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Here there is a showcase of the several capes done so far ...


Silver , Brown , Gray , black and white ... if you suggest others perhaps I coudl consider , not sure if to keep silver and white as look quite similar ....


anyway here they are .... what you think?





Very nice, Prometheus! I'm not still sure about tje cloak being under the shoulder pauldrons, looks nice, though...


How about a cloak that would have fur only around the shoulders (like Jarl's or noble clothing) and the lenght would be only cloth? Or maybe like the cloak you did once to the heavy winter imperial armor (one of my favorites).

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I agree with Williams criticism on the black. Still great work Prom. Look like an unofficial official expansion in the works ;D I can't wait till I get some time to fulfill some of the things I would like to assist you with. College sucks :/
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I actually Inspired the black version from the game of throne type ofblack cape ...


Just added another Artefact to the other Unique items like :



Dovahmaar Dragonsowrd

Atmorean (Atlantean) Sword

Jade Shield

Hyborian outfits





Ofc the style is directly inspired from the Dragonpriest Staff... and eventually some Dragonpriest may have one of those unless it will be a strictly unique weapon , and to target dragons Bows are very usefull ...

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davvero ben fatto! come lo texturi l' arco? sarebbe bello avere una texture di legno pregiato, sai come se fosse scolpita, i vari archi di ebano e oro del gioco non mi sono mai piaciuti perchè la vedo dura a tendere un arco di metallo, ma nulla vieta di intagliare delle figure nel legno....


se poi vuoi fare qualcosa di un pò più fantasy, il tuo stalhrim è una bella idea, a meno che non è pensato come un materiale molto duro e poco flessibile....

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le frecce sarebbero fighe :D magari con punte simili a delle stalattiti... osso va benissimo, tra l' altro gli archi fatti d' osso o con corna di animali sono di gran lunga superiori rispetto agli archi di legno, erano degli archi da elite... sarebbe anche bello sperimentare un kyudo, sai gli archi lunghi giapponesi, avevano una gittata impressionante ed erano usati molto nei combattimenti a cavallo ( :D ho appena visto un documentario sui samurai su youtube :D), potrebbe integrarsi col tema dell' influenza atmoriana e akaviri della cultura di issgard....


avevo in mente di farla io una mod del genere, però so che nuovi spunti quando si lavora da così tanto su progetti di questo calibro sono ben accette.... se vuoi dare un' occhiata ecco qualche resource da google:


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@ Prometheus:

Buon Giorno!

Just a few very small ideas:

For this mod, I get the impression that this far northern Island of Issgard must have held the very last stop-over military camp of Ysgramor and his 500 Companions before packing up, rallying and embarking for their final push from Atmora to Skyrim, and the ferocious Vengeance for Sarthaal that ensued.


I imagine, somewhere overlooking Issgard's southern shoreline: an ancient, moss and ivy-covered, Old Norse rune-inscripted Standing Runestone or memorial cairn, (enchanted with a useful buff or two) commemorating that very important historical place and event.

I heartily applaud and encourage any mod, especially "real-estate"- based ones, that add to these largely ignored, sadly neglected Ghostic Isles in these high latitudes. :D


My greatest hope is for inspired and innovating modders such as yourself to develop the existing aforementioned Ghostic Islands, but you've gone WAY farther: a brand-new, VERY remote island, which is even cooler! 8) (In more ways than one, pardon the pun.) Thank you very kindly for this wonderful idea. I eagerly anticipate this!

*Grazie*, hearty cheers and regards, AmadanBezerk


Edit: Are you firmly settled on this island's official name of "Issgard"?

If you'd be interested in making it look/sound even more ancient and genuinely *Nordico*, and less *Inglese*, that's easy; just add one more "a":

"Issgaard" just like "Asgaard" (Home of the Asagods, or Aesir) and "Miklagaard" (Bysantium/Constantinople), just a thought.

Edited by AmadanBezerk
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Thankyou ...


This is still wip and I honestly do not want to spend too much time refining it too much , as I want to complete the armor and move to the dragon thing ... while still waiting Beth fix the bugs that prevent from making quests ....




Someone sugested to make some Stalhrim point arrows , wich is also a nice idea ...


but the more I do the less I get time to complete the quest ...


anyway that bow will be probably be another unique item along with the dovahmaar sword , but much more accessible and still quite usefull versus the dragons ...

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