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Better Half Elf Heads


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These drow are proving more of a challenge, because of the eyebrows and the necessity to make their faces shinier so that you can actually distinguish their features with anything besides the lightest tint. I think I've got them in the right neighbourhood of specularity for several of the mid-range tints, anyway, but the eyebrows still need work.


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mrzmA2GIFjg/T3eD02WNixI/AAAAAAAADBA/qeI-jph4-qI/s320/nwn2main%2B2012-03-31%2B15-19-49-92.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dvMzgVFzcO0/T3eD1GLNBrI/AAAAAAAADBQ/NiaXQrvZBOc/s320/nwn2main%2B2012-03-31%2B15-19-40-17.jpg

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The game is realy lacking on the male part for faces/heads. Humans atleast have some decent ones you can get. I pretty much never play elven males cause I hate there heads. When I get home I'll check my desktop, there is anouther pack out there that gave some more options than what has been posted, atleast for the males side. I don't have it on this work laptop and can't find it on the vault.
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