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skyrim getting boring


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i tryng also to understand how to modding i will love to make my own female armor and share it but i truly dont know where to start :( for the scripting languege it will not be to difficult its pretty similar to Neverwinter night toolset, but the difficult is in 3D modding and in buying the original software (very expansive)
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Ok, as someone who has been reading forum posts forever, here are some basic logical conclusions. First, Bethesda can't just build a game for what each person in the gaming universe likes. Tastes are too varied. There are millions of gamers, many millions world-wide. In this world there are endless opinions about what is great and what is not. Over the years Bethesda has had to walk a crazy line. Some don't believe there should be same-sex relationships or marriages, while some feel it is a basic human right. Some feel that individual quests should not be so intricate and involved while others want each and every quest epic. Some do not want karmic choices to affect the game so that they are free to be as evil as they wish without shutting them out of certain other quests, while some want consequences for actions. Some (everyone) wants superb graphics, while at the same time offering epic gameplay, completely open worlds, and intense realism. Some would like nudity and heavy sexual content, and some don't like any skin exposed. Where Bethesda excels is that they try to find a balance in what has been requested. They can't of course release porno games, just so kids can pull themselves through puberty, but they at least allow for relationships. Also, they do something else, they provide tools to change the game for individual tastes. (Though there might be a wait) If everyone with a complaint would take up modding, the game would be what everyone wants. Those that don't want to or have the spare time to mod should be patient, as eventually the feature they want will be realized. If you can't understand Bethesda's predicament, check out how many varied house mods there are already. We (those of us who can't mod) should bow before the excellent modding community we have. Without them, we are left with a generalized version of the game. The people who are running pirated games HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING! A large part of the problems you are having is due to the fact your game is hacked and cracked, and will never run right. So if your game is having problems with mods, and no one else's does, do not blame the modders, BUY THE GAME! I have a dinosaur computer, Pentium D 2.8 ghz (dual core, barely) 3 gigs ddr2, and the only new component is the Geforce GT 430 2gb graphics card, and my game runs smoothly (40+ fps) with 40 plus mods. (with the correct load order) That doesn't even count the texture mods. Just hang in there people and offer whatever help you can to your favorite modder, or learn the craft and your dreams may come true.
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Ok, as someone who has been reading forum posts forever, here are some basic logical conclusions. First, Bethesda can't just build a game for what each person in the gaming universe likes. Tastes are too varied. There are millions of gamers, many millions world-wide. In this world there are endless opinions about what is great and what is not. Over the years Bethesda has had to walk a crazy line. Some don't believe there should be same-sex relationships or marriages, while some feel it is a basic human right. Some feel that individual quests should not be so intricate and involved while others want each and every quest epic. Some do not want karmic choices to affect the game so that they are free to be as evil as they wish without shutting them out of certain other quests, while some want consequences for actions. Some (everyone) wants superb graphics, while at the same time offering epic gameplay, completely open worlds, and intense realism. Some would like nudity and heavy sexual content, and some don't like any skin exposed. Where Bethesda excels is that they try to find a balance in what has been requested. They can't of course release porno games, just so kids can pull themselves through puberty, but they at least allow for relationships. Also, they do something else, they provide tools to change the game for individual tastes. (Though there might be a wait) If everyone with a complaint would take up modding, the game would be what everyone wants. Those that don't want to or have the spare time to mod should be patient, as eventually the feature they want will be realized. If you can't understand Bethesda's predicament, check out how many varied house mods there are already. We (those of us who can't mod) should bow before the excellent modding community we have. Without them, we are left with a generalized version of the game. The people who are running pirated games HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING! A large part of the problems you are having is due to the fact your game is hacked and cracked, and will never run right. So if your game is having problems with mods, and no one else's does, do not blame the modders, BUY THE GAME! I have a dinosaur computer, Pentium D 2.8 ghz (dual core, barely) 3 gigs ddr2, and the only new component is the Geforce GT 430 2gb graphics card, and my game runs smoothly (40+ fps) with 40 plus mods. (with the correct load order) That doesn't even count the texture mods. Just hang in there people and offer whatever help you can to your favorite modder, or learn the craft and your dreams may come true.

You do have a point, the problem is, while beth cant do a game that would please everyone, they do try to cater to a wide audience as much as possible and that is also the problem why their games are being more and more simple with each release and why people ask them selfs, whats wrong.

Everytime someone asks why is the game getting so dumbed down, someone answers with "they cant please everyone", yet they are forgetting that its actually this fact that they try to cater to a wider audience thats dumbing the game down.

Also i find it a bit too much to acuse people from having pirate versions of the game just because they have problems, a large part of these problems is caused by the fact that many of them are new to the series and lack the knowledge how to properly install and troubleshoot the mods.

Also skyrim workshop isnt helping this either, people just download and install mods without knowing they could conflict with eachother and then they come running to nexus, with threads "my game isnt working HALP".

Edited by pavy
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I wasn't accusing everyone who has a problem with piracy. What I was saying is that THOSE THAT DO HAVE A PIRATED GAME SHOULD NOT COMPLAIN when things do not work properly. Nowhere did I state that everyone who has a problem are pirates. Of course there are people who have problems with hardware and drivers, and of course the "lost people". Do not deny that the problem exists however, read the forums, the number of people asking for help for their 'less than legal' game installs. (and getting banned as they should). I agree that the general gaming public are why games are becoming 'dumbed down'. For everyone that doesn't like how the games have changed, there is at least one who likes the changes. That is because there are SO MANY people playing these games. The point is that, while Bethesda games are not perfect, there is a fantastic modding community dedicated to making the games better. Maybe Bethesda's motives are business oriented, we should be glad at least the PC version can be modded, and that Bethesda makes the games easily modded. I own full retail versions of TES and Fallout series, and with the exception of Game of the Year Editions buy DLCs on Steam. I am not rich, not involved with Bethsoft in any way, I am just John Q. Public and grateful for the games, and grateful to the modders that make what I spend on games so worth it.
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