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World of Tanks Nexus Launched


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Honestly I haven't even heard of this game before (Chastise me if you want haha), but I'm very impressed at the rate the Nexus is expanding!


I'm sure there are a few people out there that detest the thought of the Nexus moving out of the RPG-only world, but I think this is a big step, in the right direction!


Some sites get so rapped up in working towards or with one direction that they miss opportunities to expand and become more.


The Nexus for example is a great example of the better side of this! This isn't just another Nexus site, but it's proof that the Nexus Modding Community is becoming just that, a Modding Community which comes together to provide mods by everyone, for everyone, and for all types of games.


This is the direction I hope to see the sites continue on with to help help support the one-man modder and tweaker!


Great work Dark0ne! Just don't go and get yourself rapped up in so much that you throw in towel!! I hope to see more sites added in the future as this tight-nit group of people is fantastic!!


Awesome job!

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