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skyrim getting boring


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Skyrim's chief problems are its shallow progression, disconnected quests and a total lack of contextual believability.


Character progression is a series of numbers and perks. Moreover, some jackass decided we did not even need to see our perks in game. Anywhere. They just...done show up. There is no fallout-style "Perks" screen in the menus so we can actually see our progression. Utterly stupid. Moreover, it does not matter whether we are only slightly good at something - skill level 30 - or a master at it. Guards start talking us up as if we have a "reputation" akin to Gandalf or Robin Hood whenever the associated skill reaches the amazing level of 30. Again, ridiculous. Guessing which perks affect what because you cannot see them, and hearing about your incredible "reputation" beginning at level 30, combine to make character progression something of a joke.


And then, quests. Utterly disconnected. Utterly without consequence. Want to lead a guild of horrid assassins? ok, do that. Want to then be the Archmage, too? Sure thing, no problem. How about a Master Thief - sneaking, safe cracking - and master Warrior - heavy armor, safe smashing - at the same time? No problem. Kill indiscriminately, people will still trust you without question. Go to forts, where there live people minding their own, or even worse, mines, where you find armed men who might, or might not, be bandits, actively working the mine. And kill them. Every. Last. One. Whether you are working for the Jarl or the Dark Brotherhood means absolutely nothing, if every quest just asks you to kill people. With their empty dialogue and lack of emotion, a village NPC is every bit as emotionally devoid as a random bandit, so who cares which one I kill. Bethesda tried - and failed - to flesh out characters, and the result is a big lot of characters whose names I cannot even recall and about whom I cannot be bothered to care in the least. I've talked to toasters with more feeling than General Tulius (FONV.)


Not that it matters. Because role playing games, in order to be fun, must feature something I like to call "Contextual Believability." That is, within the context of the world, lore and situation they create, they must be believable. If Dragons are a big enough threat in the world, why aren't more people cowering in fear? Digging bunkers in case of Dragon raids? Improving the old wilderness forts as a means of using them as safe havens for the people in smaller villages? Were I chief of the defenses for Rorikstead, I'd be moving the bandits out of Greymoor and moving the villagers in, just in case. Of course, it wouldn't matter if you did because, as someone said, bandits have mages in sufficient number (well, not in my game, no more bandit mages, ever) to just put down an entire army at will.


Skyrim is shallow, the quests disconnected and the world itself not in the least believable. I can buy into the fiction of Amalur far more than that of Skyrim. Bethesda have fallen far since Morrowind. They really have begun making RPG's for people who don't like the RPG.


Now, I just wish someone would make an RPG for people who do like an rpg.

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I agree with a few of the previous comments. The current Skyrim, modded or not, just pales in comparison to a fully modded Oblivion. I do feel though that Skyrim simply lacks the same openness that Oblivion had. I could walk and climb any place with relative ease in Oblivion including in Dagon's realm. In contrast, It feels like you are being funneled into the roads in Skyrim because of all the damned mountains and impassible rocks. Really, if there was an option to climb the currently impassible crap, I may have enjoyed vanilla Skyrim more vs vanilla Oblivion. Couple that with Skyrim's ongoing growing pains and it really is tough to get into the game for a lot of Morrowind and Oblivion vets since both games have fully matured long ago.
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Good point here. Navigating the Skyrim world just is not fun. There is so little room for exploration. And much of what is there to explore requires vertical movement. Which is about as fun as a root canal. Hello, Bethesda: If you intend to feature mountains prominently, you might want to make scaling the mountains possible. Just a hint.


I can second the notion regarding the mountains. Realistic as they are...in real life I can scramble over rocks and such. skyrim makes this impossible, and as such makes navigating the world much less fun. Coupled with the dumbed down RPG and the shallow world...well, i think its about time RPG fans began looking elsewhere than Bethesda for our "fix."

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Yeah, its pretty sad and funny when Oblivion is looked back on with fond memories compared to Skyrim, since Oblivion at the time was basically just a watered down, shallow version of previous games. Oblivion was to Morrowind what Skyrim is to Oblivion. Beth selling out.
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It hasn't bored me, but that's probably because I was careful not to have any hype, and to wait for a lot of good mods and fixes before playing seriously.


As for what Oblivion had that Skyrim doesn't, I think a lot of it is related to small immersion-breakers and annoyances (which I got rid of before playing my first serious profile). For example, swords are more unsteady in Skyrim, and the UI is pure lunacy for a PC game, even compared to Oblivion's. In Oblivion I could make poisons everywhere, so that made playing an alchemist/assassin hybrid feel more natural. (there's a mod for it now :tongue: ) Oblivion's quests also didn't require much backtracking or travel, making them less tedious to turn in. Half the time in Skyrim I don't feel like backtracking to turn in a quest because I know how it's going to turn out and I could care less whether I get a ****** enchanted iron shield as a reward. In short, Oblivion was easier to play. Not 'easier' in combat difficulty, but simply easier to play in general, with fewer annoyances. Minor annoyances like that really add up when you're not paying attention.


Like I said though, mods have already been made available to fix most of those issues.

lemme guess...



at the end of this cave there will be a hidden exit that will take me right back to where I started.






meanwhile in the cave. *pulls lever* OF COURSE -.-


I feel as though the game is losing it's mystery and originality all to benefit those of us who want convenience. I don't care that morrowind had tedious dungeons that I had to backtrack to get out of. Truth is in every dungeon I went to in morrowind I never knew what to expect.

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I am playing max difficulty and am lvl 47 now and can summon Frost Atronach. The game seems over. I do have 2 companions but combat has never been as hard as modded Oblivion (e.g. OOO). I never played OOO on more than about 60% difficulty with 2 companions, because I got wiped. I remember spending a whole evening just killing "Voice of Nature", took me about 25 goes.


Lots of new stuff but just lacks the immersion of Oblivion. Most quest locations are just narrow and linear and get very repetitive. A few non "go somewhere and kill something" quests but they tend to be very insipid ones, deliver a letter, thanks here is your gold, big deal. There were some quests in Oblivion that made me feel sad. The ghost at the Anvil lighthouse in AFK Weye really moved me. There is nothing like this in Skyrim. The few mods I have downloaded for Skyrim are all eye candy stuff or little things, I hope we get some meaty quests soon but I gather modding is much harder in Skyrim.


Smithing and enchanting better but I don't see any point in cooking at all??? The cooked meal is a waste of time, I pickup up plenty of cooked food anyway.


Lots of little bugs which I think must be to do with the auto updating. I see people doing mods complaining they fix one thing and the next day there is another problem. About 6 weeks ago my shouts unloaded when I loaded the game (most of the time, 75%). Would go into battle and hit Z and nothing happens. Now I have to remember every time I start to check my loaded shout.


My biggest annoyance is too much variety of things like weapons and potions, does not add to the game after a while.


The better graphics mean I wont go back to Oblivion.

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Smithing and enchanting better but I don't see any point in cooking at all??? The cooked meal is a waste of time, I pickup up plenty of cooked food anyway.



I disagree with that. Enchanting got watered down more than ever. Only two effects at max and the effects list is trash compared to previous games. Smithing is nice, but is hardly a big selling point, especially since there's no customization to it.

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I get bored and will quick save then jump up somewhere high and start shooting guards in the knees. :D


I have played a dozen different characters, I don't pursue every guild with everyone so its been a little more fun I guess. I have only finished the main quest once and then haven't gone back to it. There are still some quests I have to finish but I am nearing the end of the replays.


280 hours so far.

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Well, the "convenient dungeon exit" is annoying after a while. I admit: I liked it, at first. I really did. But yeah, its gotten hopelessly hokey now. And the quests....dear god, the quests...the writing. These things are just....terrible. Believe it or not I am still modding Skyrim, against the day when we will really have something to do in the game that is worthy of time investment. I have combat enhancing mods, stealth overhaul mods, magic overhauls, loot balancers...of this, in the pipeline, tested and working so far, and partly released.


Not because I want to play Skyrim again. But just in case the quest mods actually come one day and we are able to really enjoy Bethesda's empty, shallow world for something more.


And as for Bethesda...I now look upon them as a developer of kid's console games. I for one am no customer of theirs any more.

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