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ENB? DOF? Why?


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Ran one for a little bit, can't remember the name of it and couldn't stand it. I was standing in Riften, but the colors looked like I was in the middle of a carnival and the DOF auto-adjusted constantly to the point that I honestly couldn't see half the stuff I was actually looking at (playing in third person). As someone who uses bows a lot in-game, adding an ENB basically crippled me to being unable to play since I could hardly see past the first few feet ahead of me thanks to the DOF.

I can see the usefulness for maybe setup screenshots or scenes and videos/machinimas, but, in my opinion, most of them seem like they'd effect your ability to actually see what's going on too much to be able to use it in real gameplay. They seem to way overcorrect the issues Skyrim has to the point that the "glammed up" graphics actually look worse.

That said, if anyone has any recommendation on an ENB that DOESN'T try to force DOF on you any time there's an object vaguely in front of you and leaves the bleak, cold look, or even increases it, I'd be glad to take a swing at playing it. I'd rather have gray, dead colors than all this bright, shiny coloring.

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Whoa - old thread.


At the end of the day, if the visuals aren't too your liking then perhaps don't blame ENB but blame the ENB preset. ENB is the most graphically influencing mod out there and has been made in a rather easily customisable manner - it's modular so each effect type can be turned off, possibly exchanged with another presets effect, or modified by the user to suit the users taste. Personally I currently only use ENBs shadow fixes and sometimes SSAO dependent on the internal / weather lighting mod setup at the time.


If the game looks overstaturated (too colourfull) then change it in either a global manner within the enbeffect.fx file or adjust individual saturation aspects with the enbseries.ini file. If you think the DoF effect is too strong then reduce its power / scale within the enbeffectprepass.fx file, or just turn it off.


I see too often on these forums people complaining about mods seemingly with the "understanding" that these mods were made just for them and their own tastes and have no intention / desire to actually look into fixing things themselves. It doesn't take long to learn the basics of ENBs - it just requires a little effort and determination.

Edited by LargeStyle
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Still trying to tweak my own. I've found that there are so many variables that it's impossible to get ENB to look good in every situation, I found this out when I got my interiors looking very pretty at night only to find that cave entrances look like someone just decorated them in that luminous paint you get at some nightclubs. I've found the best method is to use ENB to tweak specific effects like volumetric clouds and particle lighting then use SweetFX for the general tone. ENB tends to soften the colours which can make them look a bit flat and washed out while SweetFX tends to make the existing pallete bolder.

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