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Cars near the Castle


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Hi people. I'm Russian-speaking, so the whole next text you'll hear a strong Russian accent. Do not resist.
Near the Castle there are ruins of a snack bar (we met there with the Minutemen before the storming of the Castle), and several cars with puddles of fuel.
I tried to remove these cars and puddles with the help of CK, but they still appear in the game. I'm just starting to learn CK, so correct if I'm wrong. I think this is somehow connected with the quest "Old Guns", during which we need to test the Minutemen's artillery on these area.
So, my question is: how to remove these cars and puddles forever?
Remove them in the game with the help of "Scrap Everything" is not an option
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I recommend you proceed with caution -

consult this thread here;


also consider this thread here




in order to alter that 'cell'

you must remake precombine and previz (unfortunately due to the puddle),

so as to avoid the "Cell Reset Bug" issue.

that puddle straddles 2 cells and is an annoying puddle.


you might have to go the route of 'leave them there, toggle opacity and collision'


that area near the Castle, is almost as tricky as Vault "Bermuda Triangle" 75.



RedRocketTV, PoorlyAged, Shavkacagarikia etc have some ideas on how to approach that.

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