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1.5.24 post your bug and help.


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I had several bugs with 1.5, most notably bizarre shadow striping (rectangular bands of shadows would appear whenever I was outside, and follow me around if I moved or turned), and the inability to see underwater at all. I have, however, remedied the issue by rolling back to the previous version. To people with Windows 7: for some reason, Windows doesn't save nearly as many versions of prior versions of the individual files as it does images of the folder. Right-click anywhere blank in the folder, go to properties -> previous versions, and find TESV.exe in there, then replace the new one with that. You'll possibly have more choices if you look through previous versions of the whole folder rather than just that file specifically (for example, I only had one previous version if I right-clicked on TESV.exe specifically, from way back in early February, but there were 8 previous versions of the folder, including one from two weeks ago that I used).


Hopefully that helps.


in skyrimprefs change this fShadowBiasScale= to fShadowBiasScale=1.0000 anything lower will cause the striping across the ground and rocks .



SEAN516 the console command in game to turn on wire mesh on/off is twf (Toggles wireframe( maybe this will or wont help ?


Sadly, this did not work for me, as it was already at 1.0000 when I checked my settings. :facepalm:

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Got major issues with the outside ground textures in which it is expanded, its only with the skyrim world space, I am also getting major slow loading times. This has happen right after I installed the driver update to ATI.
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Ok, you want to hear a weird one, check this out:


with 1.5.24, when I go into the CK I only get partial textures, such as no skin for the NPCs, but I do see their teeth and their undies, the walls of the houses, but no windows...the NPC one is kind of creepy, haven't tried the game yet :ohdear:

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Wow..., all the planet come into this forum of problem...,


i have read all the thing in this post, i feel bad the people don't take a small time to make a little search..., 99% of you her problem can be fixed only in reading other post...


some little thing can be made to help you to fix easily your problem :


1 - always make a check of your game local cache by steam (it's looking to view if they have problem whit the vanilla file)

2 - always consult the help on steam, they have big thing they can help you in this and like i have view, they seem keeping update on most thing to help (it's a good way, you will find thing you never thinking on problem)

3 - always keeping you driver update (video, computer, sound, nvidia or any other program)

4 - always keep update or reinstall direct x, some graphical problem come from here, some sound problem come from here,

5 - when you go on a site like help of skyrim on steam or here, look always for a search box, by exemple, you come on this section, so the first thing to do it's to write your problem in the box and they will give you the list on all the thing you want to search, exemple you have an error whit the sound "write "sound error" or graphical error" or ati error" or "nvdia error", or crash on startup", and they will give you all the ancien post they are the same thing, chose the one they are more neer of your error and look it

6 - if you find nothing and not able to resolve the problem, it's time to ask help, some problem are more hard to solve than other, or sometime the explain or not clair, you have trying to solve but nothing to do, so other can help you, if the people here can not help you, you can go on steam help and ask to the people they work for steem in the help section, i have read some post in this place and the steem people help the people in saying what to try, but be sure to try what they say in the help section before because they risk to not answer you because the andswer are alredy in her list of help, or try by the web, open your web browser and type your problem in the field (where you put the adress for a page usually, (write the same thing, exemple skyrim shadow error or just shadow error, it's can help to find other thing, sometime in other country the andswer is...


other thing, if you have make all, and you disable your mod and it's not working, before enable it again, try to (make a copy in secure place before) delete your "my document/my game/skyrim" like this if you have trying to change something in your .ini or anything test you have make on day and they can cause problem will be disable and you will know you have problem whit your .ini..., (try by begin a test whit a new game and if it work whit your old save), more people seem loving modified the .ini it's ok each people have her way, but some of the crash are caused by this too, for more og the crash the andwer are in a post in this forum, so take time to make a little research...



last thing remember alway in your save folder you have always a backup of your save, (i sugest you to enable the autosave) so if you crash you will be able to go in this and rename your *****.bak into *****.ess (choose an other name to not overwrite your old save, try it and chose this save, but if you have right to three auto save, don't wait to much to keep on of this save beside, because remember always each time you enter a door or change cell or anything it an autosave are make, so if you have problem, you are neer a door enter, exit, and enter, you three backup will be changed for the corrupted, if you don't use autosave, i sugest you to keep more different save game, me sometime i run whit ten savegame like this if something happen i can go back, but event if you make all this, the problem are peharp already in your file even if the problem will be happend in the other side of the word, because of some mod...,

and in talking of mod, check always the thing they are writing in the documentation on the page of the moddler of this mod, you think taking a mod install it and let's go..., wrong, some mod need to modifie the .ini, some mod need other mod to run, and sometime this other need and other they need again an other mod to make be able to run only the first you have installed, it's bad moddling, i have already view one mod needing 11 other mod to make only her working, anyway they have long to say on this, remember always to read the documentation...


ok i think i have enought talking Ha ha ha, and i hope some of the thing i have say can help some people to find her answer...

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