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skyrim getting boring


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And you were cheating how, exactly, BeastlyBeast? (just kidding -- I know you were playing the game on a console) Oblivion city guards are leveled NPCs (Player Level + 10). Always, except for the named guards, who are generally tougher than that. I don't see how they can be pushovers unless you have something going for you other than low-level gear. You'd have to be pretty far into the game to level out the playing field enough to make that 10-level difference small enough to enable you to defeat a swarm of city guards, who will never attack you individually. They're programmed to swarm on you like ants. Bethesda designed them specifically to not be easy foes. It's not impossible -- just very difficult until you get well up into the 30s for level. Either that or you have to acquire some really kick-butt gear.


However, I agree with you. Leveling in Oblivion was far too easy. It's actually too easy in Skyrim, as well. I'd like to see Bethesda re-balance their games so that it takes a long time to get to even level 30. As it is, I can get there in just a few days of playing, especially if I grind my skills and buy all the training I can get. Better, yet, I'd like to see Bethesda throw out the idea of "level" entirely, and make the game completely skill dependent.


For the most part the encounters in Skyrim are more challenging than those in Oblivion at low levels. Mudcrabs in Oblivion? Pah! The first mudcrab I met there was my dinner, and I didn't even break a sweat. The first mudcrab I met in Skyrim cut me down to within an inch of my life before I figured out that these northern species are a bit tougher than the ones in Cyrodiil. I'm using a mod that increases the number of animals in the wild and vastly improves their AI. Now wolves are a serious threat. They should be, since they attack in packs that number a half-dozen or so. Or, you can meet one that takes one look at you and runs away (like most do in Real Life).


No, bears aren't just a little bit more weak than giants. They're a whole lot more weak than giants. Giants are level-locked at 32. Bears are level-locked at 12, 16, and 20 for ordinary bears, Cave Bears, and Snow Bears, respectively. You know the "mourning giant" down in the hot springs area near Mistwatch? There are two bears and some wolves that spawn near him. I'll always lead them all to him and he "dispatches them with great dispatch" (Victory Mine Vortigaunt, Half-Life 2, Episode 2, "The Vortal Coil"). He has never been killed, even when fighting both bears and the wolves all at the same time. The only times I've ever seen a giant killed (when I didn't do it, myself), was once by a dragon and, of course, the Companions killing the wuss giant you see when you first approach Whiterun from Riverwood.


I hardly think that Skyrim is "stale", so don't get my griping about it and Bethesda wrong. I love the game. I also hate it. Thank the Divines for modders. Even without mods I think the game has a lot of re-play potential. You just have to do successive playthroughs differently each time so that you don't wind up doing the same things the same way. To me the game gets boring after I reach about level 35 or so. "Boring" is not the same thing as "stale", though. At least to me, "boring" means "no challenge". "Stale" means "no potential".

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I agree. Skyrim is getting rather boring, and I want Dawngaurd out. Sadly I have Skyrim for Xbox360, and will get it early, which means I'm done with it sooner.

I've beaten all of the guilds, they seem too short. Some of them had really cool quests, but they just we're not as fun as some of Oblivions quests. For example,~SPOILER ALERT~


Killing the guy with the Minotaur head in the Oblivion Dark Brotherhood Questline. Even though this is Oblivion, I still feel the need to spoiler alert it, since some of us may have not yet played Oblivion, or gotten around to the Dark Brotherhood Questline. Don't judge.


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So for all the people saying oblivion isn't as boring, would it still be worth getting a copy do you think ?


For what you'd pay for Oblivion, which is 15 or 20 bucks, sometimes $5 on Steam, it's definitely worth it. Oblivion has a huge, advanced base of *Japanese* mods, many of which can turn it into one of the best *Japanese* games you will ever play.


I fixed it for you... lmao :tongue:

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I find myself quite disappointed with Skyrim. Morrowind still has, by far, the best quest system of the series. The factions had more depth and felt `real'. Oblivion was a massive step backwards in almost all regards (combat was more exciting), while Skyrim is only half a step forward. The world and dungeons are VASTLY improved, buthe combat is basically Oblivion's with a few minor tweaks, magic is worse, quests are better than Oblivion/worse than Morrowind. For some reason, Oblivion still strikes me as more `fun' than Skyrim. Unfortunately, `fun' is impossible to properly define or support in a meaningful debate, but that is how I find it. Skyrim seems to be lacking that something special that made the previous Elder Scrolls games so much fun and draw me back for hours on end. My total Skyrim play-time is still less than some of my individual Oblivion *characters*, because I find myself bored within an hour :(
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Well you people are crazy. If you want to tell me Morrowind or Daggerfall are better, go right ahead, but Oblivion? I played the hell out of that game but c'mon...If Oblivion was your first in the series then this is mostly nostalgia.


I find them all to be extremely replayable, only last year I started what must have been my 6th Morrowind playthrough which I've since lost so I'll most likely start a 7th. Skyrim, to me, is the most replayable of the lot (Daggerfall could win that considering how open ended it is) You could argue it's 'dumbed down' but I don't view it as such. It's elegant and simple, it feels clean to me, compared to vanilla Oblivion which still feels like a mess (but I'll probably start that again soon too)


Of course you may bored of the game, it's been 6 months. I've put 200 hours into vanilla Skyrim, and yeah totally, I was bored before I moved to the PC version. But I always knew that I would come back to the game for years to come, because that's what you do with these games right? I know that any serious ES fan does the same, it's the whole point of these games, they are eternal.


Also, Bethesda knocked it out of the park with world design this time, it's perfect.


Further note, it's still one of the most played games on Steam everyday so I know some people aren't bored.

Edited by DeathBurnout
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Boring? Yeah, kinda. I have not even played through the whole story yet. Most of the time i just find myself browsing mods. So atm i am not really playing it at all.


The only character i played was a warrior up into the 40s, was it? I dont even know anymore. ( :biggrin: )


Oh and i tried some diffrent combination of characters, too, but overall they all did not make it past level 5.


Suppose it is a classical oversaturation effect from morrorwind and oblivion.


Hopefully Bethesda will show themselfs more innovative with the dlc's coming out.

Edited by Nadimos
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Done with Skyrim.


Dug up an old copy of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat and, wow, is it ever amazing. Especially with 'current' hardware. Bug-free and gorgeous. Using the MISERY and Voron mods, it's intense! Way more atmosphere and playability than Skyrim.

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1.Skyrim is getting boring because the questing leaves a lot to be desired when compared to oblivion.

You're playing fetch with most of Skyrim's quests, it feels like you're doing the same thing over and over again on the first play through. The only thing that keeps you playing beyond that point is wanting to find out what happens next in the quest line. After awhile, you pretty much know what to expect from nearly every quest in the game, they're repetitive and uninteresting. And there's just too much dungeon crawling...


2. THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO! You basically complete quests, sell loot, upgrade, back to questing... Its a sandbox game with almost linear gameplay. Since there is so little to do in Skyrim, you start to notice just how bare the game really is. No spell making, no arena, no loot playing, no horse racing, no fight clubs, no disposition system for conversation, no sexy parties, no oblivion realms, no worshipers, no fame, no vampire clan, you can't join vampire/werewolf hunters, no acrobatics, no dragon pets... I think you get my point. Imagine if Grand Theft Auto started with really weak graphics but it had a lot to do. Buy property, drive anything, workout, date, learn fighting techniques, wield a bunch weapons... etc. Then with each new release of the game, the graphics got better, but the story got weaker and elements of the game were removed until the only thing you could do was steal cars(Cars with great graphics) and follower the main missions.


3. Nothing matters.

You save the world from dragons... Not only does no one care, but the dragons are still there, hell, there's more of them now.

You become listener of the Dark Brotherhood, but you still have to go out and kill people like a low level member.

Become leader of the companions... Okay, good for you.

Get married. No one acknowledges it and your spouse is boring! 100 gold a day and a home cooked meal that you'll never actually use.



4. Minor improvements...

*Save the world from dragons: Everyone calls you "Dovahkiin" or "Dragonborn". Weaker dragons flee, named dragons land and challenge you.

*Become Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. Promote remaining members to Speaker, hire more speakers, have them recruit members. Hear the Night Mother, pass it on to your speakers, get paid if all goes well.

*Become Leader of the companions. Recruit members and have the option to turn members into werewolves. Wadge war on the werewolf hunters.

*Get married: Have a real wedding with every dressed properly, a kiss, and a honeymoon of some sort. An option to have/raise children. A wife/husband that gets angry/upset/worried when you're away.


Expanding Skyrim's little features could make the game a lot better. -_-

Too late for that I guess. The game is still somewhat enjoyable to me.

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I thought oblivion was boring after the first playthrough and would never had touch it again if it wasn't for the mods. But in Skyrim I could have done at least three relatively complete playthrough (100-150 hours each) before stopping it, one with each archetype.

Of course, with mods I'll play it a lot longer than that.

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Oblivion was the Best Game for me and far better then the Boring Coldness of Skyrim.


Did Bethesda Abandoned Skyrim Updates, because they seem to focused with this Elderscrolls Online stuff and now its the Dawnguard DLC, yet Skyrim still got Bugs.

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