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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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Orderhood people came to the first three Subway Station based settlements, known generally as Subway Settlements. Of the Orders of Support, Protection, Guidance, Training, Healing and Research they brought with themselves many kinds of useful resources. Soon their outposts were being set up in newly renamed Ranktown, Badwolftown and Grandmalltown.


BadWolf Subway Station had become a thriving Subway Settlement despite that DocWho had warned newly named Subwayers not to do such.


Mother Supporter Yelaine Abeltata strode along the central platform of Badwolftown, noting subtle signs of something being wrong that locals seemed blind to. LawRegulators, led by Hardwall, had detected something but not so keenly. She wore a practical robetunic and carried a golden metallic quarterstaff of curious appearance and design for at the tip of it was a small, softly glowing, yellow-white sphere.


Hardwall walked alongside the elegantly beautiful, but tough, Yelaine. He spoke with calmness but she picked up his tension. "This settlement attracts the worst kind of Wastelander though they have brought with them a few better folks. We LawRegulators have focused our efforts here, since the majority of both supermutants and Talon Mercenaries left the GrandMall. There is a garrison of mercs in their base in the GrandMall and same is true for the supermutants in their base along with their three outposts. There has been no sign of the Shadotaze. We have caught, so far, three doppelgangers trying to infiltrate into Badwolftown. Recently we have managed to better map the underground areas and we found a secret down there. I suggest that we go there at once."


Yelaine nodded calmly. "Very well but I will bring my entourage with me."


Hardwall frowned softly. "You do not have to do so; you can trust the LawRegulators."


At that she sighed softly. "We can trust the LawRegulators but not you." Then she aimed her staff at him and zapped the fake Hardwall with a softly shimmering, pencil thin beam, of yellow-white energies.




The fake LawRegulator fell and shimmered as he became a splotchy purple-green humanoid, the true appearance of a doppelganger. It was now semiconscious.


Orderhood Protectors, LawRegulators, and Subwayer Sheriff's people began to hunt for doppelgangers using various tricks. There were some short fights ending quickly in the defeat of one or more doppelgangers. There was also the rounding up of non doppelganger folk who had not hesitated to betray others for a price.


The real Hardwall, along with others, was taken out of a dopplercapsule. Soon he was slowly-steadily recovering from that ordeal.


As for the supposed secret, it was just a doppelganger trick to draw people into a trap.

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Marshal Krankzsmash sat behind his big, reinforced metal, desk and frowned softly at the computer in front of him with its big supermutant adapted keyboard. The message sent to him, by his people in TechVault087, was no real surprise. His ruling position had been ousted by Marshal Slicestabmoch who led a factional alliance of supermutants and metamutants. Except that it was obvious, to Krankzsmash, that Slicestabmoch was not smart-savvy enough to be such a leader, that he was now the puppet leader of the vault beneath Lamplight Mountain.


His people, at the vault, would be heading to join him as soon as the marshal could make arrangements to make sure that they had a good strong escort. As it was most of his people were with him at his new fortress, at his three outposts or were living in Supertown. A few metamutants had willingly joined him but about two thirds had travelled to TechVault087 where they now served who-what ever it was that really was in charge there.


There had been a growing rift amongst the metamutants even before they split to physically go on different paths.


Metamutant Captain Krenkz from where he sat in adapted combat fatigues on a chair on the other side of the desk. Naturally he was quite small when compared to Krankzsmash. "There is are WarTimelords in TechVault087, criminal military rogues who have their own TARDISes. They are arrogant fools who say too much when with supermutants; they forget that even the most stupidest of supermutants can remember and repeat what they hear. They were in the Museum of Technologies, here in the GrandMall, and were with other Timelord Rogues being the Rani, the TimeMeddler and MasterTime. Then they pretended to flee from a threat, scattering to go to different destinations where they would continue to carry out a plan, of sorts. The WarTimelords went back in time but only just about a decade. They were not, back then, in TechVault087 but quite close in an abandoned bunker set up by a survivalist group who long ago were forced to go to the surface because of network-system failures."


Krankzsmash frowned. "We must get our people out of there as soon as we can. I have my own contacts in TechVault087 and it seems those damned WarTimelords are up to something quite dark even by supermutant standards. Then again perhaps other plans are needed."




He reached under his desk and pressed a well hidden, though very large, red button. The metamutant slumped forward, falling into a state of semiconsciousness.


Blastmiser, a fairly eccentric metamutant, entered in her exotic power armour as both herself and as an avatar of the Wanderer. She smiled at him. "Hello, handsome! I suggest we see to removing the treachery cyborg modules from all of our metamutant comrades before they become fully active."


He grinned mildly. "Yes, that would be a fine thing, my beautiful wife. I hope soon to be the father of our children."


She smiled her metamutant face at him, to him being gorgeous, and nodded. "I am also looking forward to us having children together, after your processed changes are complete."

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In statuscapsules were Starlords, Starlordling cadets, Starlordite secondary officers, Startroopers, Starworkers, Starspecs (specialists) and other followers-minions. There were robots, androids, and livestock along with carefully stored resources both special and general. The DocTARDISmind was busy analysing them after Suzanne had directed first examinations of them and the rest of the ship. The vessel was very advanced and heavily armoured-armed. It was equipped with fighters, fighterships and other smaller vessels including escapepods and spacelifeboats.


The dalek stealth raidership analyse was completed and it was now firmly locked away. Thankfully no daleks had been found with it having abandoned the damaged vessel as on board data testified.


The hovering silver sphere had proven to be beyond Timelordic abilities to even being to truly analyse.


There had been no trouble at all in analysing the SS Titanic II with its autorobotic network-systems, robots, androids, relatively small human crew, and its two classes of passengers. Except that the vessel had been carrying refugees away from troubles of some kind; both crew and refugees were in emergency statuscapsules along with other lifeforms. A few refugees were known to crew members. Many chambers, that would normally have been largely empty, were stuffed full of extra equipment-supplies, being mostly supplies. Everything had been done in a great hurry.


The vessel had gone through some kind of exotic timespace travel process that had left some odd, minor, marks on the exterior of the vessel. Its effects, on the status encapsulated ones was yet to be fully discerned.


The blue wooden police box turned out to be a TARDIS that so far refused to give up its secrets.


Then there was a great HTT (hovertracktrain) of a massive modular sections that had a locomotive at each end with its own driving-command chamber. Each section had its own hybrid-electric power, being able to drive as separate vehicles in an emergency. Each was heavily armoured and lightly armed in a self defensive fashion. Though marked as a 'hover' vehicle it could actually be said to be a low flying machine being able to cruise up to 100 metres above the ground. Special baffles, winglets, and other devices would allow it do deal with problems such as cross winds.


A sleek sporty family hoversedan was a fast, luxurious, version of what a family might own with its multiple network-systems of which many were safety-security features, its six doors, its changeable back area, and its luxuries. Except that its atomic generator-motor-battery system was too unstable for Timelordic tastes. The Luxurtorius 4545A1 would need some changes done before it could be safely used.


The truly ancient Chinese vessel was a big, but not massive, trading-transport sailing junk. It was truly impressive.


The Liberty Prime humanoid robot was massive, standing tall and menacing, being a Mark Three. It had multiple weapon and other network-systems, heavy armour and could project force fields. Yet Suzanne considered that it would be fairly clumsy, and vulnerable, in battle and might be more of a propaganda machine than a true fighting one.


The atomic surface to orbit shuttle was also massive but around one quarter of it was made up of atomic rocket drives, armour, and various network-systems. Its atomic systems were more stable than that of the luxury hoversedan.


The mishmash vessel was a thing of amazing barely organised chaos. Its fins, domes, globes, cubes, odd shaped sections, two drive assemblies, airlocks, solar wings, gridwork and other features had been merged with perhaps some kind of plan in mind but surely one that was often changed along with way. Old fashioned optical telescopes were quite common as were external transparent elevators and fancy ironwork like enclosed balconies that made seeming little sense in zero gravity. Inside turned out to be even more amazing with areas of zero gravity and artificial gravity being in different directions in different areas. Inside were entities that were clumsy mixtures of cybermen and daleks; they called themselves cyberleks.


An advanced multiple task aeroship floated like a smooth, squat, saucer. In the UNESS Venture #1 were multimodular sections along with less of the more permanent kinds, aerolift and aerodrive network-systems, some defensive network-systems, aeroboats, parachute escapepods, resupply aerobarges and other features. The holds were full of resources and special chambers were full of statuscapsules with lifeforms. There were androids, robots, remoterobots, and other such.


Last of all were an array of smaller, everyday, OldEarth and NewEarth vehicles of varied historical times. A TModel Ford sedan being black, a big hybrid-electric farm tractor with enclosed cabin and six wheels, a smaller farm tractor with a diesel engine with a rollcage, an monstrous atomic cruiser motortrike, a range of bicycles, PreDD standard robots such as protectrons and MissNannys, a long big family tour caravan with lots of extras, and much else. Amongst them were a very few surprises but they were not found at first.


Suzanne sensed that the choice of things that were stored there was far from accidental but neither was it straight forward; it was a test of some kind and a gift that had to be worked with to attain special results. Along with that there were clues there to an ancient mystery linked to a just as ancient threat to the whole universe.




In the blue police telephone box TARDIS was another version of the Doctor in a form of frozen time that was not status. With her were companions, followers and minions.


The silvery globe was Orbisi waiting until the moment it would act as directed to by those entities that it served.


MadMax, and his companions, were in a big hotted up, armoured, rough road six wheeled battlecar with defensive, safety, survival and other network-systems. They were frozen in time, the dog caught licking his b...

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Hidden below Badwolftown, quite well, a group found a large complex with a rather nasty purpose to it. Breeder tanks, other special hardware, were there to create doppelganger clones. The semiactive equipment had not been used for centuries and was maintained by autorobotic network-systems. The machinery could also be used to create other, doppelganger, like entities.


"1Gen1 evidence at last!" Hardwall spoke as he placed a document on a desk. "Supergenius clones, 13 times 13 of them being named the 13Genius13. Evidence of genetic material taken from diverse sources such as splinterclones, Sontaran clones, and others including Timelordic. Somehow I picked up information, from the doppelgangers, while I was in the dopplercapsule."


Yelaine smiled. "That is an excellent story, a fine explanation, but not the truth."


Hardwall shrugged. "I represent what mortals might call the Celestial Court of Adjudication Enforcement. I suppose, if you push it, I am a demigod. I could have easily escaped from the crude doppelganger trap but needed to go through the whole process in order for you to prove yourself in rescuing others and myself. You are a Timelord of sorts."


She nodded. "A very long time ago my ancestors escaped from Gallifrey, from the control of the Timelord High Council, in order to very carefully assist other peoples of the universe but only in a peaceful, compassionate, manner. We are the Gaialords but you knew that."


Hardwall: "Celestial protocols are very demanding and sometimes seem foolish but I have learned to respect them. In truth I did gain information, from the doppelgangers, during my time in the dopplercapsule but only because of my true nature."


They continued to search the large complex that turned out to be an advanced biowar subcomplex to a much bigger complex. They were soon confronting a shocking discovery!




"Hard wired versions of doppelgangers, amazingly well disguised as humans, were seeded across the NewEarth in the decades just before Doomsday." Hardwall studied the 3Dscreen covering most of one wall. "They were created by the 1Gen1 along with the Rani and other rogue criminal Timelords. That is they were transformed from doppelgangers taken prisoner. Doppelgangers appeared just before Doomsday and were one of multiple exotic elements. Only very few knew that the shapeshifters had escaped from the Coreworld."


Then he turned to the doppelgangers standing nervously in the chamber. "Your faction is not as murderous as other factions of your people."


The lead doppelganger spoke. "We original doppelgangers were not designed to mimic-murder people but to mimic parts of our environment so as to hide from our natural enemies, to ambush small prey, and to be part of a very large well balanced ecosystem. Some of us were abducted by a very powerful immortal entity in a kind of timespace travel vessel."


"We did not go through the twisting processes that too many of our people later did and thus we did not go evil-insane as they did. We, much later, suspected it might be the Rani, that abducted us, but it was not so for it was clearly a male Timelordic type entity; nor was it any of the better known male criminal rogue Timelords such as MasterTime. We can not go back to our old world for we have adapted too much to this one. We need a new home."


Yelaine nodded. "You may go into the GaiaTARDIS but only into a very secure quarantine zone. If you prove yourself to be safe, in the longer term, then you will be able to mingle with others. We need to know from you everything that you can tell us about what is going on with the NewEarth."


The entity shuddered. "If you assist us to stabilise ourselves better with this dimensional realm, we will prove ourselves to you might helping to deal with the crisis to come that will be the Great Enemy attempting to escape from the Coreworld and the continuing side effects of that process. Firstly we met all of the criminal rogue Timelords in the Museum of Technology about 100 years ago, as did other doppelgangers. We fled from dealing with the rogues any more than that; other doppelgangers were too easily seduced into going along with their insane plans to break into something known as the AlphaOmega Vault."


Hardwall sighed very deeply, dramatically. "Pieces continue to fall into place and the picture forming is not a happy one; it is time to make some very special communication calls."

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Note: the DocWho Timelord Faction (To be expanded-edited-moved)


Dazanne: Timeclone of Suzanne being a Timelordite.


DocTARDIS: because it has a quasipersonality of its own.


Doctor What, DocWhat: Timeclone of DocWho being a Timelordite.


Doctor Who, DocWho, the Doctor: Timelord from the planet of Gallifrey.


Doctor Why, DocWhy, Timeclone of DocWho being a Timelordite.


K9 Robots:

K9O the original like a K9A but with some extra special tricks.

K9As being lightly boxy vaguely dog like hovering dog robots.

K9Bs Twos being metallic, lightly boxy, more realistic looking dog robots.

K9Cs Even more realistic looking dog robots complete with fur etc.

K9Ds Humanoid dog robots.


K9tron: robot that became one of the Wonder5 and somehow an avatar of the Warden God.


Kazonne: Timeclone to Suzanne and Timelordite being liaison to shifted former status sleeper group.


Lasanna Who: daughter to Doctor Who and mother to Suzanne.


Rubin: Timelord-human hybrid and avatar of Warden God.


Saltis: Timelord-human hybrid and avatar of Warden God.


Thomas: Timelord-cat hybrid and avatar of Warden God.


Tinlegs: exotic robot and avatar of Warden God.


Suzanne Who: Timelord and granddaughter to Doctor Who.

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Scullie shuddered softly and wiped sweat from her flushed face. "The new drug slowed the transformation down but time is running out. We must continue testing."


It had been a lie, that they had told the Timelord Suzanne, for the group had come to realise that it was not real, that it was made up of kind of superdoppelganger with enhanced powers and deep concealing abilities. They had not departed from the new complex that Suzanne had found for them, that a demiTARDIS had delivered them to. They were determined to solve their own problems except now Kazonne, a Timeclone of Suzanne, was helping.


Mulder was sitting, half collapsed, in a swivel-chair. "Where are the real XFIA, FD and others who were with them?"


Professor Walter Bishop, or at least the copy of that one, checked a read-out. "Interesting! Transformations are taking inside us now that are most unexpected. At least they would be if I did not have a growing suspicion that we never left the DocTARDIS. The DemiTARDIS took us to this false complex inside the DocTARDIS."


With a soft shimmering, Suzanne stepped out of mid air. "Yes, you are now inside a special quarantine chamber. It was brave, but foolish, of you to want to face this threat on your own. Having detected your true nature, we could not let you go anyway. We have quietly observed you and have gained much vital information from doing so. The process of creating superdoppelgangers, we have computed, must have gained mixed results by its incomplete, unrefined, nature. The process was designed, and used, far too quickly with out due testing. I doubt the Rani would have willing gone along with that for she is a perfectionist. It is more the way of MasterTime who is overly cunning but with out any real discipline. The WarTimelords are somewhere between them and the TimeMeddler is unpredictable."


With another shimmering a woman figure, with a long overcoat and a colour scarf, entered. "I am Professor Who, or ProfWho, and these are Timedroids." There were six Timelord like figures in tight jumpsuits being one golden, two silvery, and three copperish. They all were women shaped with dull grey skin and no hair having bold heads. "In the Alternate Universe that I come from there was a great war in which the enemy seeded the universe with billions of superdoppelgangers before it attacked. The Timelords there, my people, had to learn quickly, and well, how to deal with them."


She held out a tray of stimpak like devices. "This serum will freeze you in almost your current shapeforms though you will have some minor shapeshifting and other powers. You appearance may shift. As for the real versions of you, there will be a link and they will be in special dopplercapsules."


So the serums were taken by all of the humanoids and given to the other superdoppelgangers such as the dogs. Yet that did nothing to solve the fact that a great number of the entities were seeded around the world except now there was some kind of warning that could be spread.




ProfWho spoke even as she carefully placed a superdoppelganger into a secured statuscapsule. "It was sad that we had to lie to them so as not to trigger early the transformations but they will slowly-steadily solidify in these capsules. It will take some decades. My task will be to hunt down and encapsulate as many superdoppelgangers as I can and give them the same process that I undertook thanks to the real ProfWho. She was the last of the criminal Timelords, in my old universe, who were really the ones who seeded the superdoppelgangers. As the last of the Time fools, as she called her people, she repented and attempted to redeem herself in many ways."


"As their version of Gallifrey burned, and Gallifreyans were massacred, she found she could not help them. Not that she might have done anyway for those Timelords were brutalised to be brutal, with their conscious removed, with any supposedly weak ones being torture-terminated as failure-traitors. In doing so they killed off their wisdom and their true geniuses, becoming increasingly a worse menace to that universe. Ironically they were finally destroyed by a version of the daleks who have no desire to conquer, to exterminate, but only want to be left alone in their own territories. They are the Aoleks and they led a great alliance against the corrupted Timelords but they, themselves, undertook the incredibly dangerous last assault with amazing courage and heroism so that others would not suffer."


​Suzanne shook her head. "Definitely not the daleks. Go and carry out your mission with our support."


ProfWho smiled. "Yes, we will stay in contact in case you need our help."


With a sparkling shimmer she was then gone to the ProfTARDIS that was, in turn, soon gone from the DocTARDIS.


Suzanne: "DocTARDISmind, was the trackers deeply set into the ProfTARDIS? That was no superdoppelganger but the real ProfWho. I sensed no evil in her but there was deception."


DocTARDISmind: "All three deep placed tracking devices have been deactivated. It took her seconds to find them and nullify them unless another force did so. Something tells me that we will not be dealing with her for a long time to come."


Suzanne frowned softly. "I concur but the Orbisi (in the QuasiTARDIS) assured us that it was the way best, to deal with what is really happening, to let her go."


The Orbisi had departed but only after leaving 13 most curious gifts behind.


When it came to the metallic cubes, more had vanished to further transform the situation of the DocTARDIS. That is one golden, three silvery, and nine coppery cubes. The changes were not as obvious, this time, as the old process just continued onwards with the new boost helping it to do so.


Perhaps the same would happen with the remaining 13 cubes.

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Note: District of Centralis (to be expanded-edited-moved)


DC means District of Centralis which contains not just NewWashington but two other domed cities, a few domed towns, a small national park, and other features including some small mountains projecting up from low hilly areas. There are also the three large DCRivers, two big hitech industrial parks, two amusement resorts and far more.



-Androids (duplicants, replicants, simulicants)

-Animals (not so rad)

-Animans (animal human hybrids)


-Bounty Hunters

-Cannibals (note quite human)

-Cyborgs (humanoid, brainbots, other)



-Enclaven (EagleEnclaven coming from the north)

-Freedom Railroad (FreeRailroad or Railroad)




-Hunters, Hunter-Gatherers

-Institutes (DCInstitute)

-LawRegulators (Special Crimes), LawMarshals, LawRangers, LawSheriffs

-Mercenaries (Talons, Reilly's Rangers, Others)

-Militia (such as the emerging DCMilitia)

-Orders of Steel: Brotherhood, Orderhood, Outcasts, Misfits, Sisterhood

-Plants (rad and not rad)


-Radcritters, Radbeasts

-Radghouls, Radghoulers, Ghoulmans


(Packraiders coming from the east, being mostly of a common type but with elite horror factions of Packbeserkers, Packreavers, Packcrazers and others.)

-Robots (remoterebots and true robots)


-Salvagers being better organised, equipped, than Scavengers.




-Survivalists (very tough, independent, settlers)

-Synths (biosynths)


-Tribals (Gypsies, Nomads, Seminomads, Other)


-Zetans (Zetans, Zetamans, Zetabeasts, Zetabots, Other)


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DocWho's group kept fighting the insane Curators led biovires, sweeping them back until the surviving ones fled away from the GrandMall Central Museum. The very big museum turned out to be largely a propaganda site for big government, world corporations and other powerful organisations including an area for the growing Temple of Atomicus.


They found prototype technologies, many never meant for production, were in well lighted displays or were shown as holographic projections. Hovercars, massive tunnelling robots, atomic rocketships, zerograv projection fields, super virtual reality capsulechairs, synths, entertainment MrFunnys, NukaCola Diet, portable dimensional compaction containers, plasma guns, vertijets, self heating coffee cans, robotic teddybears, dream lounges, memory capsulechairs, power armour suits for fighting firestorms, tobacco substitute cigarettes, solar power spheres, MrWalky dog walkers, and much else besides.


Then they found an experimental cable teleportation chamber that could, in theory, take them to various destinations including the Museum of Technologies.


Which was when Hardwall communicated with DocWho, at the same time revealing that he was a demigod. Even the Doctor was taken by surprise and he was rarely so. Yet what took most of the Timelord's attention was the message about the superdoppelgangers.


DocWho communicated easily with his granddaughter, thanks to the assistance of the demigod.


The demigod had already communicated with Marshal Krankzsmash, the Wanderer through Uncle Leo, the Mysterious Stranger and even the Timelord High Council along with a few others.

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A large group of professional law enforcers, and volunteers, attacked the cannibalistic settlement of Andale. They were led by LawRegulators and LawRangers. Fighting was savage as swarms of cannibals fought desperately for their lives until they were convinced that they could surrender peacefully. A few locals are angry until they learn that the DCInstitute wished to study the almost humans and find out better ways to detect them, even change them, making the Wastelands safer to live in. The well fed, not on human meat, and drugged semihumans were escorted to a secret bunker complex quite close to RivetCity run by the DCInstitute that is secretly supported by the mysterious New Hope Foundation.


Arefu is visited by JackOman, another aspect of the Wanderer, who resolved problems between the Arefu citizens and the Blooded Family. Lucy West gets reassured, she having asked JackOman to go to Arefu in the first place, and her brother returned to Arefu.


MadMax, and companions, were delivered close to Grayditch by a demiTARDIS and soon they were helping the Grayditch settlers against swarms of fire spitting, radants. It is learned that only the soldier flamer radants can jet flames but that the workers are still dangerous as are the queens that can jet great sweeps of flame more dangerous than any standard flamer.


Canterbury Commons experienced the vanishing away of the Mechanist and Antagonizer, along with their exotic forces. No evidence supported explanation could be found for this happening.

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