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So this has been plaguing me for a couple days now, everytime I think I've fixed the issue it comes back in force. I'll be playing around the Quincy/ Jamaica Plains area for a while when I'll randomly get a CTD. No particular event or spot just random. Then I'll try to load my save and it'll immediately CTD. Then I load an older save, play fine for a while while being able to save and load normally and then the problem repeats. If anyone has any insight to this, I've attached my papyrus log and plugin list if anyone wants to offer any help.


On a sidenote, I keep getting an issue with certain radio stations turning silent with no rhyme or reason. Not nearly as irritating but I thought I might as well throw it out there too.


Thanks guys!

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You're going to crash continually till you fix the fact that you have no patch file to make all your mods work together.


In case you don't know what i mean, you can NOT use that many mods with out a patch file.


Also please realize that you are limited to 255 total plugins and yes this DOES include the vanilla files as well ( like the main fallout 4.esm and the DLC's ).


If you do have a patch file that YOU created & your load order is <255 then i think you should try my guide and follow ALL of the steps




After doing ALL of the steps in the guide including Appendix 1, let me know if you need more help :)

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First things first: You need to relocate the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UF4P) to right underneath the last of the DLC and the DLC_Main Menu .esm must be sitting lower than UF4P.


You better start using LOOT to sort your load order. Disregard the warning LOOT gives about the DLC_Main Menu esm.

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You guys are awesome! I appreciate the help, think I'm just gonna scrap this current playthrough but I now have a merged patch to help mitigate my issues. And I do use LOOT, it just doesn't seem to sort my load order too well, or at all really.

Now that you mention it, I do remember LOOT adding the UF4P too low for some reason. I haven't played FO4 in a while and it's sometimes hard to remember all of the issues since modding the game can lead to hundreds of wonkies...


Just make sure to use LOOT's latest version (they're at 11 now). Not that there's lots of core changes but it's important to stay up-to-date because of the working mods that are added to improve LOOT's Masterlist so that LOOT can better sort you load order.


Also keep an eye on mod descriptions for mods that require their plug-in to be loaded very last or at least must sit near the bottom of your plug-ins list (in NMM) as LOOT will add them back halfway up after sorting.

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