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SkyrimSE T-Pose


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Ok so ive installed Skyrim SE from steam four days ago and im trying to add mods to it but I keep running into problems but ill never give up thats why im here :smile: . Yes im new to modding. Using NMM and I download all my mods manually because of some error. Im trying to get these animations to work in game but my character and every NPC in game I at a T-Pose.


FNIS sexy move

HDT physics extension

Sexy Idle animation


And by what ive researched you need:





Realistic ragdolls and force

CBBE body


Ive saw someone get banned from a forum for piracy but I install Skyrim SE from steam and would show proof if I could but when I use FNIS for users this looks like this


>>Warning: Generator not run from a legal (Steam) Skyrim installation directory. If you use SKSE, this can be fixed by starting Skyrim once through Steam.<<
FNIS Behavior V7.0 11/26/2017 12:32:05 PM
Generator: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
Skyrim 32bit: ??.??.?? -
Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones) male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"
Reading FNISBase V7.0 ...
Reading XPMSE V6.1 ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) ...
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files....
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 16 total groups: 30 added file slots: 170 alternate files: 164
Creature Pack not installed
164 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character).
1 Warning(s).
Skeleton arm fix is the only box thingy I have checked below. This is with all the mod with the green check mark next to them I checked FNIS last because someone said you need to update this everytime you install a animation mod.
But anyways that ill ive got for now if I forgot to explain something or have no clue what im talking about please let me know.
Help Pls Sir or Maam.
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Did you by any chance download the LE version of FNIS instead of the SSE version?

Yes, he did. :smile:


I'll be damned, I am learning.


The algorithm for checking the the game setup is new in FNIS 7.0. So you can't really know that.


I got really tired of all the different mess-ups users were able to create. Not running from NMM/MO pull down, running from the .z file, moving the exe around, adding TESV.exe in SSE to make MO2 work, ... You can't believe how creative users sometimes can be. :smile:


Therefore FNIS now checks for a file "PatchList.txt" or "PatchListSE.txt" which is part of the respective release. And you see in the "Skyrim 32bit" which FNIS was installed. Independent of the Skyrim root folder.

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Considering how much you do to in supplying support, you must be bald from pulling your hair out in frustration. I am going bald naturally but I have a crease in my forehead from rounding off sharp corners with it where I used to work.

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Considering how much you do to in supplying support, you must be bald from pulling your hair out in frustration. I am going bald naturally but I have a crease in my forehead from rounding off sharp corners with it where I used to work.

:laugh: two coneheads talking with one another. :laugh:


Yeah. But on the other hand, giving support can be very satisfying sometimes.

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