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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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Lasanna stood before, and to one side, of a machine of amazing appearance. It showed rows of exotic datascreens running down vertically on either side of what were three large, cubic, semitransparent tanks filled with some kind of energies. They also ran down slopewise towards the people. In each tank was a swirling, whirling, 4D pattern that the Timelords were well tuned with, and the Timelordites less so but still had some good understanding of.


Saltis frowned softly. "The patterns are very artistic but what do they mean?"


Suzanne smiled. "A very great deal, sweet salty girl. Hattie contacted us and she has divorced her new husband by shooting him dead. Though she did not kill him for that reason, she was very angry that he told you that she did not want you when she does. A demiTARDIS will soon be sent to pick her up and bring her here with a few other people and some things such as ones that you, Thomas, Rubin, and Tinlegs would like along with K9tron."


DocWho spoke. "Patterning indicates that this world has gone through at least three massive, profound, transformations and that probably goes for the whole solar system."


Lasanna nodded. "At the core of this world is a transdimensional, dimensionally locked, prison holding a great swarm of Shadotaze but also other things that might easily be more dangerous than they are. I suspect there is a large armada of Illumitaze, perhaps a few criminal rogue Eternals, a swarm of World Eaters, perhaps even some rogue Timelords but also something far more powerful and dangerous than the others that is confined off from them as they are from each other. There are other entities, things that could not be described as entities, and yet other things just glimpsed that are almost impossible to define."


DocWho: "Things are important, as Saltis would agree."


Rubin spoke quietly. "One is Rubin is Saltis is Thomas is Tinlegs is becoming K9tron. Yet independent are Rubin, Saltis, Thomas, Tinlegs and especially K9tron. One is here who is a reflection of the God that created the prison as a temporary one until the prisoners inside could be specially deal with, case by case. OldEarth became thirteen worlds, primary was-is the NewEarth but was in its early stages of change from the OldEarth. Three became secondary world of which one of which was-is Skaro, one of which was-is Paradiso and one of which was-is Greyvastian . Nine others are foundational anchor worlds. Of the thirteen worlds, at this time only the NewEarth is revealed in this solar system."


Saltis: "Never mind all that, what about lunch cause I am hungry! Anyway all of this is just about frustrated entities wanting to go home or just to roam free. Perhaps the less evil ones, the reformed ones, should be let free. One is a Warden Deity and not one to judge, to mediate, to advocate, or anything like that. Somebody must nominate for proceedings to begin. All three of you Timelords, together, can do that!"


So it was done, with just a brief flash of energies, as the three briefly held hands and focused for Timelords had, of course, dealt with such gods before and not just in relation to the EverDoomWar.




There were a few DCBS officers unimpressed by the delay in meeting them, they they were met by Dazanne and DocWhat. Others were more patient such as the military commander KnightMarshal Kallintael. She stood not in power armour but just in standard BS fatigues with boots and a cap.


She looked around the big chamber that the newcomers had been met in, admiring once more great energy artworks of swirling fountains of molten metal colours. There were also plants, from various worlds, including from the NewEarth. Rhouls, smooth boneskinned former radghouls, were peacefully tending the garden plots with the supervision of only three floating servoglobes.


There were the XFIA, the FD, and other former statuscapsule folk. There were the former Rank Street Scavengers, including Tannin and now K9tron.


Scullie spoke, now wearing BS fatigues as did others from the statuscapsules. "Shadotaze came forth from the mattercators that were supposed to be a miracle tech that created things pretty much from nothing. There were also transcators, along with other such tech, that caused the same to take place. In the PreDD decades there also appeared Illumitaze that came in reaction to the Shadotaze being there. They mostly fought each other. Experimental mattercated entities became possessed by one or the other, taking sides. Thus they were weird armies in appearance looking like zetans, humans, animals, theme park mascot figures, robotics, and even such as vehicles, plants and..."


Muldor took over. "In the panic, after large numbers went into statuscapsules including ourselves, we now know that the domes were not brought down simply because they promised greater protection and boosted moral. The United States of NewEarth was general fragmenting, being attacked both from inside and out, in some areas having been replaced by local efforts or nothing at all. Warlords thrived, made up largely of military deserters, while numerous robots went rogue because of the RRV (robotic rogue virus). The domes were negative in some ways and caused, along with FEV variations and NukaCola consumption, both ghoulification and radification; later rad creatures, and ghoul kind, were to escape from damaged domes out into other parts of the Wastelands where some continued to change."


Scullie in turn took over. "Now you have shown us more data it is clear that the Shadotaze, and Illumitaze, came from the very core of our world."


The marshal frowned softly. "All of this is fine and dandy but what about more practical concerns?"


DocWho frowned at him. "We speak of the real threat that could sweep this world away. Your forces will soon be heavily involved in defending the DCCitadel which is why we have given you duplicates of a large amount of your type equipment-supplies, being mostly supplies while the equipment is lightly upgraded. We have also shown you how you can do simple, but effective, upgrades-enhancements to much of your tech and have expanded your databases with useful data. Amongst everything else given are over 1,000 robots, turrets and androids. We still need you to capture radghouls and simply put them into cold rooms where they will go into their own kind of hibernation. There are other things for you to collect for us, to store carefully. As for the statuscapsule ones, we want them to come with us along with special gear that came with them."


KnightMarshal Kallintael nodded. "Our own scientific, and tech, people would want to keep some of it to study or use."


Scully nodded. "Agreed!"


Sentinel Sarah Lyons spoke. "The Pridetroopers will go in the DocTARDIS and take our other people with us."


Tannin spoke. "As Tannin I will come to be with my friends but as one, of the aspects of the Wanderer."


Then the demiTARDIS, sent to pick up Hattie and others, arrived in a special dematerialisation chamber where it went through a multiple security-safe check. At once alarms rang as it was put into heavily secured quarantine status.

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Made a brief mistake in the post above as I unnecessarily mentioned Uncle Leo, the Mysterious Stranger, and Charon. Have removed them.

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The monstrous Dalekan dominatership sent signals out stating its non hostile intentions, its intentions to travel not to NewEarth but to a world known as Skaro. To gain some kind of good will, it warned of the even more dangerous sleepership #6 that was heading towards the NewEarth. Daleks had fought isolated pockets of Illumitaze, and Shadotaze, had had been badly defeated both times; they had learned much from the conflicts, the daleks did not seem keen to repeat them. Yet they had also fought something else, as related to the other two, known as the Greyzitaze which had also defeated the daleks.


The great black dominatership reached a given point, in the NewEarth solar system, and vanished with a soft sparkling shimmer. Clearly the daleks had no desire to take on the much bigger vessel moving in-system generally behind them.


The SFSS Enterprise was in battle formation along with the battlecruiser SFSS Courageous, the battledestroyer SFSS Enrager and a very big spacestationship converted into a battleship with much assistance from the Belters and the SolFeds.


Reinforcements were on their way but it seemed likely that they might have to engage Sleepership #6 that even the infamous daleks had not wished to deal with.


Then strange allies came, a small fleet of nine dalekaships with with five dalekaboats or fifteen dalekafighters, attached to it. That is three had dalekaships and six had dalekafighters.


Then came three more dalekaships each with five dalekaboats and a brigade of brutally savage ogron soldier auxiliaries. All of the other dalekaboats had standard combat brigades of daleka cone, saucer and sphere bodies.


Why the change of heart? Davros had come out of status and had insisted that the taskforce be sent for he knew that the Illumitaze had to be dealt with, being more dangerous than the humans of that solar system.


Then came the dominatorship itself with Davros awake in the deeply embedded control chamber. It carried massive armour-arms, many more smaller vessels, but it was also ready to retreat. So were the other vessels and it was lucky that they were for in the distance came a vast swarm of what seemed like very small sparkling white-yellow stars. Way behind them was the great sleepership itself that was many times bigger than both the spacestationship and dominatorship put together though either was massive.


Then the first wave of the Illumitaze struck with amazing speed and the sparkling star things were not so small anymore.

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The Wanderer brought forth a force bubble of deflection, reflection, and absorption that surrounded all of the vessels. Despite this, and the force fields of the ships, a dalekaship disintegrated at once as an Illumitaze shot through it. Thousands of the sparkling yellow-white things shot through the area, often being forced around the Wanderer's bubble. The SFSS Enrager partly exploded as did the spacestationship. The Illumitaze kept coming at incredible speed.


Then they were gone, still heading towards the NewEarth. They had clearly had no real interest in dealing with the space force and could probably have destroyed them if they had done so.


The smaller dalek vessels went aboard the dominatorship that was soon shooting away and then vanished as it headed to Skaro once more. Perhaps the daleks had learned something of value.


Repairs began at once on the spacestationship and the battledestroyer. Surprisingly enough none were badly hurt on either ship let alone killed. The daleks had easily suffered the worst with the loss of a whole dalekaship.


​It was the Wanderer who explained that the Illumitaze had deliberately attacked the daleks, an old enemy of theirs, while only accidentally striking the other vessels. Even the attack on the daleks had been a gesture as the fast moving projectiles seemed too busy getting to NewEarth to carry out more such attacks.


None, not even the daleks, had managed to get off even one shot at the very fast moving newcomers.

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The DocTARDIS materialised, this time, in Ghoultown. DocWho had given up trying to control the flight of the DocTARDIS as even the DocTARDISmind did not seem to be controlling its target coordinates. Of all things the exterior of the timespace vessel looked to be a great majestic stone creature statue with a large metal door in the front and a smaller one at the back along with a flowing water fountain on one side and a planter on the other with multiple coloured orb growing bushes. All of this was on a great horizontal, disk shaped, base that sloped down to ground level at the edges. The creature was a three headed, vaguely dragon like, cat like, creature of a kaygron.


DocWho was quietly bemused. "In the very ancient Dark Ages of the Timelords, when we were known more as a threat to the universe than anything else, the timespace travelling kaygron was our major emblem. The eccentric, exotic, DocTARDIS has chosen a disguise that is not much of one by why?"


DocTARDISmind: "Doctor, it felt right to do. Look, the ghoulmans are already coming forward to drink the water with its special added elements that will help them with their ghoulish problems. The orbs are foodtorbs with multiple functions of nutritional, health, and other assistance. Also come radhumans, radmans, and some ghoulified animals."


Ghoulified animals, for reasons yet to be fully discovered, were far less common than ghoulmans as if far less of them had gone through the terrible process of ghoulification. Yet there were many of them, especially in some areas of the world. Ghoultown had attracted friendlier, more intelligent ones.


People were soon lining up to take water in buckets, to take a reasonable amount of foodtorbs, colour coded to show different flavours. One good reason was a tradition of fairness, in that place, but another was the presence of one tough Sheriff's Deputy on either side of the statue.


Uncle Leo came forward along with the Mysterious Stranger, Charon, and MissFortune being a youthfully tough woman in a fairly skimpy seeming outfit. The MS himself was now wearing a typical survival fighting getup that was also fairly skimpy seeming. They were dressed as professional gladiators who often hired, or gave out, their services outside of first blood gladiator fights.


The DocTARDIS had gone forward in time about three months. Fighting was raging as supermutants along with auxiliaries, Brothers of Steels with auxiliaries, Talon Mercenaries with auxiliaries, and Alliance fighters fought off growing attacks. The attackers were not just standard Shadotaze but bizarre off white things mattercated as copies of multiple entities but breaking down even as they attacked, being Shadomass. Shadotaze, like radghouls, did not go out into bright strong sunlight for it damaged them even more than it did the radghouls. Xolasers thus were a potent weapon against the shadowy entities.


A series of deception based feeding-deaths indicated doppelgangers on the prowl, their targets both well aimed and yet also random at times. These were quite deadly but mostly failed in getting to well secured leader types and assisted LawRegulators had tracked down many only to terminate them.


There were also parasitic male only, human like, phallicari attempting to abduct human women, including radhumans, to impregnate them forcefully. Their success rate was low and they were constantly being killed off by native denizens of the Wastelands. Their amazing arrogance, and over confidence, was their greatest weakness.


The general question was where had they come from except that there were those who either knew or accurately estimated the truth.




"The doppelgangers, and phallicari, come from the great prison of the Coreworld." Uncle Leo spoke as an aspect of the Wanderer. He was now in the central control chamber of the DocTARDIS along with his three companions. "As Tannin has already told you, as an aspect of the Wanderer, Sleepership #6 has seemingly been absorbed by the Illumitaze, including its living cargo but there is a good chance that the cargo has been left alone. That is because the Illumitaze would have no use for the status, or non-status, cargo and would just leave it as it is due to the very nature of the Tazebeings; they are omnidirectional, following the natural flow of what is easiest, and do not divert from that except under extremely drastic circumstances."


DocWho: "Tannin already told us that the Wanderer has not been guiding the recent travels of the DocTARDIS but did not know who-what has been doing so."


Uncle Leo shook his very large head. "We are different, semiautonomous, aspects of the Wanderer with sometimes knew knowledge but in this case I do not know. The Wanderer continues not to know except that it is likely a god entity of very complicated-subtle nature very carefully influencing events here on-in NewEarth. It is doubtful that is is the warden god entity whose aspects are within Saltis, Rubin, Tinlegs, K9tron and Thomas along with others. I take it that Hattie is in good condition, along with her transformed twins."


Suzanne responded. "Lasanna, and myself, had to work hard while the DocTARDIS was on its way to here. We have learned a great deal about the phallicari, that they are products of experiments carried out at least partly by the criminally insane scientific genius of the rogue Timelord Rani."


The quasiliving bushes, not real bushes, were quickly regrowing foodtorbs so the supply was consistently constant. Many more refugees had come away from the fighting and since radghouls did not attack ghoulmans, unless attacked by them, there were many ghoul hibernating in places. They were under the protection of Uncle Leo and those with him plus the Underworld High Leadership Council while people tried to work out what to do with the radghouls.

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The DocTARDIS would be remain 'anchored' in Ghoultown as it soon became evident that there was some force that would stop it materialising in the Museum of Technology.


An expeditionary group would go on foot through the Underworld of artinatural (part artificial part natural) glowcaverns lit-warmed by glowcrystal. The glowcaverns, and glowcrystal, had long been part of the NewEarth when the sleeperships had arrived.


DocWho was the only Timelord going but the Timelordite Dazanne would be going to assist him while other Timelords staid in the DocTARDIS. DocWhy had returned to there from Rank Street Subway Settlement.


As aspects of the Wanderer, Tannin would go on the expedition while Uncle Leo remained at Ghoultown before he travelled to Supertown that was not in the same direction, from Ghoultown, as was the museum. The Mysterious Stranger would go with him, along with Charon, while MissFortune went with the expedition.


Sarah Lyons, and the Pridetroopers, would go on the expedition but others of her people would stay in the DocTARDIS.


Saltis, Rubin, Thomas, Tinlegs, and K9tron would go on the expedition with Tannin staying right with them as would MissFortune; the two were going to act as powerful bodyguards to the five.


Then there were five locals, all experienced scouts who knew the way very well along with the local people.


The wounded, sometimes of the mind only, came to Ghoultown from the war zones and new recruits went out to replace them. A small scale war economy flourished in the settlement and through out the Underworld where new settlements were rising thanks to the steadily growing influx of refugees.

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Steeltroopers fired missiles along the big artinatural tunnel, causing the ceiling to collapse on a grotesque Shadomass of intermingled things once separate copies of many things. There was a roar, a strangled alien shriek of agony and rage, then just silence. While a few tunnels had been closed to the Shadotaze, far too many remained open even uncomfortably close to the deeper levels of the DCCitadel. The power armoured soldiers fell back but nothing came from that mass of fallen rock. Trouble was another attack could get around it despite sappers dropping other tunnels or lay cleverly concealed mines that the Shadomass ignored but which the other kinds of Shadotaze were wary of.


Marshal Yaltz coordinated the actions from just outside the DCCitadel proper, from his heavily fortified outpost. The resources, as gained from the Timelords, had come to be exceedingly useful. The new robots, turrets, and androids had been put to good use including those not in combat roles. Upgrades had been of great assistance, be they in duplicated gifts or made to previously owned gear.


The tall, broad shouldered, man studied a projected holographic map where symbols, some of them flashing, gave him an idea of what was going on but such was only as good as the data that was available. 3Dscreens showed live, and delayed, played actions with Steelguards fighting in DCBoS combat armour. Standard laser guns were proving to be very deadly to enemies but xolasers were even more so though less so to conventional type threats. It was a puzzle that there were 100s of xolaserguns in PreDD storage from pistols right through to very big ones for large robots and vehicles. Had the PreDD world military known about the Shadotaze threat or even fought it?




Talon Mercenaries, both Talonguard regulars in combat armour and Talontroopers in power armour, found Shadotaze who had buried themselves beneath ground to protect themselves from harsh sunlight, and got at them with well placed explosives. Explosions, like erupting clouds of dirt, brought up bits and pieces of the enemy that burned away as they were exposed to the sunlight. Then the others were being exposed but even so it was just one of multiple such hidden pockets of the horrors.


The Talons had decided to copy the idea of Steelguards, from the DCBoS, by starting to call their regulars Talonguards but the Thugmercs were still just that.



Insanely violent fighting took place in a large network of tunnels, chambers, and other spaces as Shadotaze attempted to push towards the supermutants' main base where Marshal Krankzsmash commanded. Supermutants continued to be easily in larger numbers than all zyclops, superzyclops, mutthounds, massamoths, and metamutants combined.


Supermutants, metamutants, zyclops, superzyclops, and mutthounds were harder for the Shadotaze to feed on than were such as humans and animans, the latter being far less common in NewWashington than other parts of the NewEarth. Their feeding frustration echoed, as alien shrieks, through the network.


The supermutants had gained more confidence fighting the shadowy things, especially upon finding they had strange vulnerabilities to flamers and lasers ; they had not so strange ones to being hit by sledgehammers, blasted by oversized pipeguns, and being exploded by grenades.


Metamutants utilised flamers, and lasers, rather than the actual supermutants. They burned tentacles, lasered zombie like shadombies, turned floating shaze into blazing death, and tormented Shadomass created from failing mattercated things.


Supermutants had come to accept metamutants wearing power armour as it was better to have such allies than to fall to such a terrible foe.


Strangest of all was the discovery that zyclops venom truly did terrible harm to the floating shaze if not to the other kinds of Shadotaze. Both kinds of zyclops were soon hurling sticky venom splashes at the shaze, focusing on the screaming, dying floaters.


Mutthounds were not so good at taking on the Shadotaze because their fangs were not well designed against Shadotaze flesh and the doggies tended to choke. So they suffered by snoozing close to where the massamoths were doing the same.




Swarming radghouls, radghoulers, radants, and other dangerous creatures, attacked the Shadotaze because they had become cornered an had no choice but to do so. Killclaws, and deathclaws, joined forces while nibbleclaws stayed safely back from the fighting while looking after cubs.


Abruptly everything changed as some force, influence, reached out to all of the Shadotaze and they all ceased fighting, if they had been doing so, and began retreating back the way that they had come from. This was happening all across the GrandMall; sheheit had called out and no Shadotaze could resist the command as they all headed to a great glowcavern very close to the Museum of Technology.

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The Freedom Railroad smuggled freed-escaped ghoulman, radhuman, and other slaves through a large area of DC where slavery openly operated though it did not flourish and the area was steadily shrinking; standard humans were far less often enslaved than were others.


The FreeRR had also begun to help more advanced androids escaping from the NBC (New Britain Commonwealth) with its slowly-steadily crumbling government and state.


Hannibal Hamlin was the leader, based in the Temple of the Union as was the whole of the Free Railroad.




While the Republic of Dave was at internal peace, they were facing growing tension with the Commonwealth of Gracie and the Kingdom of Harry. Dave was at odds with his sister, and father, but this was natural since all three had genetically inherited the same, limited, mind dominating ability. Such domnimans had natural aversion to each other with only a relatively few exceptions of outright hostility or actual friendship. Tension was due to Dave having had his hunter, Alfred, steal a chicken from Prime Minister Gracie that had been a diplomatic gift from King Harry.




The EagleEnclaven 3rd Taskforce was heading from the EagleEnclave far to the north. The EagleEnclaven had only the one enclave since the sea city had been destroyed in a battle with the original Brotherhood of Steel and their tribal allies. They came with big aeroships while forces moved overland but they were in no rush as they knew that, despite their large numbers and rich resources, they were far from indestructible. They had gone over lands with scattered tribal and other settlements, citystates and other powers that they ignored. unless attacked but nobody had been stupid enough to do that.


The EagleEnclaven wanted to turn NewWashington into a second EagleEnclave because it was full of resources, secrets, and useful structures. There were other motives, some being hidden from most of their own people.




Jasmine, in TechVault101, oversaw the expansion-upgrading of the Exterminators thanks to Amata's influence on her father who was the PrimeOverseer of the vault. Secondary stockpiles, of resources, were searched and thus moderate powered survival carbines, and rifles, survival crossbows, and even shortbows, were given to the Exterminators along with ammo and other related stuffstuffs. A wide range of other weapons, including tools turned into weapons, were being used.


As radroaches became bigger, more dangerous, it was realised that there were two kinds; the smaller, more likely to run away, ones were radroaches but the bigger, more dangerous, ones were soon being called radroachers. The latter name was based on 'radghoulers' as versus radghouls, having come from knowledge from outside the vault. Yet none of that information had included any mention of anything like radroachers.



Tribal raiders came from the fairly distant east coast, east of NewWashington, where the big DCRivers poured into the ocean there. They soon turned out to be refugees retreating from a greater threat coming in from the ocean being known as the Packraiders. With the tribal raiders came their peoples along with other peoples fleeing with them.


Others remained dug in and kept on fighting though some were prepared to negotiate, with the Packraiders, if given the chance.


It was soon becoming clear that there were different types of Packraiders though there was a large majority of a more common type.




In Megaton, Moira Brown was puzzled that nobody was willing to try to stun radmolerats with her invention of a stick with some special radmolerat repellent placed on the end of that stick. None seem eager to carry out her other tests that will form the basis of the Wastelands Survival Guide.


Professor Brown started to take part in the Wasteland Survival Project, managing to bring some kind of common sense to the tests. First changes made were to the tests that Moira wants paid volunteers to carry out.

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