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The Six Sleeperships of the OldEarth Exodus (To be expanded-edited)


The 1st sleepership had vanished in hyperspace.


The 2nd sleepership had been part of the colonisation of the NewEarth.


The 3rd sleepership had been part of the colonisation of the NewEarth but also of the largest NewEarth moon of NewLuna.


The 4th sleepership had colonised the world of NewMars in the same solar system.


The 5th sleepership had colonised NewVenus, also in the same system.


The 6th sleepership had arrived into the NewEarth based Sol System, massive and mostly quite normal and yet with a sense of something being not quite right about it. It was heading towards NewEarth.

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In TechVault101 Jasmine Anderson became the first official Exterminator tasked with dealing with the growing problem of the radroach infestation. At this time the first Exterminators were given few resources to work with and were treated with contempt by the TechVault Security and TechVaultguards while the Sheriff's Office treated them better as did the Citizens' Council. The Overseer Network saw it as a way of getting troublemakers, and misfits, out of the way as they were conscripted as expendable Exterminators.


​In Megaton Moira Brown tried unsuccessfully to get anybody to do tests for her Wastelands Survival Guide which puzzled her but nobody else.


Her uncle, Professor Mortum Brown, arrives to live close to her in Megaton; soon he is helping to help others to improve the settlement though he faces opposition from some Megatonfolk.




In RivetCity a hiding escapee android from the NewBritain Commonwealth, Harkness, is the much like Security Chief of the RivetCity Security Service. He fears being caught up with by the shadowy TransInstitute which is hidden behind the working facade of more open, friendlier, though still secretive TriInstitute.


Androids are not to be confused with synths for they are made in very different ways and have other variations from each other.


Also in RivetCity Professor Madison Lee runs a productive, positive, program of research development projects with the help of a supercomputer network-system, a very smart brainbot and other human researchers along with yet others who are not all human.




In the settlement, of Andale, cannibalism is a hidden crime for nearly all of the settlers there but the Andalefolk are too cunning to attack those who go into, or even close, to their home. Except that the LawRangers, and LawRegulators, have come to suspect the truth.




In the settlement, of Arefu, conflict has begun between its settlers and the Blooded Family of living vampires, not cannibals.




In the settlement, of Grayditch, there is growing trouble with giant fire throwing radants. The use of natural flamethrowers, though not as powerful as flamers, makes them much more dangerous than standard radants though they are also lethal.




In the Republic of Dave, President Dave is having strife with his first wife, VicePresident Rosie, because of her growing jealousy of Treasurer Jessica, the second wife of Dave. The official third radcow gives birth to a healthy female calf and there is an official celebration in the tennis court sized Republican Square of Dave; in truth it is an old tennis court.




At the outskirts of the settlement, of Canterbury Commons, strange troubles have begun between two exotic figures and their just as exotic armies of radants and robots. They are soon known to be the robotic type Mechanist and the radant like AntAgonizer.

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As refugees moved from one area, of the GrandMall, into others or even further, the supermutant army kept digging into a new fortified position that was not very far from its old one. Supermutants even salvaged stuff from the old one. Then came metamutants, in power armour, and with robots including moderate sized carrierbots with extra equipment-supplies. This time they were real, being tested by Marshal Krankzsmash himself who put together some hitech gear with the help of a couple of scientific smart supermutants.


Uncle Leo spoke to Marshal Krankzsmash, who was most quietly respectful of the other. They were in the marshal's new office chamber which was a sparsely fitted-furnished-decorated bunker chamber. Decorations were some PreDD, fixed up, prints of OldEarth paintings depicted lush green wilderness. There was also a small bookcase half filled with large hardback books that were designed to be damage proof; they were meant to survive disasters, even big ones. The titles indicated mostly OldEarth literature classics of the late 1800sAD and early 1900sAD.


Uncle Leo gave the supermutant commander a book. "The Erstwhile Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and his wife detective Doctor Watson, the one we have discussed. Have you one to give me in exchange?"


Kranzsmash gave a mild grin. "Pride, Prejudice and Prudence along with some undamaged hardback books that I have no interest in reading but that others will find most useful and-or interesting. I also have a supply of radaway and radX that we supermutants do not need except for prisoners and guests."


Uncle Leo nodded. "I have a supply of psycho for your supermutants who use it with out any real side effects. It is good to see you, old friend. We are on our way to Ghoultown Supertown. Have you any message for Futaririan?"


He shook his head. "She made her decision to leave TechVault087 and go into the Underworld. I take it that she is in Supertown."


Uncle Leo went on speaking. "She is home based in Supertown but is visiting Ghoultown while her children remain in Supertown. She has divorced the male sexed superhuman that she married despite her being a woman superhuman. He turned out to have a more aggressive personality than yours. He was shot dead by the Supertown Sheriff, a sexless supermutant named Hellgela."


Krankzsmash nodded. "The treacherous fool who departed from TechVault087 with my former wife and with some others whose names I do not wish to hear."


Uncle Leo spoke again. "You can be changed to gain male sexuality and be a hybrid superhuman if not a full one; then you could impregnate a superhuman woman like your former wife. The big favour I need to ask of you is will you defend the five Underworld settlements of which Supertown and Ghoultown are but two of?


Uncle Leo: "In your current position you could do so as long as you create three heavily fortified outposts at certain coordinates. You know that I am Uncle Leo but that one is the Wanderer. One can send you more equipment-supplies and reinforcements, if you want them, can come from the Underworld. That is trained, experienced, fighters and specialists."


"Agreed! Supermutants fight better when having a purpose." Krankzsmash nodded. "What we need are workers, both generalists and specialists. Supermutants are better at fighting than things like that but you know that though you are very much an exception to that rule. Even I am better at fighting though I like to read Victorian Age romance and scientific speculation novels."


Uncle Leo nodded quietly.

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Brotherhood of Steel airboats, vertibirds, and helicopters landed at the seemingly abandoned DCCitadel in the GrandMall, and the doors opened for them, the turrets and robots did not attack them, and the network-systems were easily activated. Why, because the mysterious New Hope Foundation had contacted PrimeElder Owen Lyons as they had done before with messages appearing seemingly out of nowhere. This one had instructions, passwords, and other information on how they could get into the DCCitadel that seemed largely a wreck from the outside but which was the opposite inside.


First went hovering eyebots, moving quietly through chambers, corridors, and other spaces. Then Steeltroopers entered the place along with Robotroopers based on power armour. Robotroopers were refined-upgraded versions of standard PARs (Power Armour Robots). Others followed as aircraft were brought down into special take off landing chambers.


The DCCitadel would be the DCBS (DC Brotherhood of Steel) operational base in the GrandMall. Though it would be the basis for dealing with the mysterious threat, and coordinating with temporary allies, it would also be the homebase for other kinds of operations such as exploration and salvaging of hitech and even supertech if it could be found.


Stored away resources, as promised, were found and while the equipment-supplies were very useful the most valuable was well organised data along with some rather unusual extras. There were nuclear power generators, a small but versatile autorobotic manufactory,


Steeltrooper Captain Sanderson stood studying the statuscapsules in the big, sterile white statuschamber, with amazement. Hundreds of PreDD survivors were in the statuscapsules and though mostly humans, there were also dogs, cats, and other animals along with plants including a couple of trees.


He spoke with a strong sense of irony. "Dogs, cats, horses, goats, fish, trees, bushes!"


Lieutenant Shylo shook her helmeted head in wonder. "Lots more women than men and adults than children. All the adults look young and all them are very attractive. I have read that all PreDD humans were like that with their rejuvenation-regeneration treatments. Question is, who are they and how did they end up here?"


A Sage of Steel scientist came rushing to them, in his robes, and he spoke to the two with a tone of urgency. "They are of the PreDD XFiles Investigation Agency, the XFIA. Officially they were supposed to be based only in the NewPentagon where they were linked to both the Ministry of Defence and the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the FBI, who also had the paranormal related Fringe Division. There might be both XFIA and FD people here. All were upgraded with cybertech and biotech. These are elite agents and some may even be ghost ops supersoldiers, superoperatives or even superassassins. As for the animals, and plants, I have no idea. We are still accessing data so we need to wait before we start bringing them out of status."


Which was when alarms began indicating that the process of bring all there, out of status, had begun.




Scullie, in her tight statussuit that could have been more modest, yawned and then spoke to the BrotherSisters of Steel. "So almost our worst fears came true and Doomsday did take place. We are Special Survival Group Beta F114 placed here in what was officially coded as Special Survival Bunker Beta F114. United States President Callmant himself instigated the Survival Group Bunker Program, along with other survival programs, after it was learned that a world wide conspiracy was active in trying to instigate Doomsday. They were the EagleEnclaven, the TechCorps, the DeepInstitute, the UmbrellaCorp, the Cyberdyne Corporation, the 1Gen1, the Majestic13, and the Atomic Brain Trust along with others. Secondary parties were such as the NukaCola Corporation, RobCo, the True Patriotic Councils and a few others. There were quite a few working fronts as corporations, NGOs, and even government agencies."


Captain Sanderson spoke. "What is an NGO?"


Scullie showed some surprise. "Non government organisation that is not a corporation or cooperative or collective, being not for profit. I take it that the NewEarth has been very badly damaged."


Lieutenant Shylo spoke. "Greatly but it would have been worse with out the protection of the domes. Surviving domes cover areas safer, more supportive of life, than outside of the domes."


Muldor spoke. "The domes were supposed to have been dismantled after it was discovered that they would often cause a fate worse than death known as ghoulification and also another known as radification. That is when mixed with the influences of rogue versions of the FEV (forced evolutionary virus) and, of all things, the consumption of NukaCola."


Shylo frowned. "The domes staid up and the world gained lots of ghoulification and radification, sometimes together as in over an estimated billion sexless, savage radghouls that used to be citizens of the USNE back over 200 years ago. Luckily they do not reproduce."


Scullie shook her head. "According to extensive computer scenarios, done before Doomsday, there will have to be a very small percentage who will be able to procreate but both with difficulty and very aggressive results."


The Steeltrooper captain frowned. "That could mean that those nasty whispers of radghoulers could be true. We clearly have much to discuss."

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Saltis sat, safely encased, in a special chair as the DocTARDIS was attacked again by a Timelordic type weapon designed for TARDIS to TARDIS combat. She looked around with a frown as DocWho, and Suzanne, worked quickly together as the main controllers; backing them up Dazanne being a defence-offence controller and of course the DocTARDISmind that had begun to more fully awaken from important tasks it had been carrying out.


Rubin was hugging Thomas to himself. Tinlegs was between Saltis and Rubin, safely in a special bay. K9tron was next to Saltis, on the other side of Tinlegs.


Saltis sighed and spoke words that surprised even herself. "Can one help by feeding Timespace Vortextual Energies through the DocTARDIScore in a very limited, refined manner. Rubin, Thomas, and Tinlegs can help."


DocWho responded as if not surprised at all, though he was. He had suspected that the four were exotic in various ways, that even Tinlegs was far more than he seemed. "That would be welcome for we are being attacked by at least two TARDISes along with one other type of craft."


Saltis, doing something that surprised her, closed her eyes and focused as did Thomas, Tinlegs, and Rubin. A few seconds later the attack ceased.


Saltis spoke, even as she opened her eyes. "The foes are damaged, but not destroyed. There are four TARDISes but none as powerful as DocTARDIS. Even together they not much more powerful than the DocTARDIS is. They are the RaniTARDIS, the MasterTARDIS, the MeddlerTARDIS, and the War555TARDIS."


DocWho showed his displeasure. "What a line up of Timelordic criminal rogues? The scientific monster of the Rani, the insane MasterTime, the crazy TimeMeddler, and one of the ancient WarTARDISes from the EverDoomWar and other major conflicts that Timelords have been involved in. The TimeWarlords were a Timelord Faction that became so militaristic that they could not return to being just Timelords. They tried to conquer Gallifrey, were defeated quite easily, and their surviving five WarTARDISes escaped. They were hunted for but never found for the universe is truly vast and the WartimeLords had become truly deft at stealth and concealment. You, the Wondrous Five, will need to come with us to the Museum of Technologies. Hattie could come with you."


Saltis frowned softly. "Hattie has a new husband and has less time for us now. We will come with you."


So the decision was made.




The PaleOneMan was going in the DocTARDIS, to support the Timelords, as were the Lyons Pridetroopers and others. The PaleOneMan was still linked to the PaleOneZone but would need to be more careful going to-from there while in the DocTARDIS.


The PaleOneMan spoke with the three Timelords and one Timelordite in the central command chamber. The Wonder5, as they now were known, were being assessed including the K9tron. "The PaleNexiHigh5 has ceased communicating with one and one can no longer make contact with that one or that one's followers-minions. The powerful tracer device, that one managed to secretly conceal in the PaleNexiHigh5's domain, is only being picked up weakly but it indicates that the PaleNexiHigh5 is linked to the same area, of the GrandMall, that the Museum of Technology is situated in. We need to exchange full assessments of available resources and limitations."


DocWho: "The DocTARDIS was damaged badly, on the world of Ankakan, where we destroyed a timespace monster known as the... the name is untranslatable and not important. The DocTARDISmind has been quietly directing-coordinating-supervising regenerative and other repair-upgrade programs along with carrying out other important tasks. The DocTARDIS is an amazing but somewhat eccentric mechanism much of which is still sealed away from and which the DocTARDISmind is unable, as yet, to inform of us. She is both sealed from revealing certain factors and simply does not know about others. Though it is called the DocTARDIS, and it was somehow directed for myself to find and link with, as far as I know I have nothing to do with its design and manufacture. I say that last bit because there is about 1,000 years missing from my life and all I have are very vague dreams and flashes of fuzzy memory."


The PaleOneMan: "Your available resources are thus very limited, at least for now?"


DocWho: "Limited but not very limited; we Timelords are also limited by our Timelordic Laws, Regulations, and Protocols."


The PaleOneMan responded. "One has to deal with one's own versions of the latter along with the factor that much of our resources are not suited to this kind of dimensional existence. I suggest that we focus on adapting-upgrading local technologies and otherwise assisting local factions in other special ways while we carry out our own direct battles with the conspiracy."


There was still a lot to work out, between them, on a strategic level.

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Note: TARDISes so far mentioned (To be expanded-edited)


DocTARDIS as linked to DocWho

MasterTARDIS as linked to MasterTime

MeddlerTARDIS as linked to the TimeMeddler

RaniTARDIS as linked to the Rani

War555TARDIS as linked to one of the TimeWarlords

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Sheheit awoke into existence, in a wonderful warm bubbling pool of slime-water, and looked at the row of figures facing sheheit. It was not impressed with most of them. Almost at once, through links with computer network-systems databanks, sheheit knew she was facing the rogue criminal Timelords of the Rani, MasterTime, the TimeMeddler, and Supreme Timemarshal Krelunza of the TimeWarlords. Then there was the tall, pale, awkward figure of the PaleTwistOne along with three attending followers of PaleOnes in black robes. Yet there was also another, a blackest of humanoids in what might be robes, inside unnatural shadow as thrown by nothing. That one was Shadotaze and sheheit despised that one but also, wisely, feared it.


Around her, in that great chamber, were four TARDISes as perfect silvery metallic cubes of 3x3x3 metres but each was blackened though the marks were slowly fading. There was also a PaleMassFolk transport of elongated off white ivory like material shaped like a crude saucer with a cruder globe melded into the top. Truth was it had also suffered damage and had been put together with only basic resources.


Sheheit spoke in a language they all understood. "You want me to defeat DocWho, the PaleOneMan, the Wanderer and those with them?"


A shudder went through the very large, heavily reinforced, chamber. WarTimelordite warriors, in energy armour, stood at two massive doors ready to fight what ever might come through either one with their powerful weapons. Sheheit was surprised to sense, behind the doors that were on opposite doors from each other, the presence of Shadotaze.


Yet there was a subtle-important difference between the Shadotaze inside the chamber and those outside of it. At first sheheit did not know what the difference was but, seconds later, knew that the Shadotaze outside were-was genuine while the one inside was a very clever fabrication of the kind that would totally enrage the real thing.


The Rani frowned. "Yes but, more importantly, we want the way opened so we can gain access to the AlphaOmega Complex also known as TechVaultAO. Here in TechVaultMT, which is its common name, we accessed an advanced mattercator prototype able to back engineer replicate, or template produce, with amazing versatility and potency."


Sheheit: "You should never have taken it out of heavily secured storage, let alone activated it; it was in there for very good reasons. Other such prototype mattercators helped to draw forth the Shadotaze from where they were trapped in ancient prison fields at the very core of this world, the NewEarth Coreworld. Thankfully most of the Shadotaze are still trapped down there, being a swarm of them that escaped from a collapsing dimensional pocket realm that they fled to to escape from being exiled to the NullVoid. Instead of freedom they became trapped with other monstrous, powerful, criminal entities of which I will not speak of, can not speak of."


The Rani spoke coldly. "We created you so show respect!"


Sheheit: "Created me using that mattercator? Oh how foolish you are! You have done nothing of the sort and you Timelords have been manipulated. The PaleTwistOne there is truly false, itself devoured inside and replaced by a Shadotaze. The false Shadotaze thing has almost been taken over by the Shadotaze. You have only a short time to escape in your TARDISes."


So the five rogue criminal Timelords fled, along with followers-minions and as many resources as they could. Even as their TARDISes dematerialised, sheheit laughed with how easy it had been to trick them. Then sheheit sent out a command and the Shadotaze ceased their largely pretend attack and withdrew from both the experimental display vault and the museum.


The false Shadotaze became a real one as did the PaleTwistOne. The latter took on a shadowy form as it became the ShadoTwistOne being a name that sheheit chose for it. The other was now a ShadoOne as a powerful quasi-individual adviser to sheheit.


Sheheit gave out a series of orders and then went into a Shadotaze kind of sleep. It would need to grow-evolve before it would gain its true power, even at a basic stage, and then take back its true name.

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Orbisi, split and grown, scouted now through out the NewEarth and nothing detected them at first. They flew over-on-beneath Wastelands, Wastewaters, Greenlands, and Bluewaters, and other areas. Others went to NewLuna, NewMars, NewVenus and other of the 300+ worlds of the NewEarth System. They noted the Solar Federation, the Solar Confederation, the Belters Union, and other Spacer nation-states. They easily picked up the presence of the Cyber of Mondas, the dalek monster ship, the arrival of the 6th sleepership that was somehow distorted. The Orbisi knew why, how, it was so.


Most of the system was unaware of the crisis emerging on the OldEarth as were most of those of OldEarth including those in the NewWashington GrandMall who knew something bad was happening.


Surrounding a large part of the NewEarth, but outside of the NewEarth Tribubble, was the Skynet that was part of the Trinet of Skynet, LASnet, and Deepnet. LASnet had seemingly been destroyed on Doomsday and Deepnet, deep beneath the ground, had become apparently silent. Semiactive Skynet was becoming fully active, was waking up, as was the rest of Trinet.

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Timespace 'bounced', the DocTARDIS materialised not in Museum of Technology but in the DCCitadel. Even as it materialised it became evident that this was no accident, that the DocTARDIS had been steered in a way that was theoretically impossible. In an antechamber, to the big command chamber, were neat stacks of three golden metallic cubes, nine silvery metallic cubes, and 27 coppery metallic cubes. Each was 3x3x3 metres in measurements.


DocTARDISmind spoke in a strong, warmly female, voice that came from multiple directions at once in that chamber.


DocTARDISmind. "I have been gifted with a very strong boost of rejuvenation-regeneration processing, energies for storage boosting the primary to 100%, the three secondaries each to 100%, and the nine emergencies to 100% each. Have also gained just over 100 metric tonnes of very useful resources of multiple kinds that can be used in many ways. Have gained 300 servoglobes, 200 securoglobes and 100 defenderglobes. Lasanna has completed her project, with the help of DocWhy. Even he did not know its full purpose, so of course neither have you. She wants you, and Suzanne, with anybody you want to bring with you, to come to view project details as soon as possible. Oh, yes, the metallic colour coordinated cubes are for the use of you Timelords and Timelordites."


DocWho viewed a big screen that showed Steeltroopers, in power armour, cautiously gathering to deal with what might be a new threat but then appeared an officer of some kind and the soldiers relaxed visibly. Then appeared SSBBF114 (Special Survival Bunker Beta F114) people with Scullie, Muldor and Olivia in the lead.


The superconcrete chamber was a big one but against two walls were rows of carefully stored vehicles, big robots, and other machines such as legged mecha. There were also big cube, and elongated cube, containers stacked neatly against most of another wall. Steelworkers, in labour power armour, were busy bringing things out of storage and then moving them to where they could be either stored ready to use or be used.


DocWho spoke with a noted tone of irony to his voice. "This is going to be a very interesting meeting but first we go quickly to view Lasanna's project for I trust her judgement."

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A loose formation of about 200 radghoulers attacked the Rank Street Subway Settlement, firing off basic pipeguns, hurling crude metal tipped spears, powerful crossbows, sharpened fireaxes, and a wide range of tools and crude hand made hand-weapons. Few wore body-armour and that tended to be both basic and patchwork.


The radghoulers were semifertile in the sense of having a mixture of males, females but mostly nulls of which the males-females had some difficulty in bringing forth young. The twisted nulls tended to be more malformed and less smarter than were the females and males. All were extremely aggressive but the nulls were berserker aggressive. Younger children were in back slings or clung to their mother's back or ran at the back of the swarm, both being as aggressive as the oldsters but less common. Like radghouls, smarter but not greatly smart, radghoulers had unnaturally extended lives and healing regeneration if given then the right resources such as glowshooms, radfungus, and ghoulfruit.


Hattie fired off a pumpshotgun, blowing out the brains of a null radghouler, and scowled again at her newly married and about to be divorced husband. "No right, you had no right to tell Saltis that she was no longer going to be part of my life because all my attention would be on you."


Travis just shrugged. "Seems reasonable to me that a husband should have all the attention of his wife. None should get in the way of that, not even children or the wife's family or friends. Where I come from women are secondary to men, which is natural. When a man dies his wife is killed so that she can continue to serve him in the afterlife. It is a gift for only human men have souls and a soulless woman can go to Asgard where she can be of further use. You should be grateful that I did not kill Saltis, and Rubin, just as would be my right back at my home where the two of us will be going for only a husband can divorce a wife as a wife can never divorce a husband."


Hattie shot Travis in the chest, killing him at once, and he fell dead to the ground. His body shuddered strangely, dancing too much, before he abruptly lay still.


Then she reloaded her gun, rapidly and efficiently, before going back to shooting at the radghoulers. Other people may have been surprised at her actions but all were too busy shooting at the attackers. Anyway none had liked Travis and had wondered why Hattie had bothered to marry him in the first place. They would have been surprised to know that it was so that she could kill him, after learning more about him, in the name of both revenge and justice.


Suddenly the radghoulers were retreating, taking their dead and wounded with them. They would devour radghouler corpses but would try to clumsily heal wounded ones.

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