then clicked on it. I read it, go back, and now for some asinine reason its back to most endorsed. not only that, but it won't even let me f**king switch back to date published anymore. In order for it to let me switch back I have to close out my browser completely and relaunch it. Its so frustrating coming from a site I loved to use. If you have to implement the new format, I have no problem with it, but there should be a PERMANENT option to use the old. For now I cant even use the old because when I do, after maybe clicking on two links it forces me back to the new. I'm sorry for my reaction to this but the new format makes the site unusable to me
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The old layout was perfectly fine and a lot more useful. The new layout and design is tedious to navigate and monotonous as all hell. Features that were easily accessible before are now hidden. Advanced search is missing and above all it's an eyesore and fugly at that. I understand you guys are trying to innovate, but this is three steps backward from the old layout. Edited by TheNexusFinn1989
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wow Visiting after a bit of time and the new Style, Format, Layout it isn't Nexus. Nexus had a character the site was great now what we have isn't something, missing a unique Nexus character !! functions missing where is the advance search, search by tags e.t.c. ?

Really wondering about the idea who have studied marketing and advertising and recommended this Style ?

Do people now play Skyrim or Witcher 3 on cellphones or tablets ?

Is this the target group for Nexus ? we still talking about mods and games in pc ?

Because if people don't play such games in cellphones and tablets and instead they play them in pc or playstation, xbox e.t.c in screen or tv why to adopt a Style for cellphone and tablet?

Oooo Perhaps you think it is trendy, in fashion, we follow the stream how everyone focus on cellphones and tablets. It doesn't matter our group what they use, it doesn't matter to be Unique !! No the great marketing and advertising genius are 100% that everyone wants and likes to see the same Layout Style and Design in every page he visits. One ring to bind them all ... One Style to make them bow :D

So perhaps you may consider to let people visit the old Layout and perhaps you may want to see the percentages which Style people like more ....

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I can't stand the new design, to make things worst i CAN'T uplodad updates to any of my mods, i keep getting a "Error, can't find the uploaded File" every time it finish uploading my updates, DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!

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Well ... Nexus is really the only game in town. Can't say anything outrageous like "I'm moving to Bethesda's mods site (lol)". As an old person, I switched to Samsung when Apple changed to this flat/rectangle design. I still use Windows 7 to avoid Microsoft's flat interface. But there's nothing I can do about this. Nexus has me over the barrel. Makes me sad. Oh, well. If that's what they need to bring in new blood and cash flow so they can keep operating, I'll just have to get used to it. I'm sure they will tweak it in the next few months.
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Well, you hopefully read my constructive criticism in the previous thread, and I'm doing my best to give the new layout a chance, but I'm about to switch back to the old one after several days on the new one. It just has too many problems. Yes, the old design looked a bit "amateur", but it also worked well and was easy to find things on. It also took up a LOT less screen-space. I feel like I'm browsing on my phone or something with this new layout, rather than a nice big computer monitor. The new layout makes me claustrophobic. Anyway, here is hoping you are willing to get a handle on what's wrong with the new design and tackle it. My suggestion? Go back to the old version and just "professional it up." Tone down, but don't completely eliminate the "gamey" colors. Make the rounded buttons into rectangles (or nearly). Go to more subtle 3D effects but don't go nearly as flat/low contrast as you have in this design. That way you've got all the functionality and overall layout of the old site, but you've made it more professional looking. Best of both worlds.
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