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Do mine eyes, tell me lies? some new really cool armors!


Really good work, some unique but still "familiar" designs.

Second one reminds me of imperial armors, last one carved nordic armor.


Keep up the good work! Can't wait to try out this mod.

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Forgive me if this has already been said in one of the previous pages but, I am a decent writer and I have been looking to join a team to work on a mod as a quest writer. By any chance do you need any quest writers?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a Concept I am working on for the Nomadic tribe of the Vaarg .

They live in pelt made mobile tents , they move around with sleds and domesticated Rhinos and dogs ...

the tents can be dismantled and reassembled elsewhere so their's is a shifting tribe ...

Now they live on the Ice pack , and surrounded by ice and snow .. .so my question is how does that concept looks?

the idea is basic atm , so under is a layer of crossed wooden bars , the exterior is made of a large cover of stitched pelts , on the sides there will be ropes linking the side as a kind of yurth , but the overal structure is similar to the one of a tepee .. the top is open to allow smoke of the interior fire to get out and also melt possible upper snow ...

I tought also to put a linked pelt over the hole pulled from every side to be covering the hole but leaving a space for the smoke to pass out ...
the frontal tusks , will be linked with ropes to the tent too and the frontal entrance will have a hanging pelt as door ...

so what you think of this concept, what it does look like ? is it credible for those climates ? what woudl you sugest to add or remove or change eventually?

thanks for any answer ...

Nomad Tent Concept

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non so se segui game of thrones, le tende dothraki, così come le tende usate dal freefolk a mio parere potrebbero fare al caso tuo; ti posto qualche immagine come reference:




in questo video invece c'è un behind the scene che parla di come sono stati pensati gli accampamenti dei bruti nel telefilm:



a mio parere il tuo concept è molto più credibile visto il clima gelido rispetto alle tende beduine dei dothraki e quindi oltre che fornirti questi piccoli altri spunti non so che dire, comunque sia è una bella cosa vedere che il progetto va avanti spedito...a mio parere il miglior progetto di mod "mastodontica" in circolazione...keep up!

Edited by frankdema
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the new Rural Architecture of Issgard Common Villagers , the rural country homes are more inspired to old European huts common also to the vikings and many other cultures of the european ancient history .


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