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Please help with custom instance naming confusion.


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Hi...I am having fits trying to figure out the way the game changes the naming of weapons when they are modified at a workbench.
(I will use "Modern Firearms" as an example of what I am trying to figure out, because It is a mod that renames weapons, according to their modifications).
I have been exploring "Modern Firearms" in the Creation Kit, to try teaching myself.


If you go to a workbench in game, and modify an AR15 rifle from "Modern Firearms", you can change the brand name of the receivers, in addition to the barrels, calibers, etc. etc...And the name of the weapon will change, according to the modifications you apply.

For instance:
If you put the "Colt" receiver with a 20" barrel, and fixed buttstock...The rifle will be named "Colt M16A3 Service Rifle" (which is actually wrong, it should be "M16A2").
Or, if you add an SPR barrel, it will be named a "Special Purpose Rifle".


I understand it uses the keywords in the various weapon modifications to rename the rifle...but what I CAN NOT SEEM TO FIGURE OUT is exactly WHERE it gets the names from.
I can not find the words/phrases: "COLT", "M16A3", "SPECIAL PURPOSE RIFLE", etc. etc. listed anywhere in the mod.

So WHERE does it find the actual custom names that it uses?


Thanks in advance for helping me with this.

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