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Donation Appreciation?


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I am curious, does anyone else donate to the mod authors, and if so do you ever receive any appreciation for it?

I'm new to the Nexus, and have donated to four mod authors so far since I really enjoyed their work. Haven't gotten so much as a "thank you" from any of them.

Do I have unrealistic expectations and are these folks are just extremely busy? Not sure what to think and am curious about others experiences in this matter.

I work hard for my money, and if the donations are not appreciated I'll keep it for myself.


Thoughts? Am I being overly sensitive? Is this normal behavior?


If this is offensive to anyone, I'll take it down. I'm just genuinely curious about the matter.



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One point, I assume you've donated via paypal, right? Well you don't get a notification or anything here in the nexus and on paypal you usually see their full name, you don't know which nexus user it comes from. You do have the email they signed up in paypal, so contacting them it's possible, just not as straightforward, unless they either send you a PM here like "Hey I just wanted to thank you for your mods, I sent you a little donation, etc" or whatever, then one can thank them for the donation. Or put their username in the details of the transaction.


If it's a premium membership donation instead of direct money I believe you can see that somewhere within the nexus with the user that donated it.


Anyway, just a possible explanation for the lack of answer.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Believe me, as a mod author myself.. donations are very much appreciated. The problem is as described.. you can't really relate a username on nexus to the paypal donation very easily. In the past I have done the leg work to try to find out who has donated, but it takes a lot of time.. and to be honest I am usually up to my ears in support or working on the mods I produce, so whilst in an ideal world I would personally thank everyone who donates, I must admit I do let it slip.


Anyway, a great many late nights are had along with lots of head scratching and sometimes frustration come with committing to mod creation. To have that recognised by a donation is fulfilling for the mod author way beyond the financial value. So whilst those mod authors may not have contacted you directly, I thank you on behalf of them!

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I donated to Chesko $20 a while back and a few other mod authors and well Chesko was the only 1 to send me an email and really go on greatly how much he appreciated it...i was really touched,havent heard anything from any other modder frankly.

I cant donate $20 obviously to every modder everytime its just that cheskos work hit me hard and i just was really appreciative.


Edit...i didnt do it on Nexus i dont think or maybe i did...i believe it was the survival page he had set up.

Edited by qwert44643qaz
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  • 1 year later...

I asked about this in another thread. I donated to 5 mod authors, because I appreciated how they updated their mods to match Bethesda's constant unnecessary updates, so they can make money with the Creation thing. These mods are required too for any other mods to work. I can't play without them. If everybody on here donated to a couple authors once a month it would add up. We all appreciate their work, but actions speak louder than words imo. However, of the 5 I sent out I only got one mod author that actually accepted the donation. I receive a notice when they accept it. That means I sent money to 4 authors that haven't even accepted the donation. I find that really frustrating.

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I don't know how other authors have experienced it, but I used to make an effort to contact people who donated to me. I was usually met with negative reactions to that because when making online payments people tend to use accounts they don't normally use on forums or mod sites or whatever and didn't want to be contacted that way. So I ended up just not responding to them at all.


I guess it's a bit of a trust relationship since we all get to see the user's real name, and they get to see ours, and a lot of people aren't comfortable having that stuff known to anyone.


As far as accepting or not, Paypal doesn't really give you a choice. Money gets sent, it lands in the account. It's accepted without doing anything at all. I've not had any get held up asking me to approve them. Unless it's because I've had this account for nearly the entire 20 years Paypal has existed and new accounts work differently.

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