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How can you increase your performance?


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I've no real big problems with all my mods, so I didn't post this is "mod troubleshooting".


I'm just curious, if you have a pretty low end computer, like mine, or even a high end computer, with a lot of mods, how can you better increase your game performance?


Like for example, I can run SMIM, Skyrim HD Textures-LITE, Pure Waters/Waterfalls, and Flora Overhaul without much lag, but I have to set my graphics to medium to be able to do so, otherwise my lag, freeze,and crash rate goes up by a wide margin. Are there any mods or general tips and tricks out there that can help increase my performance so that I could set my graphics to a higher setting?

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Hopefully this is the stuff you asked for:


System Type: x64-based PC


Processor: Intel® Core i7-820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 4Core(s), 8 Logical Processors


Total Physical Memory/Available Physical Memory: 15.9 GB/11.1GB

Total Virtual Memory/Available Virtual Memory: 18.3GB/13.3GB


BIOS Version/Date: American MegatrendsInc. V17.1 2/21/2013


Transfer Rate: -1.00 kbytes/sec


Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650

Adapter RAM: (2,147,483,648) bytes

Resolution: 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz

Bits/Pixel: 32

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VRAM stand for Video RAM, or, Video Memory. To simplify it, higher resolution textures eat up VRAM. Anti-aliasing and higher display resolutions can also use up VRAM. In SMIM's case, it's higher polygon counts. The amount of triangles it uses to make the models more detailed uses more VRAM.


Visually it's worth having as it increases the overall look of the game. But if you want to try and spare every bit of performance possible - then you might want to consider dropping it. That's why so many developers have static objects that decorate the scene have lower amounts of polygons, lower resolution textures, or smaller normal maps.


All of those things can lower performance on weaker or older hardware. If you're on a tight budget I'd suggest trying to look into the used market for a GTX 970 or something along those lines as an upgrade (assuming your PSU can handle it). Your CPU is a slight bottleneck in newer titles as well, but with Skyrim it shouldn't be an issue.


This can all get fairly technical, so hopefully this made sense. If not, I'm happy to elaborate further if you want.

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