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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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Outside of his PaleOneZone, the PaleOneMan made his way along a tunnel beneath an area where the supermutant army were setting up a fortified base of some kind. That is amongst very old ditches, trenches, tunnels, shallow crude bunkers, concrete and metal. There had been savage fighting there just before Doomsday though now it was hard to say who had been fighting who and for what cause.


The PaleOneMan was trying to zero in on a peculiar energy reading, a kind of broadcast signal something akin to that of his own people's technologies. At times he paced quietly through pools of water, past softly glowing clumps of glowshooms, and then the skeletal remains of an International Guardsman in power armour.


Suddenly it was before him, a finding that shocked him not because of what the mechanism was but because of where it was. The great palemaetech mechanism seemed somehow both metallic and organic, as if steel had grown out of the ground, sprouting strange limbs dotted with just as odd orbs.


Dead humans, zetans, and even Palefolk minions, lay around that chamber. The mechanism damaged but in such a manner as suggested planned sabotage. Other tech hardware, such as robots, were destroyed. The robots were human tech sentrybots while the zetan ones were battledrons and even more powerful wardrons. The dronbots had once floated through the air but due to antigravs and not such as fanjets as human robots used.


The paleminions were a very basic kind used by palefolk factions when they did not want to identify their factions or they were fighting as factionless forces. The zetans wore no identifying symbols and the humans appeared to be blank shield mercenaries. All three factions had meant to remain secret.


The common factor was that every living, and robot, entity was covered with tiny holes that the PaleOneMan could barely see despite his amazing sight ability. Such a sight caused a cold shiver to run down the spine of the PaleOneMan though it was a spine very different to those of any humans.


A vast, extremely ancient, horrific war had swept across many universes, alternates, dimensions. It had been between two very ancient, and powerful, entity-entities of extreme power and alien nature verging on the unnatural or even antinatural in quality. It had ended when even more powerful god entities had intervened, destroying the two forces and driving the remains into different domains of the NullVoid. The god entities had folded back time, with the help of something celestial even greater than them, and it was almost as if the war had never taken place.


One type of terrible weapon, often used by both the EverOrderArmada and EverChaosSwarm, left such marks on victims.


The PaleOneMan began to more carefully examine the site.

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DocWho stood, for a short time, studying the PaleOneMan who was inspecting the bizarre mechanism at the center of the massacre chamber.


The PaleOneMan turned his head and spoke. "So we meet again, Doctor!"


DocWho sighed. "Yes, and under dark circumstances just as last time. I see the evidence, as you did of course, of the use of one of the Doomiskiata superweapons as used by both the EverChaosSwarm and the EverOrderArmada. That is the Needleskiata."


One of the very few good things about that very ancient war was that the two sides were only interested in destroying each other and, as long as nobody else attacked them, they only did collateral damage to others; still, that had been bad enough. Then a grand alliance, of multiple powerful species, had attacked both sides and the war had truly increased in its violence; both the PaleMassFolk and the Timelords had been part of that alliance. The alliance had been driven back when the two enemy forces had formed a temporary alliance against them of their own but then the great god entities, along with their followers-minions, had struck.


Relatively few peoples had remembered what had happened, amongst them being both the Timelords and PaleMassFolk. Code words had remained, being warnings of anything dangerously linked with the EverDoomWar such as lost artefacts being found, hidden pockets of ancient warriors, and so forth. 'Dark Wolf' had become one of them because of the shape shifting wolfiata that served both EverDoomForces. Later they had become known as werewolves amongst many folks.


DocWho looked around wearing his multiglasses, soon picking up yet more evidence of the massacre of even the robots. "They were fighting on the same side and, I suspect, a few of them survived. They retreated! The big mechanism was damaged, probably sabotaged by those fighters. Question is, why?"


PaleOneMan responded. "The mechanism is of the kind that draws in powerful, violent, energies and focuses them into another function. It seems Doomsday was triggered to serve another function other than winning a war whose purpose, and actual fighting factions, are not clear."


DocWho frowned. "That last is not the only 'thing' that does not quite add up about the history of the NewEarth and not just including the time since the second sleepership arrived, with many millions of lifeforms, from the OldEarth. I suggest an alliance based on ancient emergency protocols."


The PaleOneMan nodded. "That would be both necessary and wise."



The Killclaw matriarch opened its jaws as Lasanna carefully inspected her long fangs. The killclaw was an alpha female, being about half the size of a deathclaw alpha female but still very formidable. With Lasanna she was passive, partly thanks to the Timelord's special nature and the Field of Grace in the DocTARDIS. None would be aggressive except for defensively so if some other attacked them aggressively.


Lasanna examined the teeth, and then kissed the killclaw on the top of her head. She got a quick lick in response and then the next killclaw came up to have his teeth examined. Turned out that only some work had to be done with a small device that she held that also scanned the teeth.


Killclaws followed her, in loose natural formation, chatting with each other in their own way and even with the Timelord who communicated as best she could on their level. Then they were rushing into the interactive holographic area that reflected the Wastelands. Except that here there were no real threats and plenty of game to hunt such as raddeers and radcattle, even radmoles by the smaller-younger killclaws. The prey were not real but the food, its nutritional qualities, were and the killclaws kept up their skills.


Lasanna smiled as her new family went on the hunt in the zone.


DocWhy spoke even as he appeared close to her. "I am a special clone, of DocWhy, and your new permanent Timelordite assistant if you would have me. You have done well with the killclaws."


Lasanna snorted softly. "Thank you and I accept you as my permanent assistant! What is father doing now?"


DocWhy took on a look of concern and then spoke. "Dark Wolf!"


Lasanna frowned. "Tell me everything, that you can, at once!"


So he did!

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The Shadow Proclamation organised an emergency meeting of varied peoples that had fought in the EverDoomWar but also of newer species-civilisations who would join for varied reasons, not all of them wise. The PaleOneCouncil sent envoys as did the Timelords High Council, the Electrium Emperor, the Thals Armada Admiralty, the Eternals' Eternal Agenda, the Universal Condora of Peoples, the Greater Dragon Empire, the Flexinum, and multiple others. The meeting was mostly a preliminary briefing followed by more meetings and separate briefing sessions. Plans were made, remade, until it was decided that more information had to be gained.


The attempt at treachery remained unknown to most for it failed. Even as the vast, twisted, warship came out of hyperspace it was driven back, highly damaged, then finally destroyed in hyperspace. Not being truly alive, the enslaved denizens inside were freed through death. That loose end, of the EverDoomWar, was erased from existence.




The 6th sleepership arrived into the NewEarth based Sol System, massive and mostly quite normal and yet with a sense of something being not quite right about it. It moved through the star system with its 300+ planets and even more moons along with other features. Though it had slowed down greatly, retrodrives still active in further slowing it, it was moving fast as it headed towards the NewEarth.


The 1st sleepership had vanished in hyperspace and the second had been part of the colonisation of the NewEarth as had the 3rd sleepership but also the moon of NewLuna. The 4th sleepership had colonised the world of NewMars in the same solar system as the 5th sleepership had colonised NewVenus. The tribubbles, and other ancient super alien features, made this possible.


Not long after a massive dalek war vessel, a dominatership, came out of phase and then out of hyperspace but it did not head directly for NewEarth but came slowly-steadily to a halt. Soon, from it, shot five heavily armoured-armed dalekaships and fifteen smaller, still deadly, dalekaboats. That is with each dalekaship having three much smaller dalekaboats being attached to it inside protective hull recesses. The five headed towards NewEarth. Caution had them go quickly into advanced stealth mode of being just out of phase and hence very difficult to detect.


Except that they were picked up, as a highly probable intrusion, quite quickly by local Spacer Factions.

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Saltis crouched alongside Rubin, her half-brother, and the two robots while in her lap the feline Thomas was sitting. The robots were the local tech based K9botA1 and Timelord upgraded Tinlegs.


The supermutant attack, on Rank Street Subway Station, was weakened by the limited size of even the big subway monorail tunnel that they were coming along. Hidden booby-traps had already killed or wounded many. Even as the attack continued, it seemed to be dying down. Well placed turrets, small gun-bunkers with armed fighters, were blasting away at them mainly with pipeguns, of varied sizes, and grenade-launchers.


Then, as abruptly as it had begun, the attack was over with the humanoid, hound, and other attackers departing with their dead, wounded, and salvaged stuff. They only left behind spilt blood, bits of bloody flesh and damaged stuff.


Rubin, who was normally quiet, spoke. "I think the big uglies were taken by surprise when they ran into us. They didn't expect us to be here."


Saltis nodded. "Yes, that seems to be very true as the station settlement is so new and was started so quickly. They may be back with even larger numbers. We should strike at them, now!"


K9botA1 spoke. "Mistress, we do not have the military power or numbers to strike out against the big uglies. We need to focus on defence."


Thomas spoke in an odd voice, as he rarely did. "Scouts and patrols so they will not take us by surprise."


Tinlegs spoke. "Give them gifts, hugs and kisses so they will not attack!"


Saltis gave Tinlegs a quick hug, kissing him on the top of his odd shaped head. "Oh sweetie Tinlegs I do not think that would work with the supermutants though it is a good idea."


Tannin had walked up quietly and now he spoke. "They were deserters so next time they come such things just might work for as tough as they are, they were very frightened of something. Deserters are those who run away from an army, or other fighting force, with out permission from their commanders."


DocWhat stood there and he spoke quietly, firmly. "Yes, I also sensed the truth for though they attacked briefly the supermutants did not seem to have their typical higher level of aggression. They were far quicker to break off the fight, to take their wounded, and retreat. I will talk to the new Rank Street Leadership Council as soon as I can. Tinlegs is proven to be a genius."


Saltis gave the robot another hug, and of course, a kiss.




After scouts found them, they led the supermutant deserters back to the settlement where they were given basic rations, water, and some healing attention. The supermutants, zyclops, mutthounds, and massamoths were also infected with the same fear.


They had met something truly terrible, in battle, fought savagely and had been driven back in profound panic. In a great, strange, chamber where even timespace seemed to be distorted, they fought against tentacles coming seeming out of nothingness, shambling zombies of different kinds of creatures including what might have been humans once, and floating things like upside down teardrop shaped slugs that stank horrifically. Worst of all, in some ways, had been the ever shifting, transforming, shadowy things hard to define and to keep track of.


Even behemoths had been easily torn apart by the tentacles. The zombies had been the easiest to destroy, except the more that were killed the more that came. The floating slug things were fairly hard to destroy as they were constantly regenerating from somehow feeding off their victims. The shadowy things were very hard to kill but could only harm those living things that went too far into the icy cold, blackest of, shadows there. Which was why all of the entities were most fearful for none were truly alive and all of them, as a mass, drained lightly at the life energies and courage-determination of the supermutant forces.


Very many enemies had been killed but it was the supermutant army that had been forced to retreat and a few units just kept on retreating in the confusion of defeat.

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FieldMarshal FleetAdmiral Grandieus stood tall, proud, surrounded by robots, most being PARs (Power Armour Robots) based on-in T45 power armour. Others were MrGutsys, MissSlashers, sentrybots, and protectrons. Then there were T51 power armour based cyborgs and troopers in a range of power armour types from T45s right through to X01s, the more advanced the less common. Yet the figures stood with unnatural stillness and there were other things that were not quite right about them such as their shadows for there were none.


The first Brothers, and Sisters, of Steel came into the big chamber even as a big advanced, armoured-armed, airship continued to be safely locked down in a very big secondary chamber of the NewPentagon. A second airship was in the process of landing, of coming down through the big, half open, armoured dome roof of the chamber.


Elders, Sages, Scribes, Sappers, Troopers, Medicos and many other Brotherhood Castes were appearing but at least half were SteelGuards or, less so, SteelTroopers. SteelGuards wore heavy combat armour while SteelTroopers wore power armour. There was no resistance from the heavy security or defence network-systems since the brotherhood had been invited. There were plenty of resources, many facilities in good condition and yet large areas needed repairing-upgrading. Some of the damage was most peculiar.


PrimeElder Owen Lyons stood, in armoured elder robes, facing the holographic projected images. Then he stepped on the green, softly glowing, disk.


At once all of the figures vanished except for that of the armoured FieldMarshal FleetAdmiral Grandieus. Then he spoke. "So you have come at last, the Brotherhood of Steel from the western coast of this supercontinent of North Americana that is also known as Americanada. Most of of us are in status, who became the NewPentagon Guardians with its many treasures, secrets, and general resources. For a long time we fought off such as gangers, supermutants, and mercenaries. We became over confident, bored, and lost discipline. So when the undeathly shadow entities attacked were were taken totally by surprise."


He went on. "Tentacles coming out of strange energy spheres, zombies of which a few might have been humans, horrific floating glistening things with tentacles and hard to define shadowy things but those could only survive, do damage, in deepest unnatural shadow. Unexpected assistance came in the form of exotic technologies and equipment-supplies but also some surprises from the past."


After a noticeably long pause, he went on. "We counter attacked, driving back the invaders into glowing gateways back to their own horrific, undeathly, realm. Much damage had been done and we began to fix it but then we discovered all of us living ones had been infected-infested with something most bizarre and dangerous. So we went into status or, as in the robots, into RRRbays except that they took turns in being on active duty."


"After this was done the fumigation began, along with other computer network-system programs to try to find any other threats and deal with them. Our statuscapsules, and RRRbays, are well hidden and secured but there are ways you can get to us if you are careful and canny. Remember, pluck the feathers as from no bird, devour the lemons with out tasting fruit and walk away from one's destination to get closer to it."


The large armoured figure flickered out of existence.




Owen Lyons spoke to the others there. "We have very much to do before we even starting working to deal with the challenges left to us by these amazingly brave people. I suggest that some rest-recreate from the long, difficult, too often dangerous, journey while others begin to assess the resources here and to set us up here. As you know already, this place is vast with many levels sunk deep into the ground. Yes, we have much to do but already I am thinking we may have our main base somewhere else."


"From now on we are the DC Brotherhood of Steel and we are changing the traditional ways of the brotherhood!" He announced this and though most were obviously supportive, a smaller number were noticeably silent and even angry. "We are going to help the common folk, of the Wastelands, and help them with their midtech."


Some, who had not been supportive, suddenly were for as it was midtech, not hitech let alone supertech, that was on offer to the common Wastelanders.

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Tannin stood, suddenly, next to Suzanne almost as if he had always been there. She did not seem at all surprised that he did so because she wasn't. She was examining a console in a chamber with walls lined with bodycapsules. In a few of them were radghouls going through experimental deghoulification processes.


He spoke. "I am Tannin but one is the Wanderer."


Suzanne nodded. "Grandfather suspected that you might be one of those of the living gods but perhaps you are more than that."


"Both more and less than that!" The Wanderer responded. "Only sometimes will one be fully the Wanderer while being, at most times, more fully the radhuman Tannin. He almost died saving the lives of many ghoulmans who were escaped slaves. Brutal, heavily armed, slavers had caught up with them and wanted to torture-kill them but Tannin turned himself into a suicide bomber, using two mininukes. He wiped out most of the slavers. One brought him back to life, changing him from a ghoulman into a radhuman, but in the process blended with him so that he became one of one's multiple lesser aspects."


The Wander spoke on. "Other aspects, of one, are active on this world and one of those even now explores the place of ditch warfare that takes up part of the GrandMall. The supermutants met an army of the Shadotaze breaking through, into this dimensional realm, using wild riftholes."


DocWho showed up, walking towards them having heard the last words. With him was his daughter, Lasanna, and some K9bots and floating servoglobes. There was also the PaleOneMan and three humanoids that were the PaleThreeMen.


As soon as the three Timelords, the Wanderer, and the PaleOneMan were together, talk began.


The Wanderer explained how the real Tannin became one of one's aspects.


The PaleOneMan spoke of finding the ancient organic metallic mechanism and those that had perished in the process of sabotaging it, they being killed by a defence weapon. They had been power armoured humans, human type robots, zetans, zetan robots, and Palepawn minions. There had been some evidence that not all had been destroyed and had retreated.


Then Lasanna spoke. "While travelling in a demiTARDIS, on the search for ancient ruins linked to the long vanished Galacticus Soulus Empire, I landed timespace wise on the semiarid world of Flarillis55. There was an ancient Galacticusan archaeological digs site. With their force fields, energy armour, hovering robots, and other powerful technologies, the Galacticusan ignored the warnings of the local Flarillisans."


"What they unleashed were Shadotaze tentacle extensions of the Shadotaze's Shadomass, the shaze floating creatures, shadombies that are a kind of zombie, and the shadowy reflections of the Shadotaze dark psychic-spiritual self. There was a great battle and the foolish Galacticusans were badly damaged but they destroyed the attackers. They then departed after gifting the Flarillisans with some upgrades to their technologies, some improvements to their world to make it more friendly to the natives and sealing of the digs."


"Using Timelord powers I entered the digs and found some vital information left behind by the fleeing offworlders. It was a reminder that the Shadotaze served the EverChaosSwarm during the EverDoomWar. There was a statement that while most Shadotaze were exiled in the NullVoid by the greater gods, that one faction had escaped into a chaotic dimensional pocket realm. That realm became a slowly closing trap and after that they sought to escape through various timespace locations, of varied worlds, 'closest' dimensionally to their failing realm. One such location was on that world and one is on this world being not so far from here, that is the local anchor point of the DocTARDIS."




While the puzzle was starting to be completed there were still many missing pieces to be found and put into place.


They needed to find the possible survivors of the sabotage attack, on the organic metallic mechanism, to see what they could learn from them.


They needed to find out why the supermutant army, controlled as it was by some kind of twisted entity, was trying to invade part of the GrandMall.


They needed to find out about why the Talon Mercenaries were sent there to stop the supermutants, who really had them sent there, and why they were betrayed.


They needed to know about how-why Shadotaze forces attacked those supermutants and drove them off. Was the attack point the exact single rifthole location or were there more than one in that same area.


Which was when first radio contact came from the Brotherhood of Steel, in the New Pentagon, and soon after came Sarah Lyons, with the Lyons Pridetroopers and others, bringing disturbing information with her. That is about the past of the NewPentagon and the Shadotaze attack that had taken place there.

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Made a mistake in first writing that the metallic organic mechanism, in the room with the dead fighters of three peoples along with destroyed robots, was undamaged. Later I wrote that it had been damaged, being sabotaged by those who had died and also who had, apparently, escaped. Have changed this so that the mechanism is damaged from the moment that the PaleOneMan finds it.

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The two were in a largely damaged chamber but with some repairs done and equipment-supplies added. A MrHandy was doing some minor repair work on one wall of the large space.


Charon, the tough looking-acting ghoulman, spoke to the Mysterious Stranger in his trenchcoat outfit. "You have paid me enough that I was able to buy my own contract, and kill that monstrous ghoulman Ahzrukhal, but though now free I wish to serve your cause. Honour dictates that I do so!"


The Mysterious Stranger, also known as Mr Walker, responded calmly. "Your offer is accepted but in two years you get to choose whether to remain in service or to go find some place to retire peacefully. There is always Ghoultown. Ghoultown could use a good sheriff and you would do nicely. Yes, you carried out many dark acts but only because of the evil contract concept you were brainwashed with as others have been. I have been trying to track them down for some years and not just here in WashingtonDC."


He went on "I went there very recently to rescue-heal a woman known as Reilly. She heads the mercenary group known as the Reilly' Rangers. She has been contracted, by something called the New Hope Foundation, to gain data on NewWashington by mapping and collecting data in various forms including their own reports. The NHF is quite generous in its service-support, of the RRs, but remains secretive."


Charon frowned. "I can not clearly remember where I grew up but I have dreams of some very alien environment with strangely cold humans and a few warmer individuals who were my carers. They were all types as were the other children. There were also aliens in silvery spacesuits with helmets and I think they were zetans but their visors were not totally clear so I am not sure."


The Mysterious Stranger nodded. "The same type accounts have come from others who were contract-enslaved before I met them and not just ghoulmans. Reilly, herself, was one of them but luckily for her the one who had her contract only did so to make sure she was treated with respect and so she was. He was glad to help Reilly buy her own contract and remains a good part of her life."


Charon spoke. "Then she was truly lucky. Where are we firstly set to go?


Mr Walker responded. "I serve a cause and am directed by one known as the Wanderer. That one has many aspects and one will arrive soon to lead us to where we have to go."




Uncle Leo, the megamoth type supermutant except for greater intelligence, entered the chamber and spoke to both the Mysterious Stranger and Charon. "I am Uncle Leo but one is an aspect of the Wanderer. I am going to rest for a short while. Most of those, that came with me, will not be entering the dangerous places with us but will be going to Ghoultown or Supertown, that is a new settlement quite close to Ghoultown and which is also part of the growing Underworld."


Five ghoulmans came into the chamber but so did some peacefully acting ghouldogs plus one radman, a sexless version of a radhuman. With them were two junkbots, one on legs and the other on rough travel wheels, each with special capacity to carry extra equipment-supplies, being mostly supplies. Then came some supermutants who were a four other megamoths and eight smaller, but still imposing, metamoths along with one four legged massamoth with big panniers full of stuff, a couple of mutthounds, and a zyclops clutching a teddybear to itself along with a suitcase. The mutthounds had panniers and the various supermutant humanoids had backpacks.


So it was that they were to travel firstly to Ghoultown and then to Supertown, taking the MrHandy robot with them as it had come with Mr Walker in the first place.


They rested, had some food rations and water, with Uncle Leo being quietly meditative as he sat cross legged on the floor. Stories of the supermutant often mentioned him as a follower of the Orderhood's Path of Meditative Centred Compassionate Based Enlightenment; that is he often meditated sitting, walking, or working and taught others to do the same.


Uncle Leo spoke suddenly. "The Orderhood is coming to DC in the form of a large taskforce as assisted by the New Hope Foundation and the Followers of the Apocalypse along with others unnamed. I do not know why they are coming here in such large numbers, with so many resources, but I consider them to be most welcome."

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