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skyrim getting boring


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Why do some people even take the time to say "It's getting boring"? Skyrim isn't an MMO. Did you expect a single player game to be fun forever? How many single player games do you know that can give you 100+ hours of gameplay?



Arcanum, Baldurs Gate (any one), Planescape Torment, Morrowind, even vanila Oblivion.


Ya, now name the amount of games that offer 20 hours or less... Face it, Skyrim has lasting appeal. Complaining about it is kinda lame. Also, how many here pirated the game then complained it wasn't long enough? Didn't get your money's worth?

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I've clocked over 250 hrs in Skyrim according to the friendly Steam launcher but I can't say I'm "bored" of Skyrim. It is getting samey and I find myself clicking through conversations I've had with NPCs a dozen times. Personally, I find playing Skyrim casually very relaxing after a long day, just wandering around and killing stuff. That being said, I'm an older gamer and maybe us old folks just have a lot more patience than you younin's (j/k!) that and I've played a lot of games like WoW and Sims where grinding and repetitive game play is the order of the day. So its probably just the way I am.


On the other hand, the small annoyances in Skyrim are getting magnified every time I play. The UI is intolerable. I read something somewhere how Bethesda supposedly designed the UI with the PC in mind but if that's true then they were on crack. There's not even a "paper doll" where we can quick check our inventory and equipped items. There's no way to quick check anything really. The favorites menu is a lame joke. There's an annoying bug where clicking on the MISC category almost always drops you out of the bartering because its very hard for the UI to detect you clicked on it for some reason.


Jarl Balgruuf the Greater (or Jarl Bore-gruf the Groaner as I like to call him) is a major obstacle after a couple of times through because he just goes on and on and on and on. Man he blabs. Sometimes I put off going to see the Greybeards for the same reason because the "training sequence" is more of a nuisance than entertaining.


I do find the quest strings underwhelming too. I think that's what some prior posters have noted when they say Skyrim lacks that 'certain something.' The civil war quests are short and pithy. All the faction/guild/war quests are very short chains and can be completed in one sitting or a couple of hours of gameplay. Rewards you get for quests are pointless as well. Since Skyrim does not use an XP system and the items you get are never better than what you can make or find for yourself, there's no real reason to finish a quest line other than running through the story.


Well, I could nitpick and critique all day long, but in the end I am still playing Skyrim and I'm yet to get bored to the point of not being able to look at it after 250hrs.

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Sincerly i played GDR since the Eyes of the Beholder time (passing trough ravenloft, Ultima [from ultima 6], Arena, daggerfall Neverwinter Nights and so on) i havent not only one time see what you search for, character devolpment before starting the main quest the only one thing similar to character devolpment was the character creation menu for oblivion, and the race originis in DAO, and i repeat not even one time i had see that the devolpers give you time to select what thing you will become, this thing in Nwn had a window where you must write what you are, not devolping it trough the game before starting the main quests and the side quest, i thing the thing you search was in a MMO and luckly skyrim is not a MMO
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I fell prey to the hype of Skyrim. After about 30 or so hours of gameplay, I realized how over-hyped the game was. I'm not saying that it's a bad game because it definitely is a good game, but it was also definitely over-hyped to the point where many fanboys are now comparing just about every other game with dragons in it to Skyrim... and it's annoying. As many here have pointed out, Skyrim lacks good depth to the lore and other content. I was not impressed with any of the guilds in Skyrim. This came at a surprise for me because for Oblivion, I heard that only 1-2 (compared to Skyrim's teams) people worked on the story lines for all the guilds, yet Oblivion's guilds seemed far more interesting.


The dragons are lame and they look more like wyverns than dragons. I was severely disappointed with the Alduin battles as well. Alduin, along with any of the dragons (unmodded), never seemed to really pose a threat. Just like in Oblivion, there are no major consequences in player choices (ie I can be the guild master for all the guilds no matter what). Enchanting sucks. Smithing sucks. Just like in Oblivion, there's almost no rarity to daedric, glass, and ebony materials, armors, and weapons. What's the point of cooking anyway? Potions quickly makes cooking useless. The dragon shouts also mostly suck, and there's no more spell creation. Combat quickly becomes extremely repetitive since there's not much depth/variety to the classes. Did I mention that the dragons are lame?

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Why do some people even take the time to say "It's getting boring"? Skyrim isn't an MMO. Did you expect a single player game to be fun forever? How many single player games do you know that can give you 100+ hours of gameplay?



Arcanum, Baldurs Gate (any one), Planescape Torment, Morrowind, even vanila Oblivion.


Ya, now name the amount of games that offer 20 hours or less... Face it, Skyrim has lasting appeal. Complaining about it is kinda lame. Also, how many here pirated the game then complained it wasn't long enough? Didn't get your money's worth?

Not really. Compared to previous ES games (the only thing that matters), Skyrim is a on rails shooter.

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It hasn't bored me, but that's probably because I was careful not to have any hype, and to wait for a lot of good mods and fixes before playing seriously.


As for what Oblivion had that Skyrim doesn't, I think a lot of it is related to small immersion-breakers and annoyances (which I got rid of before playing my first serious profile). For example, swords are more unsteady in Skyrim, and the UI is pure lunacy for a PC game, even compared to Oblivion's. In Oblivion I could make poisons everywhere, so that made playing an alchemist/assassin hybrid feel more natural. (there's a mod for it now :tongue: ) Oblivion's quests also didn't require much backtracking or travel, making them less tedious to turn in. Half the time in Skyrim I don't feel like backtracking to turn in a quest because I know how it's going to turn out and I could care less whether I get a ****** enchanted iron shield as a reward. In short, Oblivion was easier to play. Not 'easier' in combat difficulty, but simply easier to play in general, with fewer annoyances. Minor annoyances like that really add up when you're not paying attention.


Like I said though, mods have already been made available to fix most of those issues.

This. Beth apparently did next to nothing to make Skyrim playable as a PC game.

I also find the quests HIGHLY annoying as there is no sense of distance. A supposedly short walk, based on how the quest/dialogue makes it out to be, turns out to be more then half the map away. That's really a turn-off.




so that made playing an alchemist/assassin hybrid feel more natural. (there's a mod for it now :tongue: )


Where is that mod?

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I got a few hundred hours out of it between gameplay, modding, and screenshooting. I wouldnt say bored but I have been away from it for a few weeks, its good to take a break now and then.
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Questlines are waaaay too short to be any fun.


The vanilla UI is terribad.


Magic system has been dumb down to an unsettling degree, i.e. Conjuration only lets you summon like seven creatures in total...


Enemies become as tough as wet paper once you hit the 40+ levels, with even dragons becoming pushovers. (Unless you get Deadly Dragons, which still doesn't change their underlying issues.)


The enemies in the game aren't as varied as they were in Oblivion i.e. The only undead you really encounter are Draugrs and Dragon Priests. No wraiths or actual zombies.


Too much money and too little things to spend it on.


Dragonshouts are too impractical to use due to their cooldown (With the exception of Relentless shout but even still its a burden.)


There are other things to point out, but alas, many other people in this thread already beat me to the punch, so I decided to just throw in what bugged me the most about Skyrim.

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to be fair, if tomorrow I was to turn on skyrim and find that it had become boring to the extent that I was to never play it again then I would have no complaints based on the amount of time and fun I have already had with this game, was worth every penny and then some in comparison to most other games I have purchased


on another note personally i find the replay value very high, in fact i dare say this game has more replay value than any other i have ever played, in fact i recently started again and still enjoy different approachers and focusing in on different skill sets.


i think its a to easy to just want to complete every mission and side quest in which case it does get boring because you maybe bored with a certain quest line after so long, but now i am more selective of the missions i wish to complete.


the goal i have set myself on the current game i am playing for example is not to become all super powerful in all areas and collect every rare item, but instead to be a lone explorer who travels the open areas looking to help other, am not going to settle down in one area use followers or purchase property, but instead only carry what i wish to use, have only one set of armour at a time, only learn a select few enchantments i wish to use, only collect ingredient for potions i wish to create and just sleep out rough in conquered bandit bases, no fat travelling just exploring and facing the land with no set home base and just select given missions like bounty mission in there area i am in until i feel like moving on. am not even going to complete any guild quests or use magic since i have decided to role out a character that is on the side of the anti magic common community beliefs

Edited by KillerSkark1978
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