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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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The nibblerclaw carefully stalked parasites on the great big body of an alpha queen deathclaw almost kind of pouncing on them when one came into target range. Then the far smaller cousin, to a deathclaw that could easily swallow it whole, would feed. On it went freeing the bigger creature from the small, possibly dangerous, mutated parasites.

The deathclaw carefully scratched the nibblerclaw now and then so that it made strange sounds of pleasure before going back to its work.

The alpha queen snarled softly when some of her bigger cubs became curious to see what nibblerclaw tasted like. When they backed off, she nuzzled them. One big cub, a powerful female, nuzzled the nibblerclaw and gained her mother's approval; nibblerclaws were important for the health of the deathclaw pack and had to be protected even from deathclaws.

Dealing with parasites was the forte of the nibblerclaws who also dwelt in peaceful co-existence with killclaws and other kinds of clawbeasts.

From outside of the caves drifted the muffled sounds of gunfire. The deathclaws knew that the two legged ones would soon enough move on, the prey would come out and they would come out. deathclaws were aggressive, powerful, but not stupid. The two legged ones had terrible ways to hurt, even kill, deathclaws.

A few remains of bones, clothes, even a couple of guns, and other stuff lay in a corner with a skull on top; its jaw was to one side. The pile was evidence that sometimes the deathclaws were supreme even when the two legged ones had strange things that killed.

Breezes, coming down from the cave openings, brought multiple smells that to the alpha queen gave a whole story of what was happening up there. There were more threats than two legged ones out there such as chunky hard things moving around on chunky hard legs and disturbing whirring things that went through the sky above.

The alpha queen chewed on some tough mutated grass for the cellulite helped with deathclaw digestion processes. Other deathclaws were doing the same with grasses often gathered quickly up by nibblerclaws while under deathclaw protection.

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The PaleOneMan quietly observed a supermutant column moving past the semiruined diner that he was looking out from. The supermutants should, in theory, have been able to see him easily but somehow just looked through him. A big radroach drank from a puddle of NukaCola Original that it loved but which the alien humanoid considered to be inferior to NukaCola Quantum.


Not only had he found a functional NukaCola vending-machine with cold bottles of NukaCola Original in the machine proper but in the door prize section were some bottles of NukaCola Quantum, a NukaCola Tshirt and a NukaGirl figurine>


The PaleOneMan spoke very quietly to the radroach. "Collectables must be good prizes! Not only a Tshirt but a small figurine of a human woman in an odd spacesuit that doesn't appear to cover all of her body in a most efficient manner though she does have a helmet with a visor. She does have a raygun of some kind."


The radroach listened to his words as if keenly interested, antennae wriggling, but then promptly fell asleep as the wonderful sugar rush, from the NukaCola Original, wore off.


The PaleOneMan touched the radroach and, with a soft sparkling-shimmer, it vanished to the PaleOneZone that would be its new home. In the PaleOneZone radroaches were already consuming two kinds of mosses, other items on the side, and were pooping of course. This faeces was a valuable resource added to special vats that supported the growth of plant like things that the PaleOneMan then used in various ways along with his followers and minions.


He wondered if the movement of the militaristic creatures was somehow linked with his mission on that world to track down certain stolen artefacts and rogue criminals, both being from his home dimensional realm of the PaleCoillus.


Mind Voice: "At least one of the stolen power-artefacts could be used to heavily influence such wild minded entities as those entities are."


PaleOneMan: "So could other kinds of power-artefacts but I have a 'sense' of truth in what you say. What particular rogue would do carry out this kind of tactic?"


It was a rhetorical question for a number of the PaleOneMoto rogue criminals could-would do such a thing. Which was when an artillery shell fell upon the street, blasting supermutants to shreds and hurling others through the air. Soon more shells were falling.




The PaleOneMan had switched to his PaleOneZone where the two PaleTwoMans directed-coordinated-supervised Palefollowers, Palepawn minions, and a whole scurrying lot of radroaches. The last were doing a good deal of eating, and pooping, when not sleeping or enjoying sitting beneath large sunlamps. Two more vats had been activated and were processing the substances in preparation to grow valuable growths. Radroaches had turned out to be most valuable.


The great pale chamber had no easy to define walls and big growths of strange structures where humanoid Palefollowers, and squat floating Palepawns, carried out a wide series of activities. While a few would have been obvious to humans, a few would be kind of obvious and some would be a mystery.


The PaleOneMan spoke to one of the PaleTwoMans of the twin like pair. "Repair regeneration appears to be going well."


The PaleTwoMan would have been taken, by humans, to be identical to the PaleOneMan but this was far from true. "The radroach poop has given a boost to the production of important ingredients to the repair regeneration process. You returned because of the use of primitive weapons!?"


"Primitive but dangerous!" The PaleOneMan frowned. "Remember our own people used shell shooting cannons in the distant past. I would suggest that the cannons being used might be primitive even for the humans of this world, might be what they call 'fully functional museum pieces'. I found some documents of a kind called tourist 3Dbrochures that had information on such things; we have our own 'artefacts of memory' that could be said to be museum pieces. I also gained more highly valuable collectables that must be put on display."


"Of course, at once, in the newly created Collectables Display Area." The PaleTwoMan responded. "Though a fair number of our people consider you to be too deviated, one considers it to be a honour to serve you. One hopes you will get more of those VaultTech bobbleheads and one will do one's best to display them to their best advantage."


The collectables were easy to spot and the PaleOneMan appreciated this but wondered if they were hidden when he was not there.


Soon enough he would switch back to the human realm that they did not dominate in the fashion that they had once done, or was that true?


Which was when strange bing-bonging sounds became to echo through the great space; some unknown force was attempting to detect them with the same kind of exotic technologies that they used but of a less refined sort. The PaleOneZone would not be found but the PaleOneMan was trapped there until the threat, of discovery, was over.

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The deathclaw alpha matriarch, it deathclaws, and nibblerclaws quietly accepted the presence of the young woman who sat restfully amongst them. She gave over some ESCFs (Emergency Survival Concentrate Foodbars) that the deathclaws considered okay to eat and which the nibblerclaws considered delicious.

Earthsisla sat quietly in the full lotus position. She was a Gaiafollower of the GaiaOrder that was linked closely to the Orderhood. In confusion caused by the attack of something most strange, aggressive, even evil, she had been separated from her Gaiafollower comrades but they were all psykers and were soon to be together again.

What had the attacker been? Much bigger than even a queen alpha deathclaw, with wing vaguely like those of a wingclaw but with four legs unlike the wingclaws with two legs, the name 'dragon' had come to mind. Then the term 'clawdragon' had eclipsed it.

A nibblerclaw lay on its back, making odd noises of pleasure as she rubbed-scratched its belly.

A word came to her and it was TechVault123! She had extreme psyker abilities even for one of the always psyker Gaiafollowers. Yet she guessed that TechVault123 was the mysterious TechVault that the first of the Gaiafollowers had been created in as experimental victims. Back then they had had no such names but just code names. One day the first Gaiafollowers had woken up in a small, but well equipped-supplied, bunker in the Wastelands there in VeryNewZealand.

The very first Gaiamothers had begun the GaiaOrder with the help of the very first Gaiasisters, Gaiabrothers and Gaiafathers or so it was recorded.

She pondered her options and again decided waiting was best. Perhaps the Gaiafollowers would take the deathclaws, and nibblerclaws, with them to the nearest GaiaSanctum.

A deathclaw cub fell asleep curled up in her lap with a much smaller nibblerclaw cub curled up sleeping on top of the deathclaw.

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The big scanner-scope screen, like a non reversed mirror reflecting some other place, showed Talon Mercenaries operating multiple barrelled 105mm howitzers. The three barrel arrangements spun even as more cannon cartridges were fed in by the autoloaders. Soldiers, in light power armour, kept topping up the fixed magazines that fed the autoloaders. The guns operated with recoil regulation so did not buck too much. As the five guns worked, the site was guarded by Talon Mercs either in light power armour or in non powered combat armour, both wearing old type military fatigues.


Saltis looked around the great big central control chamber in amazement and at beautifully youthful Suzanne, in her dull golden jumpsuit, in awe. Dazanne, her clone assistant, was identical appearing but wore a dull silvery jumpsuit as proper to her nature and rank.


Rubin, Tinlegs, were with some K9s but not the original who was in a RRRB (rest recharge regeneration bay). There were two hovering K9As, two lightly boxy metallic K9B dogs, and one K9C of a more realistic doggy appearance. Other K9bots were either busy, in other parts of the DocTARDIS, or were in RRRBs.


Tannin was sleeping on a very comfortable, hovering, couch that conformed to his body. He had some beer, cigarettes, and a couple of foodbars so he was quite content.


Suzanne spoke to Saltis. "We picked up the K9 original when it was gifted to us by a harmless rogue Timelord known as the 'TimelyTinkerer'. That was on the world of Ankakan where we spent some years after escaping from Gallifrey and the a conspiracy against my grandfather by unknown elements. Friends, of the Doctor, advised that he should do so and take me with him along with followers and minions. Apart from carrying out missions, for the Timeguardians, we are seeking answers to the conspiracy against us that may indicate some kind of treason even in one of the Great Houses or amongst the High Councillors."


Saltis nodded. "You are very pretty! I wish I was as pretty as you are."


Suzanne was surprised. "Thank you, sweetie, but looks are less important than one's efficiency, loyalty, and discipline. We Timelords do not really understand such concepts except, perhaps, for DocWho which is one reason he is considered to be one of the more eccentric of our people."


A coppery metallic servoglobe hummed softly through the air being so advanced that it could barely be known as a robot.


Saltis blushed. "I am not going to talk about those sort of things with a man."


Suzanne nodded. "Oh, human woman matters! Do you not have a woman to talk to?"


Saltis nodded and spoke with an odd reluctance. "Hattie, she is like a real mother to me."


Suzanne smiled, gave Saltis a quick, slightly awkward, hug and then spoke. "Then you are lucky to have her! The TimelyTinkerer is a very interesting Timelord. You, and your brother, would like him. Grandfather was supposed to capture him and time-beam him back to Gallifrey but instead freed him. I do not think the Timeguardians were very concerned about that, as they are more concerned about those like the Rani, MasterTime, and the Timemasters Faction."


Saltis realised that Suzanne wanted to get away from talking about emotions and things like that. "Can we have a K9?"


Suzanne shook her head, just a little. "Sorry, sweetie, for Timelordic rules are strict on sharing some types of tech but I can help you build a K9 robot type that uses your kind of technologies."


The Talon Mercs kept operating their howitzers in what looked like a fairly big square complete with statues and statue-fountains. Crows kept their distance, from the noisy guns, as did pigeons and seagulls.


Abruptly the whole square, all the howitzers, the soldiers, and much else were destroyed as a small, focused, nuclear explosion disintegrated almost everything. Artillery cartridges in turn detonated along with other ammo there. When it was over there was a fairly large crater and nothing more. A few surviving mercs were quick to take the wounded, what ever they could salvage, and depart.

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The BlackWidow sat perched on-in a semienclosed balcony of the truly massive NewWashington Monument that was at one end of the GrandMall. Linked to the Mysterious Stranger, as others were, she reflected many of his powers such as a version of teleporting. She wore a tight black outfit, perhaps a bit too tight for modesty, that included a eye mask. All sorts of interesting gadgets lined her utilitybelt including two large, holstered, pistols of different kinds.


In the distance, to the south, coils of smoke rose up. It was no mere rogue fire for the ruins, semiruins, were still heavily fireproof or at least mostly so. Black specks flew above the site, suggesting some kind of aerial battle.


So who-what was fighting who-what.


Whispers came of powerful Ganglords and Warlords dominating large parts in the southern parts of DC. Yet, as powerful as they were, she had not heard that any of them had anything like the aircraft fighting in the air; some of them were very large.


Once more she used her special, powerful, binoculars and did not gain much more information accept the types of flying machine were a mixture of known and unknown ones. There were massive vertabird like machines, sleekly armoured airships, gracefully squat saucers of aeroships and much else.


Then, somehow, one of those bursts of information came to her that she had experienced before along with others like her. The attackers were something called LASnet, or Land Air Sea Network, as linked with the Skynet and Deepnet. The defenders were an alliance of Warlords, Ganglords and something called the United Republics of NewEarth, the URNE; it was not a happy alliance but a necessary one. The defenders were pushing back the attackers but were the attackers just testing the defences?


The howl of a deathclaw echoed through the immediate area but she only picked it up because of her enhanced sense of hearing. It was a reminder that life still went on.

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The false AFV hummed along on its tracks, away from the fighting, heading towards Rank Street of scavengers, shops, more shops, even more shops and a few other things. Or so Saltis spoke of that place she she had grown up in except for short scavenging trips in nearby areas. The street was quite well concealed because a partly collapsed building neatly covered it. The strange robots had fixed things so that the building remained that way, that is on an angle, and did not further collapse.


"So those Talons got nuked, why do you care?" Saltis was again in the front passenger seat of the warmachine. "Those mercs can be real nasty for no real good reason."


The Doctor steered the AFV around a hovercar turned on its side as radroaches scuttled into hiding in the shade of the big, leaning structure. "The use of nuclear weapons, even primitive small ones, is never a good idea even against those Talon Mercenaries. How long before the Talons starting using mininukes against the supermutants and those, like you scavengers, get caught up in the fighting?"


Saltis scratched her scalp, beneath her red hair, out of habit because the lice were cleansed away. "Okay, that's true. I suppose somebody got to use one of those crazy Fatman launchers or one of them missile launchers able to fire small nuclear missiles or.... one of the nuke things."


The Doctor nodded. "Nuke things are dangerous!"




DocWho came to a halt as a mixed bunch of volunteers appeared at a mishmash barricade. He climbed out of the vehicle, as did the teenager because some of her people were there. Soon Saltis was being hugged by an tough looking, but somehow motherly, older woman with light brown skin and darker brown hair who was Hattie. She also wore the same basic, tough, practical type gear as did Saltis and others there, not all being scavengers. There were hunters, basic mercenaries, a bounty-hunter, couriers and a few who did anything they had to to survive.


They were mainly armed with pipeguns though there were also some powerful crossbows and bows. Body-armour only clad a few and was also hodgepodge, often made by local artisans. A radhorse was tethered to a post as the patchwork coloured animal ate some feed from a trough. Its saddle had been removed and was carefully placed next to it.


The Doctor found himself facing a tall, almost skinny muscular, man with large thick glasses who wore what was almost a trenchcoat by design. He had radhuman patchwork skin as Tannin did, along with many other radhumans, but he was not so sleepy acting as the older radhuman was.


"Terence Hardwall, local leader of sorts, mediator of sorts, and commander of sorts with no official status at all meaning no wages, no allowances and no allocations of resources." He shrugged. "Whispers came through that you helped those fake gangers with some handy stuff; we could use some ourselves. Heck, we could use pretty much anything that you are willing to give us."


The Doctor nodded, somehow not surprised that this man knew of the fake gangers but did he know of their real identity. "Medical supplies, food rations, purified water, survival blankets, inflatomats, rope, tools, perhaps weapons and ammo, along with other things, as Saltis would say."


Terence nodded. "Yes, as Saltis would say! As you can see, we are in no condition to deal with either the supermutants or the Talons."


The Timelord nodded. "Well, let us see if we can fix up some bunker, or other place, for you to shelter properly in until the troubles are over."


The man shrugged. "We were thinking of taking over a damaged subway station, after killing and driving off the radghouls."


The Doctor responded. "There is no need to deal with the radghouls in such a harsh manner. My group, and I do not mean the scavengers, have some solutions to that. We will give you a great deal in exchange for as much information as you can give us. A lot of it will be basic stuff, as far as you are concerned, but very useful for us. We also want books, journals, disks, maps, brochures, and what ever else you can get us. We will be willing to give you fixed up items."


"What's the point, most of us can't read-write." Terrence shrugged. "Unlike Saltis, and her half-brother Rubin, who could do so, even as toddlers, when we found them hiding in a local shop with lots of 'thingy things'."


"Then education is the important 'thing'." The Doctor responded. "But that information is very important and soon we will be asking more specific information for we are hunting down some powerful, dangerous, rogue criminals."


Terence grinned. "Oh, we got lots of those so just take your pick!"

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One moment the laneway is empty of any life but small scurrying things, a couple of moderate sized radsnakes and a few mutated plants. Skeletal remains, a leaning wreck of a robot, other wreckage, is the typical of that environment.


Abruptly things change. The laneway is as new, cafes are open and are bustling with waitresses and customers. People are shopping at small tourist shops, bookshops, and an icecream place at one corner. Robots, mostly basic wheeled remoterobots, are at work but so are human employees often on Pensioner Work Schemes.


This place is a secretive area for the well off who can afford black market prices for otherwise heavily rationed goods. Even the street sweeping pensioners get well tipped here as do the minidress wearing waitresses.


Music plays, smells waft through the air, people chat and sometimes laugh. A toydog yaps until its owner gently quiets it.


The news warning of increasingly dark troubles but these people, at least most of them, care nothing for such warnings. They are confident, as lesser elites, that nothing can touch them, not with their level of power, wealth and influence. Anyway they are needed to help run big government and big corporations along with other powerful organisations.


Just in case they have plenty of security robots, and security guards, to protect them.


The tentacles plunge up out of the ground, the pavement, glistening and evil. People scream but so hard-fast is the attack, such a shock is it, that at least half are dead in a few seconds; that is drained of liquefied flesh, blood and life energies. Security guards barely have time to grab at their weapons before becoming victims and robots are just smashed aside or destroyed.


Then it is all over except for the very few who escaped who are sending for help, if they are not too shocked and-or damaged to do so. The tentacles vanished as quickly as they appearing, doing all the murdering in just about 50 seconds. Then there is the sound of approaching sirens. Covered by its dead own, who sought to protect it at the cost of her own life, the toydog survives.


Abruptly the laneway is back to its PostDD self.

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In a fast, tricky, but easy to do operation the AFV became a real warmachine, of its kind, and the DocTARDIS no longer needed to keep it existing as a solid projection. Yet one way entering-exiting that TARDIS continued, temporarily, to be one of the internal doors of the warmachine. That is if one was allowed to enter otherwise one went from the main chamber through to the middle chamber often called the turret chamber because there was the roof turret's motors, autoloader, gunner position and so forth. One could also enter the TARDIS by going the other way.


Saltis stepped out of the DocTARDIS with a bulging backpack, pouches and two duffelbags. It was hard to take the scavenger out of the scavenger and the teenager had chosen carefully in what she could get from the Timelords. Following her came a metallic robotic dog named K9Rank, it being made from that world's kind of technologies, then an upgraded Tinlegs, with Tannin and Rubin following. Everybody was loaded down with valuables, Saltis had made sure of it, with everybody going along with it. The taciturn Tannin smiled, nodded, as if very pleased at the actions of Saltis but it was hard to tell what he really thought or felt.


They were going to their old home to prepare for a shift to the new subway station settlement. DocWho was there already and he, along with some K9bots, had made the local radghouls vanish along with radroaches and some other creatures. He had also easily hacked into the subway network-systems so that the protectrons were soon assisting the new settlers while the stunner turrets were safely switched off.


Saltis looked around, stretched, and spoke to the others as they joined her outside. "Too bad we did't have a motorcart too get more good loot from the Timelords."


Rubin spoke quietly. "A 100 motorcarts full of loot wouldn't be enough for you, sis!'


Saltis pretended that she had not heard him except for a snort of mild disdain. Then she led the group into a ruined looking shop that was a secret entrance into her people's old home that she had known nearly all of her life. Hattie was waiting for them, as was a big old grey cat called Thomas who was of extended life as he had been found with both Saltis and Rubin; the cat had been a kitten just as the children had been toddlers.


Rubin was soon cradling a purring Thomas in his arms, the cat's tail flicking just a little with his pleasure.




Saltis looked up and down that part, of a very long street, full of ruined-semiruined shops. They had been speciality shops such as clothing boutiques, shoe shops, toy retailers specialising in robotic toys, semipermanent tattooists, holographic projection artists, survival shops, sex shops for adults, artisan workshop-shops, 3Ddisk boothshops, fast food diners, fancier food-drink cafes, and other establishments. Most had been quite expensive and loot taken from them had been good though there was not much left now.


At that moment something odd struck her that had, for good reasons, not come to her attention before; the first letters of a series of signs, as they went away from her, read 'bad wolf' which had been a term on the same note that had been found with her by the Rank Street Scavengers when they rescued her, Rubin, and Thomas. The most important parts, for Tinlegs, had been found in the same shop and it had been Tannin who had found them first.


The term did not seem, on the surface, to be important so why did it send a chill down her spine?


Hattie appeared, with hugs for everybody including Thomas, Tannin and Tinlegs. Then they were on their way home that would become a better fortified outpost that they would sometimes be visiting or even be going there for a short time. For the subway station was a fairly deep one.

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The woman studied her small NukaCola museum with much pride for she had taken years to gather it. Sierra Petrovita was a NukaCola addict and mad collector of NukaCola artefacts.


There were three big, fake, NukaCola bottles, of the main flavours of NukaCola Original, NukaCola Cherry and NukaCola Quantum.


There were two types of NukaCola vending machines.


There was a row of a variety of unopened NukaCola bottles, inside a lightly armoured display case. Aside from the flavours of Original, Cherry and Quantum there were rarer ones such as Vanilla, Atomic, Nuclear and Zero Sugar.


There was a non functioning MrNukaCola equipped with drink tanks, dispenser pipes and a cup dispenser.


There were protected NukaCola 3Dposters, many showing impossibly shaped, beautiful, scantily dressed young cartoon women.


There were five mannequins, three female and two male, of which two female and one male wore garbs adorned with NukaCola logos. One female had a vaultsuit type jumpsuit, the other female had just a Tshirt and the male had just a cap.


There were NukaCola adorned toy cars, trucks, teddybears and others.


Her neighbour was one ever randy Ronald Laren. Every time the foolish man brought him something new, and interesting, for her museum or even just a NukaCola Quantum, she allowed him to 'have his way with her' for one night. Or at least was the theory because, despite his bragging, 'it' never lasted period, which there were always two, never lasted longer than fifteen minutes. She enjoyed sex somewhat so was happy to go along with a deal that helped sate her two, related, addictions.


She smiled for Laren had promised something special and was bringing it to her soon.

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The Doctor walked along a subway station platform, examining its name in wonder. It was the BadWolf Station named after some odd stories told by workers who had disturbing experiences during the construction of the site. Strange humanoid wolf like creatures had been spotted but somehow had avoided being properly recorded. They were not recognised as known creations of the Age of Scientific Wonders as animan wolfmans or other wolf related entities such as cyber wolves.


A series of inexplicable accidents had also taken place during the construction so that the opening was delayed and there was a blow out in cost. In the end a very heavy security presence had stopped the incidents along with other security steps.


BadWolf Station?


Skeletal remains, of PreDD (before Doomsday) citizens, were being carefully bodybagged with smaller items being placed in sealable pouches attached to the bags including forms of identification. The place had only been lightly looted in the past, thanks to a few reasons such as isolation and radghouls, but did not have a great deal for the taking; or so it seemed so at first.


Apart from his trusty sonicscrewdriver, the Doctor had his TimeEmblem, a QuasiTARDIS, and some other items that might come in handy.


A protectron robot thudded past on its two legs. Of all the kinds of tronbots that had been used during PreDD times, the protectron was a more armoured-armed version than was the more commonly used securatron. Normally subway stations used securatrons with only non lethal devices but the protectrons had weapons that could easily kill.


The ticket booths, and other facilities, were far more fortified than typical ones he had seen thanks to 3Dvideo, and 3Dphotos, that he had observed. He also noticed that actual human security guards were very common and were heavy security in armoured suits instead of just fatigues with body-armour.




He slipped on his multiglasses and looked around again as the view changed through the amazing supersolidstate device. Apart from the ticket booths, meant only for special ticket sales and other subway related items, there were ticket machines, vending machines, doors to toilets, cameras, turrets, basic remoterobots, rampulators, and more features.


Some were hidden but not from his Timelordic multiglasses that he had refined himself. There were secret doors, unusual network-systems behind walls, above ceilings, beneath floors, and one vending-machine marked 'out of order' was not even a real vending-machine. There were also other such inconsistencies.


A quick decision was made; there would have to be found a safer place for a new settlement, perhaps even a subway station, for clearly that place was too potentially dangerous for such.

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