nurmi90 Posted January 11, 2018 Share Posted January 11, 2018 Casual quarterly update from unresolvable issue, Sorry, you don't have permission for that! [#2000] You are not allowed to visit this community. Need Help? Our help documentation aaand, dont have permission to my own account, or even opening help documentation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unsearchably Posted January 11, 2018 Share Posted January 11, 2018 Nice. Give them more reason to whine and act entitled when a new mod sharing platform comes out, clever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joebykaeby Posted January 11, 2018 Share Posted January 11, 2018 Wow, we're implementing the lootbox model on websites now. Next thing you know, we'll be earning 'DP' by watching a brief advertisement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrankFamily Posted January 11, 2018 Share Posted January 11, 2018 What does this have to do with lootboxes I wonder. Genuinely mindblown. I'm starting to think some people process thoughts in this manner: "Money to modders, this is bad... lootboxes are bad... I got it! This is lootboxes!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethreon Posted January 12, 2018 Share Posted January 12, 2018 In response to post #56686916. jbanthony wrote: Wow, we're implementing the lootbox model on websites now. Next thing you know, we'll be earning 'DP' by watching a brief advertisement.The mental gymnastics you had to perform to get to that conclusion are astonishing. 10/10 if you participated in the olympics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethreon Posted January 12, 2018 Share Posted January 12, 2018 In response to post #56677476. Unsearchably wrote: Nice. Give them more reason to whine and act entitled when a new mod sharing platform comes out, clever.Yea, look at all these modders that complain that there are other places they can share they mods WILLINGLY. OH wait, we're not talking about places where we share willingly, are we ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wato39 Posted January 12, 2018 Share Posted January 12, 2018 In response to post #56262141. #56262426, #56262576, #56262581, #56262936, #56263031, #56263146, #56266491, #56267106, #56267256, #56274311, #56277726, #56280516, #56292401, #56330506, #56342966, #56613381, #56645096 are all replies on the same post.Ashes2Asherz wrote: So basically the Nexus will decide who is rewarded in this elite group of modders? One thing us Americans hate the most is when others create elitist groups and give them what they want while crapping on the rest of the people. I'm absolutely certain when all is said and done this will drive away American users.Ethreon wrote: You don't really help brighten the image Americans have outside.Ashes2Asherz wrote: lol i don't exactly make the best poster child I supposeAshes2Asherz wrote: lol i don't exactly make the best poster child I suppose...err it double post.. maybe they should focus on optimizing this new site to not be so slow and buggy before taking on their version of paid mods.. ;)Ethreon wrote: It would be in your best interest to read the article again, carefully.Zodiac19 wrote: American here and not driven out. It just means that if a mod author is really good with what they do and keep making mods worth downloading then they have the potential to be compensated for it eventually. that means it's not set or fixed whether or not a modder will receive a reward, or that it will only remain a certain group of modders each time because as soon as one mod has support from every user on the site then the modder has to start over just to get points, meaning the next top modder with the points will be next etc.Ashes2Asherz wrote: it would be your best interest to read in between the lines.. Who do you think this will hurt the most? Most likely the modders that rely on 3rd party assets to create mods and those that use them.. There is already much more greed on the Nexus than any other modding site.. They introduce a money pool to certain users then you better believe that many of those modders that once shared their work to be used in other peoples projects will clamp down and stop giving permission in hopes to gain more of the money pool for themselves.. It would definitely stun the growth of the modding community and make it so only a very few will benefit while the rest will lose interest and move on..Augusta Calidia wrote: Nexus doesn't decide who is rewarded - we the people do by downloading mods. Each unique download of a participating mod is a vote cast for that mod. That's not a policy that would drive this American user away.Furthermore, who comprises "this elite group of modders" of whom you speak? Am I supposed to exercise an ability to "read in between the lines" and discover that Nexus is in cahoots with a core group of favored mod authors on whom Dark0ne wishes to shower gifts? This, of course, is nonsense, because Nexus doesn't decide who participates in the Mod Author Donation Program. The individual mod author decides that for her/himself. Ashes2Asherz wrote: What's wrong with donating to the author you like to begin with? Why does the Nexus or Nexus community have to make that decision for you? Ethreon wrote: Again, go read the article. You obviously haven't.CluckenDip wrote: Strayaaa!!!iubee wrote: sure bring a little heat to this postHomicidalGrouse wrote: What's wrong with donating to the author you like to begin with? Why does the Nexus or Nexus community have to make that decision for you? Nothing is preventing people from continuing to not do that after the implementation of this system.Airbreathers wrote: As an American, i am well versed in spotting fear mongering. Ashes, your post is fear mongering, your post take this system out of context completely. The people decide not the nexus, and for your read between the lines idea, the authors can decide how to split the points. think about it like this you have a great mod that works a a base of key feature of many others, we can all think of a few. Now lets say that author tells people that if they want to use that mod they need to give them 50% of the reward points. That might be steep to most, at some point another author will create an alternative and maybe ask for like 10% or 5%, that mod becomes the norm, the community stables out, I mean it becomes a free market of ideas, where they rise and fall based on quality and value not just popularity and "elitism".the way i put it may sound scary to some, but i put on my big "scary" American capitalist hat ( I don't think its scary) to lay it out in another very American way. You know seeing as we are a wide and diverse nation with many people with differing ideals, like like everywhere else likely in that regard, meaning it's hard to speak for everyone, Basically impossible. Dark0ne wrote: Nothing is preventing people from continuing to not do that after the implementation of this system.You made me laugh out loud while eating breakfast. Congrats.JoeBlow90 wrote: You must be joking about 'Mericans creating "elitist" groups.... lmao...What do you the "American way of life" means???If there is something that 'Mericans are good at, is creating ELITIST groups...Ashenfire wrote: WTH?Whats with the nationality hating?Any person who wants to scam, be elitist, a hater, comes from anywhere. How are we going to rationally discuss ANYTHING, with this mantra? Please refrain from bashing our nationality.TehKaoZ wrote: Please don't come on here and report to speak for all Americans. I have zero issue with this system and don't buy into that "creating elitist" group crap. Thank God a bit of sense at last. I felt like it was ground into the dust before we got a chance to see it work ,,, or even fail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xcytress Posted January 13, 2018 Share Posted January 13, 2018 (edited) So here is my question on all this: Lets say I have 25k unique downloads before the system goes live. I opt in, I release a new version of the file because I care about the quality of my mods and get 26k unique downloads for that file. The "total" count for the hole mod will change by 1k.a) Do I get my share for 1k because 25k of those who downloaded did this also before the system..?b) Or do i get my share for 26k because all these are from after the system, even though part of them had my mod before and just got the new version? Hope my question is clear enough. If a) is the answer, I would be very disappointed because that would mean quality matters not a single bit. My mods consist of hundreds of changes and I update them from time to time to improve the overall mod quality. a) would pretty much counteract that. Edited January 13, 2018 by Xcytress Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Community Manager Dark0ne Posted January 13, 2018 Author Community Manager Share Posted January 13, 2018 (edited) In response to post #56725021. Xcytress wrote: So here is my question on all this: Lets say I have 25k unique downloads before the system goes live. I opt in, I release a new version of the file because I care about the quality of my mods and get 26k unique downloads for that file. The "total" count for the hole mod will change by 1k.a) Do I get my share for 1k because 25k of those who downloaded did this also before the system..?b) Or do i get my share for 26k because all these are from after the system, even though part of them had my mod before and just got the new version? Hope my question is clear enough. If a) is the answer, I would be very disappointed because that would mean quality matters not a single bit. My mods consist of hundreds of changes and I update them from time to time to improve the overall mod quality. a) would pretty much counteract that.You'll only get DP from when the system goes live, and any unique downloads you have on your files before that will not be counted.There's a very simply reason for this. Between them, all the files on Nexus Mods have over 1 billion unique downloads. We can't go back over the course of 16 years and provide $5,000 - $10,000 for every month since 2001, as that would cost between $960,000 and $1,920,000 to us! So we can only start counting things from when we put the system live.Similarly if all those 1 billion downloads applied to a single month (e.g. the first month) then each unique download would be worth 0.00001 DP. That would mean you'd need to have 100,000 unique downloads on your file to receive one dollar's worth of DP. Not worth it either. Edited January 13, 2018 by Dark0ne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xcytress Posted January 14, 2018 Share Posted January 14, 2018 I'm afraid that is not that definitive of an answer as I hope. In the mentioned example we have the following: 25k unique people who have downloaded before the system26k unique people who have downloaded the file after the system (25k of which have also downloaded it before) -> So from what I read, it could be either, 26k or 1k.. both are unique downloads after the start of the new system. Please clarify the given scenario: 1k or 26k?I do get the necessity to ignore all that has been before "day 1". But this example is about activity that is _after_ "day 1". Will a redownload - e.g. because of an update of the mod - not be counted just because somewhere before the system he did download that file? It is not that hard to program the system to be able to tell this apart from a redownload of a file you have already downloaded after this "day 1". You have to keep track of all users downloads to tell apart a unique download even after years, so you have the data at hand you need. I'm sure you have great people at hand to solve this =) If not..ask one :tongue: But if you do not count a honest download just because someday before the new system this user has downloaded it, the system is seriously flawed. I fear this to be a very reason of the hole "seperate patches" issue that has been mentioned and feared before. See: Every modder who has already created a mod that got thousand of downloads and reached its full audience is simply ignored by the system. Only new mods and new games would benefit. There is no "transition" from the old system to the new. This would leave a very bitter taste...And if a fair transition means modders get just cents, it would at least be fair. That could happen anyway. If we as a modding community fail to raise enough money so every modder could get a noticeable cut, then there is very little we could do about it. leaving out part of us would corrupt what the donation system tries to stand in for.To end this: Don't get me wrong. I really like the idea and the way the system will be set up. All I fear is a fair transition. I respect the time and effort that you most likely put into this and the effort you put into nexusmods. I'm with the site for quite a while with different accounts over time. I love how this site has evolved and the support I get from the people here as a modder. I even considered to apply for a job here a few times, but I feared working from germany would not be possible. I'm still mad about me not trying =( Maybe next time..So beside my rant: Thanks. Really, I mean it =) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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