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Fallout NewEarth Epic Madness


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The other Exterminator group came being techgeek Benjamin, the Hacking Triplets, the archer Karina, and Arnold who was a medic because he hated to kill anything. With them were two protectron type vaultrons being B1Bob and B1Bab. Soon the two groups were mingled in a secured safepost (safe outpost chamber) doing basic tasks while James stood looking around with some evident admiration.


He spoke. "I did some wheeling-dealing with the damned official Research Overseer and got some extra equipment-supplies sent to you as part of my agreeing to run a series of biological tests on vaultfolk, that is test subjects. Even the official Overseers are more expendable than they imagine themselves to be. I did some testing that I was not supposed to do, with all the nice equipment they gave me access to. That is when I discovered that you, Jasmine, have some very interesting genetics. You are my daughter, the daughter of Catherine, that is clear but I realise now I never did any deep studies of your mother before she died during your birth."


Jasmine shook her head. "My mother did not die at my birth. Somehow I know it. I have dreams that I only remember in a very fuzzy, broken, manner. In them I am with Catherine but she is older. We are in a strange place so very much more comfortable than TechVault101. It is very green. You never did forgive her for something that she did to you."


He nodded. "You have more than one biological father. She secretly had sex with two other men and lied about it. I was foolish with too much pride but forgave her for the lying and cheating on our relationship. Now I fear that she somehow faked her death."


Jasmine shook her head. "The real Catherine died before she could meet you. The one who died, at my birth, was not the real Catherine but she was my real mother and she did not stay dead but 'regenerated'. She was something called a Timelord who somehow absorbed the real Catherine's genetics and even much of her personality. I am part Timelord but also part other things. I learned those facts from very recently dreamed strange dreams."


James, understandably, was not happy at this news.

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Additions to above post.


Added two protectron type vaultrons to the TechVault101 Exterminators being B1Bab and B1Bob.

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Note: Changes to Numbering System


Simplified numbering system by using a really really really complicated and sophisticated process of deleting numbers and brackets.

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Another teleportation tunnel took the tram, with DocWho's group, some four kilometres in 10 seconds. The Pridetroopers went first, out onto a much more typical subway station platform. It had been scattered with skeletal remains of soldiers, civilians, and other kinds of PreDD citizens but they were now heaped up with all gear having been taken away.


According to the signs they were in the GrandMall Central Museum, a mixture of tourist centre of the GrandMall and all of its publicly known facets, shops, toilets and other facilities. They were not alone as there stood uniformed security guards, securatrons on stubby legs, some basic duplicant androids not to be mistaken for basic synths. They bore symbols of the GrandMall Regulation Authority, the GMRA. The security guards hid their faces behind visorhelmets and wore dark blue body-armour over light blue fatigues.


Two figures, in grand robes marked Curator, strode towards the newcomers with faces hidden by strange masks. One a golden mask with one gold star and the other a silvery mask with two gold stars. Elaborate patterns made the robes appear individualistic to some degree.


One spoke as a man, with a slightly distorted voice. "Do you dare to enter the abode of memories of the greater world that was? We welcome you but ask that you follow the sacred regulations such as always behave so as not to disturb others, keeping respect for all including staff and other visitors.


DocWho spoke. "You left the skeletal remains of Predoomsday people but took what they had with them."


The golden masked one responded from behind a frozen half smile. "The mounds are memorials to those who perished from a germ weapon that swept through the area. Not all died but even most of those who survived were marked terribly as were there children to come. We became the Curation People as ruled by the Elder Curators and vowed not only to survive but to protect as much of the inheritance of the GrandMall as was impossible. We have done our best but have had problems."


The PaleOneMan spoke. "What type of problems?"


The Curator shrugged, just a little. "I do not know why it should concern you but about one year, and five months, ago our outpost in the Museum of Technology failed to send its weekly cable report. When we sent a small team to investigate, it vanished. We could not afford to send anything more but instead prepared for even more threat than we normally have dealt with such as rogue robots, radghoulers or roving supermutants. It was good that we did for bizarre entities, of shadow and tentacles, struck at us three times but we drove them off. They did not seem to be fully intent on invading us otherwise I doubt we would have stood up to them. I consider that we did them so much damage that they decided it was not worth attacking us."


"Shadotaze!" DocWho responded. "They are known as Shadotaze and they come from another dimensional realm, in the longer term, but from the Museum of Technology. I would like to examine your museum."


The Elder Curator nodded. "The museum is very large, especially as we have rescued artefacts from damaged sites and just from the general GrandMall."


Saltis nodded. "So you scavenged good loot from the GrandMall! I used to be a scavenger and was good at it."


The Curator responded coolly. "The salvage rescue of artefacts is not scavenging." Then he noticeably relented with the coolness slipping away. "On the other hand we have learned to be good scavengers, taking what we could from those places that we could enter. Over the centuries, since Doomsday, we have had only a few visitors but all have been interesting though not always for the best of reasons."




An icy cold, dangerous, woman came here in a black cube that teleported into our main entrance lobby. She called herself the Rani and demanded various artefacts but we refused. There might have been more trouble but she departed very quickly, in her black cube."


The Curator went on. "Then appeared a blood red cube, same dimensions as what the Rani called her TARDIS, and out stepped three tall, black-red metallic creatures. They said nothing but just made odd thrumming humming sounds. Then they departed. Oh, yes, they had a symbol that was on what I suppose was a TARDIS and each one of their foreheads. It was a red circle with a black cross inside it."


The Doctor cursed softly in some ancient language well designed for doing such. "Some Timelord Faction, of more dubious nature and intent, has sent Timestalkers after the Rani. As much as she might deserve such a fate, the use of such twisted Timeclones was rightfully banned, by the Timelord High Council, after the terrible war with the TimeWarlords. Firstly we would like to rest for a while and do some more trading of information. Perhaps we could help each other in various ways."


The golden masked Curator nodded. "Please follow me!"

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Lyons Pride snipers, Dusk and Colvin, fired off their sniper adapted battlerifles, and then moved to another part of the hastily built barricade. Two security guards, revealed to be a kind of living vampire, fell dead as their guns clattered across the floor. The biovires were unnaturally fast, agile, strong but also oddly clumsy at times and also over confident.


DocWho went into slomo mode, with everything around himself seeming to slow right down, as he struck down a coppery masked Curator. Then he slipped out of slomo, that was best not to prolong too much unless the need was great, raised his semiautopistol and fired off a single shot. A security guard fell.


The PaleOneMan hurled another of the twisted, former humans, across the room and it knocked down two more even as they ran towards the newcomers, pale mouths open to expose bizarre translucent, off white, fangs. They had the blood lust on them which made them take foolish risks.


The biovires had been easy to detect by both the Timelord and the PaleOneMan; both had special hones senses that were not fooled. The newcomers had carefully prepared the big chamber, they had been given the use of, to defend. DocWho had hoped that the biovires would not attack, that they might prove to be peaceful after all, but then again he was not surprised when they swarmed into the chamber from multiple directions; that included from the ceiling overhead through hatches.


Pridetrooper Glade fired off a burst of large bullets from his battlerifle, dropping loping biovires that did not wear any clothes or other kind of gear.


Abruptly the biovires ceased attacking. DocWho doubted it was because they were all destroyed. As it was only one Curator lay dead there and that one, he guessed, was of low rank with only a coppery mask with one silver star. There were eight security guard dressed ones with guns and five of the unarmed loping ones with more muscle, and longer fangs, than the other kinds of biovire that had attacked.


The chamber was dotted with carefully kept displays in display cases but they were off a crazy choice in a crazy pattern. A row of display boxes had in them bloody red skulls on top of spikes but on them were finely kept hats from the PreDD centuries. A NukaCola promotions protectron like robot was shown pushing a baby carriage with a stuffed cat sitting up on it. There were PreDD 3Dposters, in blood red wooden frames, of executions taking place in gas chambers. There were other display cases with 3Dphotos of PreDD visitors to the museum.


There was also a 3DTV that showed the deaths of people, on Doomsday, as some became biovires and attacked others to feed on their flesh-blood. Those who were attacked became slow, uncoordinated, and unable to defend themselves. The strange germ bomb had done that or was there another, more accurate explanation. The Rani, herself, was glimpsed standing in the background with her black robes and clever tech staff that she held with one hand. The biovires had set up a display showing, at center, their own origins.

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Taking a break for a few days to focus on other matters, such as writing a novel, and then to come back with a fresh look before starting again.

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Note: A possible miscommunication.


When I stated I would start again I did not mean starting from scratch but just going on from where I had left off here in this topic.

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Note: Explanation of the replication of the same story.


I am done many stories in the Druid's Garden only to have them turn into the same story. In truth I have been attempting 'not to have this happen' and this time it began to happen again. I hope to resolve this issue and continue to make this story move then away from that one direction. For the further truth is that this story had also been dominating my efforts to write a novel. I wish to put this 'dominating story' to bed once and fall but be in control of it. If you give feedback it helps me do this better.

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Only the Orbisi tracked fully, successfully, the Illumitaze as they vanished into the depths, underground, of the GrandMall only to come to a rest in a great domechamber half full of softly humming machinery and gurgling pipes running vertical down the very center of the chamber. They hovered there for some few hours, thousands of them, clustered loosely together. Yet, in their own way, they were reaching carefully outwards to spy upon the GrandMall around themselves; the area of their surveillance expanded slowly-steadily.


The Illumitaze had chosen to help Sleepership #6 in order to redeem themselves for past crimes, to expend dark karma before they returned to the NullVoid that was the true home realm of the Tazefolk. It was ironic how only a relatively few universal folks seemed to know that both the Shadotaze and Illumitaze had been exiled to their old home realm where they had departed from as rogues.


The EverDoomWar had raged there before ended by a Multnitaze intervention, with Greyztaze and other assistance. The troubles had then been exported to the natural universe only to be ended by a celestial intervention which had seen them forcefully sent home. Most Shadotaze, and Illumitaze, had become exhausted by the first bout of war and had not supported the plans of the rogues.


Greyztaze, Illumitaze, Shadotaze and other Tazefolk were only factions of the same people along with others. They could alter-adapt themselves so much so as to seem to be different peoples but this was done only to appease their own cultural traditions along with their true biological nature.




The Wanderer came to them in the avatar shapeform of a glowing rainbow sphere that shimmered, seeming to constantly grow and shrink but only by a small margin. The Wanderer Rainbotaze communicated.


"You have done well, have done as promised though by doing so you risked yourselves. Now you need to follow me to the Museum of Technology so as to assist the just emerged Shadotazerio. Sheheit has drawn back the Shadotaze invasion of the GrandMall as started by the 'great evil' imprisoned deep below in the NewEarth Coreworld. The Shadotaze had no leadership, no coordination, and were in fear so were far too easy to manipulate. Remember, it was that same great evil that caused the start of the EverDoomWar in the first place. I have special resources for you and your followers-minions that you have stored inside you."


There was no need for the Illumitaze to respond except to physically follow the Wanderer and that is what they did.


Yet they would not find getting into the Museum of Technology to be as easy as they hoped.

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