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From where does prosperity come from


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The lesson here is not to get into a job that someone in southeast Asia can do cheaper.

Like what exactly, an astronaut?

That'd be one, sure.

Any specialized skill, by definition, is a skill not a lot of other people are going to have. That's one way.

Another would be jobs that can't be exported. Say, a nurse. Nurses have to be where the people are.

Real estate agent. Have to be where the property is. Even something like a construction worker is a job that can't be offshored.

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The lesson here is not to get into a job that someone in southeast Asia can do cheaper.

Like what exactly, an astronaut?

That'd be one, sure.

Any specialized skill, by definition, is a skill not a lot of other people are going to have. That's one way.

Another would be jobs that can't be exported. Say, a nurse. Nurses have to be where the people are.

Real estate agent. Have to be where the property is. Even something like a construction worker is a job that can't be offshored.

I thought both construction and nurse myself actually. Which brought up the other way of finding cheap labour in the past, importing foreign workers.

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I've heard this from just about every group imaginable and from each of those groups come a different answer.


Some say freedom. some say work ethic. some say fairness and equality. Some say lack of government involvement and others say the lack thereof.


Is it the government that needs to correct what is fundamental flawed with society or should the markets provide that correction?


Well it definitely doesn't come from freedom ... rather, freedom makes room for prosperity to manifest, to have an opportunity to appear but then it's up to the individual or nation to

"grow" it.

Example, Zimbabwe became "free" so to speak but instead of moving forward after "liberation" it went backward, so far backward that it took a wheelbarrow - seriously no jokes - of notes to buy

a loaf of bread.

People who had saved all their lives lost everything as their micky mouse money lost all it's value.

You might think that this was as a result of "Colonial oppression" leaving behind a legacy of destruction in it's wake as it went by ... but no, that nation was on a track to true prosperity for ALL it's

people but as is the way of Africa, the strongest tribe dominates ... and thought that liberation was an excuse to enrich it's new master and the country went straight into the toilet.


Oh, and talking about toilets, if you went into the country many hotels would ask you to defacate in the bush because there was a lack of clean water to flush ... hah, freedom my foot, my ex-girlfriend

is at the mercy of their rotten medical services ... I'll end this train of thought right here before I throw my toys out of the cot and my remote at the screen and yell epitaphs that would make a sailor cringe.

So no, freedom doesn't bring prosperity.


Neither does government bring prosperity, otherwise every nation would be rich ... duh.


Prosperity, true prosperity is simply a full supply of everything I need in every realm or arena of my life ... and it comes when I go after it ...

Today is a public holiday here, and I spent from 11:15 AM right through to 6:10 PM studying with a group of fellow students when I could have been out having fun ... there was a quick 15 minute break

inbetween for something to munch on and of course the obligatory loo break.

Some of my friends were out "playing" ... who do you think is going to be prosperous, them or myself ?


Yeah but there's no jobs so it doesn't matter how educated you are ? ... hmmm heard that one too and it doesnt float with me ... the law of

attraction works for me as it has done countless times ... you couldn't beat that truth out of me with a baseball bat if you tried.

It's too late to try and convince me otherwise.

You can wish upon a star or "wait until your ship comes in" but that's all in lala-land, wishful thinking ... send a ship out if you expect one to come in ... hello !

Oh wait a minute maybe you're waiting to win the lotto right ? ... hahahaha yeah sure, if that's your "waiting for my ship to come in", then I truly feel sorry for you.


I need to rest, my brain is so full of information right now ... whew, I need some :dance: funtime.

Edited by Nintii
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I spent 10hrs tripping over bugs at the whim of a client. I don't feel very prosperous.


I really don't think it is down to working hard in a strict sense. My step dad has come to retirement age and since getting into his 60s, working hard all his life, he went to sea at 16 and been there ever since, quite well paid he is too, actually been shat all over for the past 5 years pretty much because they can just find someone younger, less experienced and basically cheaper, so getting the actual money he used to has pretty much disappeared.


It kinda plays into what Quetzl is saying about being replaceable, but less to do with south east asia.

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A better question would be to ask where stagnation and a lack of growth comes from.


For this, the answer is simple. It comes from a tendency towards one-mindedness, pettiness and infighting, and being too distracted by the politics and minor issues to do anything that actually leads to a solution.

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A better question would be to ask where stagnation and a lack of growth comes from.


For this, the answer is simple. It comes from a tendency towards one-mindedness, pettiness and infighting, and being too distracted by the politics and minor issues to do anything that actually leads to a solution.


Government isn't in the business of solving problems. If they did that, they would be out of a job. It's more lucrative to poke at the edges, and address symptoms, without touching the root cause.

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A better question would be to ask where stagnation and a lack of growth comes from.


For this, the answer is simple. It comes from a tendency towards one-mindedness, pettiness and infighting, and being too distracted by the politics and minor issues to do anything that actually leads to a solution.


Government isn't in the business of solving problems. If they did that, they would be out of a job. It's more lucrative to poke at the edges, and address symptoms, without touching the root cause.

Who said I was just talking about government. Even on a social and personal level the premise stands.


As for government, I somewhat disagree. Government by itself is a position of leadership over a group of people. An effective government is one which uses that leadership to delegate resources to meet the needs of their people. A good leader will continue to be elected because there will always be other concerns that will need to be dealt with and a proven track record and years of experience is what is most important in a leadership role. The standpoint of officials only working the 2 months between election cycles, being elected for "values" instead of results or plans is one of the reasons why many parts of the West have been falling into stagnation. A government which is based around inaction and never getting anything accomplished does not serve a purpose and only acts as a drain on the prosperity of the people.

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A better question would be to ask where stagnation and a lack of growth comes from.


For this, the answer is simple. It comes from a tendency towards one-mindedness, pettiness and infighting, and being too distracted by the politics and minor issues to do anything that actually leads to a solution.


Government isn't in the business of solving problems. If they did that, they would be out of a job. It's more lucrative to poke at the edges, and address symptoms, without touching the root cause.

Who said I was just talking about government. Even on a social and personal level the premise stands.


As for government, I somewhat disagree. Government by itself is a position of leadership over a group of people. An effective government is one which uses that leadership to delegate resources to meet the needs of their people. A good leader will continue to be elected because there will always be other concerns that will need to be dealt with and a proven track record and years of experience is what is most important in a leadership role. The standpoint of officials only working the 2 months between election cycles, being elected for "values" instead of results or plans is one of the reasons why many parts of the West have been falling into stagnation. A government which is based around inaction and never getting anything accomplished does not serve a purpose and only acts as a drain on the prosperity of the people.


I think the key words there are "effective government", something that the US does not currently have...... nor have we for some time now.

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