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[LE] Moving and naked mannequins... debate!


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Having them not move seems like a really good idea. The reason they start moving after cells get more stuff or after you've been playing is because the game is relying on scripts to keep them from moving. If you've got too many objects in the cell and too many scripts already running the 500ms load time simply isn't enough time for the scripts to trigger before the AI packages kick into play.

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My pleasure, Agerweb. Are you testing this out, too?


I've taken my character from level 35 to level 39 whilst only using Severin Manor with the new mannequins in. So far none of them has moved an inch or ended up naked. I'm using the area as I would normally, so I'm swapping armour on display, loading up the various chests with gear and I've filled up all of the weapon racks in the room... all of which seems to increase the risk of vanilla mannequins misbehaving. I'll keep running this test until I'm convinced that the problem is solved.


Sakora, I'd be happy with static mannequins! I'm not sure how scripting them to change pose goes with setting their race to be immobile? There are mods out there that let the player change mannequin poses. you could take a look at them and see how it was done. I'd guess that they mess around with the mannequin activate script since there are pose options built into it. The messagebox that's shown when the player activates them would be altered too. You could look at running a script on cell attach and stopping it on cell detach. I guess you'd want an integer that you could increment in a loop for the number of poses you wanted and then register for single update every x seconds, changing the integer which is the number that sets the pose on update... best of luck with that! It sounds a bit beyond me!


cdcooley, that's why I'm testing for such a long time. The cell my mannequins are in has a lot going on. It has three sets of levers linked to xmarkers as enable parents of décor, the mannequins themselves, statues etcetera. I'm guessing that this makes the problem worse, although it's nothing different to what's done to alter the decorations in hearthfire properties.


I'm off to see if the little pests are still behaving themselves!

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I had already kept most of my mannequins static with a sandbox package set to 0 (Hold position never worked for me as they would hold some weird positions!) changing the race to immobile seems to settle the rest down.

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You don't know how pleased I am! At long last I feel I've given something back to this community., instead of taking advice all the time. May your mannequins never wander!

I had already kept most of my mannequins static with a sandbox package set to 0 (Hold position never worked for me as they would hold some weird positions!) changing the race to immobile seems to settle the rest down.

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foamyesque, you're probably right.


Given that the options were never used, I wonder why this was never changed. Laziness, I guess. I mean there's absolutely no reason for 'head track player' to be checked, but it is. If you're right, then all the mannequin-related hassle experienced by players of Skyrim and Skyrim special edition is down to a set of options that was never used.


I'm also thinking that if I leave this fix in my mod it may well be incompatible with mods that genuinely allow the player to choose mannequin poses. Maybe I should test that.

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I tried this but had the opposite problem as an earlier poster. The bodies are visible but the heads are missing when I do a Find and Replace to change to the new version. Sometimes I can get the heads back by individually Finding and Replacing back to the original the back to the changed version but not always. In the preview screen the heads are there. I haven't checked in game only in the CK.

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Greyday01, I don't know why that should be. I take it you added the morph race as the original 'manakinrace' ?


I'll check back and see but I'm pretty certain I altered nothing on the duplicated race form except for the allow walks, swims and immobile checkboxes plus the morph races.

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  • 2 months later...

Now that I am working on my mod, with a minimum load-out, the mannequins started to "give sign of life", so I wanted a simple solution (script-free) and your trick cumbrianlad is perfect, it works. I also un-checked "Uses Head Track Anims" since to me it makes sense to do so, as you also reported later, and so far no trouble. More we dig in CK, the more it's difficult to understand if those are forgotten artefacts or if they have a purpose, I am really in a hate relation with that tool, it's really dirty.


Best approach would be also to create new PlayerHouseMannequin by duplicating it then to use the new duplicated race along, so it doesn't interfere with numerous other mods that alter mannequins. Gladly I just have 4 mannequins, I will get this process done, if I see anything wrong, I will report back.


On your Nov 16th post, you say that one finally moved; if you equip it with anything, will it go back to its initial position as it is supposed to do?



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  • 2 years later...

I think it would be neat if you could make them stay in place, but have them run through a pose player script so they change poses every X seconds, or with an option to be able to set their pose!!


I'm WAY new to modding, not more than a couple hours into it actually, but I imported a Skyrim classic mod and loaded into SSE, and all the mannequins (except one that was walking into a wall) were stationary, but looking around at each other, until I got close enough and then they'd focus on me and follow me around the room with their gaze, it was cool and kinda creepy while they were animated. But after I clicked on them to add armor, then they froze and stopped moving. I was actually thinking it would be awesome to have mannequins that you could place, make them not move, but have them animated to where they just look around/focus on the player and each other, but to where you could still put armor on them. I'm also not sure if anyone has made a mod with mannequins holding weapons as well as being able to wear armor, but that would be cool. I was also curious if you could make a mannequin, say... out of a skeleton, to where after you put armor on them their bones would be visible inside of the armor, for a more dark, or creepy themed armory. If anyone has any info/ideas, let me know!

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